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Kerry lying caught in another lie?


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I listened to a couple of sound bites today on the radio, but I am having a very hard time finding the transcripts from the interviews. I can't exaclty remember what shows the sound bites came from, so somebody please help me out if you know.

Apparently Kerry finally gave names of two senators that would back up his claim that foriegn leaders want him to be president. He told George Stephanpolous (spelling ?) that to just go ask Senators Biden and Levin (believe those were the names) about it because they have spoken to those foriegn leaders also. I think that took place on Face the Nation.

So, today, somebody to Kerry's advice and had interviews one of the Senators, I think Biden, on one of the morning shows and Biden stated he has not ever formally spoken to any foriegn leaders and would not have. He basically denied ever telling Kerry something like that. Also, I heard the the other Senator was interviewed also by another media outlet and denied it also. Sounds like Kerry may have screwed up by mentioning names.

Sorry for the lack of sources because I was at lunch when I heard it on the radio and I could not remember where all the info came from. I tried to find the info on the internet, but I am not as good at that as some of you guys, so if anybody can provide any links, it would be greatly appreciated.

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