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DISCLAIMER: This is probably the best song ever written, so be prepared for pure win.


And before you ask, yes, this is real. Please at least make it to 2:05, where you will be treated to the finest lyrics ever to appear in the bridge of a song.

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Already a meme sensation...





I wish I'd known my 3 year old nephew could make it as a songwriter..this has got to be the stupidest crap EVER :realmad:

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Haha those are pretty good, thanks for sharing. I love the "which seat should I take" picture.

This has been Facebook fodder for a few days now, been some pretty interesting statuses and whatnot.


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Actual lyrics," Today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday follows afterwards."


Actually it is "Yesterday was Thursday, today it is Friday. We we we so excited, we so excited, we gonna have a ball today. Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards"

Such awe-inspiring writing! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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So, this girl actually doesn't have a terrible voice.



In the interview, they have her sing a bit of the national anthem and it's pretty good. Not perfect, but I'd say great for her age. Then they show her singing "Friday," without any autotune or electronics, and it sounds like crap again. Weird.

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I don't get the chatter about this...


Are we poking fun at how grating the song is ? I have no idea who this kid is... it's a cheesy kid song. Annoying, sure, but why pay it any attention?

I'm missing something, obviously.

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I don't get the chatter about this...


Are we poking fun at how grating the song is ? I have no idea who this kid is... it's a cheesy kid song. Annoying, sure, but why pay it any attention?

I'm missing something, obviously.

30,000,000+ views is noteworthy for a song with such terrible lyrics. I'm sure she's a really nice kid though.

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30,000,000+ views is noteworthy for a song with such terrible lyrics. I'm sure she's a really nice kid though.

So, the Ms Black appears in some show...the O.C. ? No idea, never saw it. I suppose she's got some semblance of notoriety to begin with, and that must be what's fueling this interest over the song.

I have no idea if she can sing at all. From the sounds of it, her voice is heavily digitized, and in this song, sounds awful. It comes off as whiny and nasally... but I honestly think that's what they were going for in production. The sound of it grates on the listener just enough to keep it playing over and over in their mind.

It's not a horrific song, and in fact is somewhat catchy. It's simple and shamelessly sophomoric. Literally. And I think that's the basis for much of the appeal, to be honest. In a world with Snookies, Britneys and Lindsay Lohans, it's nice to see kids just being kids.

That, or folks just love to rip on the little girl's annoying song.

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Jaredm2012, remember wasted time can never be regained. Thanks for nothing....lol

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Jaredm2012, remember wasted time can never be regained. Thanks for nothing....lol

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Anytime bro!

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Jaredm2012, remember wasted time can never be regained. Thanks for nothing....lol

But hey!

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!

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We we we so excited, we so excited! We gonna have a ball today

Except not, because I am about to take my 3rd test of the day <_<

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I can't hardly stand listening to that Death Metal video, but it is HILARIOUS.

Oh, and it is Friday :big: :big:

Gang Fight!

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Has anyone else looked at the rest of the crap on this "record label's" YouTube channel? It looks like they raided a middle school. They have created numerous terrible songs, some far worse than this poor girl's offering. There is one with a little Asian child that borders on inappropriate.

Anyone else have a problem with the old guy in the video?

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I prefer this version of her song:

Enjoy or die.

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