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Well, let's see...my dog peed all over the floor (she's getting old) while my daughters (14 and 13) pointed and laughed, then one of them broke a decorative bowl and stood there and waited to be rescued, the other one passed massive amounts of gas...at the dinner table, then my husband had to be asked if he needed to check his pants, the gas passing daughter thought a word that starts with j and rhymes with whizz meant pee...other than that, no...nothing funny happened...WDE!

“Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.” ~  Roger Staubach

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Well, let's see...my dog peed all over the floor (she's getting old) while my daughters (14 and 13) pointed and laughed, then one of them broke a decorative bowl and stood there and waited to be rescued, the other one passed massive amounts of gas...at the dinner table, then my husband had to be asked if he needed to check his pants, the gas passing daughter thought a word that starts with j and rhymes with whizz meant pee...other than that, no...nothing funny happened...WDE!

“Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.” ~  Roger Staubach

:laugh:  Is this just a typical evening at your house?

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Well, let's see...my dog peed all over the floor (she's getting old) while my daughters (14 and 13) pointed and laughed, then one of them broke a decorative bowl and stood there and waited to be rescued, the other one passed massive amounts of gas...at the dinner table, then my husband had to be asked if he needed to check his pants, the gas passing daughter thought a word that starts with j and rhymes with whizz meant pee...other than that, no...nothing funny happened...WDE!

Nice!  I just lost the love of my life recently in a 15.6 year English Bulldog that actually was born in Fort Payne, AL and lived with me the first 2 year of his life in Auburn.  They do get old and it's not necessarily a bad thing to have a sense of humor about it, it helps the medicine go down, so to speak.

Now the gas thing, well, all i can say is you better "nip that in butt" before it gets out of hand!!  (but honestly, as a dude, there's not much funnier than the sound of a good ole fashion cheese cutting!) 

thanks for the update and open some windows sista!

war eagle

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"Champions to not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it.  The victorious performance iself is merely the demonstration of the championship character" ~T. Allen Armstrong

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(other than Lattimore)  what did I miss?

Did anything funny happen?

war eagle

All you missed was an influx of bammers.

the mods have been pretty good at filtering them.  But it's inevitable, as a very wise and erudite man once said "build it and they will come".

war eagle

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