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Transcript of new SVFT Ad Against kerry.

DKW 86

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To hear it yourselves.




John Kerry:  “They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads. . .”

Joe Ponder: “The accusations that John Kerry made against the veterans who served in Vietnam was just devastating.”

John Kerry: “. . . randomly shot at civilians. . .”

Joe Ponder: “It hurt me more than any physical wounds I had.”

John Kerry: “. . . cut off limbs, blown up bodies. . .”

Ken Cordier: “That was part of the torture, was, uh, to sign a statement that you had committed war crimes.”

John Kerry: “. . . razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan. . .”

Paul Gallanti: “John Kerry gave the enemy for free what I, and many of my, uh, comrades in North Vietnam, in the prison camps, uh, took torture to avoid saying.  It demoralized us.”

John Kerry: “. . . crimes committed on a day to day basis. . . ”

Ken Cordier: “He betrayed us in the past, how could we be loyal to him now?”

John Kerry: “. . . ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.”

Paul Gallanti: “He dishonored his country, and, uh, more, more importantly the people he served with.  He just sold them out.”

Announcer :  “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement.”

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To hear it yourselves.



John Kerry:  “They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads. . .”

Joe Ponder: “The accusations that John Kerry made against the veterans who served in Vietnam was just devastating.”

John Kerry: “. . . randomly shot at civilians. . .”

Joe Ponder: “It hurt me more than any physical wounds I had.”

John Kerry: “. . . cut off limbs, blown up bodies. . .”

Ken Cordier: “That was part of the torture, was, uh, to sign a statement that you had committed war crimes.”

John Kerry: “. . . razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan. . .”

Paul Gallanti: “John Kerry gave the enemy for free what I, and many of my, uh, comrades in North Vietnam, in the prison camps, uh, took torture to avoid saying.  It demoralized us.”

John Kerry: “. . . crimes committed on a day to day basis. . . ”

Ken Cordier: “He betrayed us in the past, how could we be loyal to him now?”

John Kerry: “. . . ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.”

Paul Gallanti: “He dishonored his country, and, uh, more, more importantly the people he served with.  He just sold them out.”

Announcer :  “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement.”

More deceptive editing giving the impression that Kerry himself is making this accusations. He is relating what other soldiers previously testified to. The sentence starts like this:

They told stories that, at times, they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads,...

The same kind of thing some of you guys accuse Michael Moore of doing, you embrace yourselves.

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So, just because a few other crappy soldiers made those comments, that makes it okay. In my book, what those other soldiers said was disgraceful also. Let me put this in plain terms so that all can understand- HE BETRAYED THE MEN HE SERVED WITH BY MAKING THOSE COMMENTS WHILE OUR SOLDIERS WERE STILL FIGHTING A WAR. Do you have any freakin' idea how POW camp commanders use that kind of crap to break prisoners? All Kerry did was give the Communist more propaganda to use against us. John Kerry despised the war, was not proud of his service, and never called himself a hero back then, but now that he is running for President, he boasts of his service and calls himself a war hero. John Kerry used those words to promote his anti-war stance, so it does not matter who said them, he is the one that said them in a public government hearing and that is what matters! Please excuse me while I label Kerry a POS! You liberals don't just get it do you? The large majority of veterans and current military personnel despise John Kerry! They can't stand him! So, while you keep posting a comment from a veteran here or there and say that John Kerry was only saying what a very few other soldiers were saying, remember that the large majority do not agree with him at all. If you don't believe me, I dare you to go to you closest military base and try to prove me wrong!

John Kerry and you liberals keep bringing up Vietnman and the Swift Boat Veterans. You guys are trying really really hard to discredit them. Again, I ask why? If there is not truth to it, either ignore it or Kerry can release all his records to disprove it! When are the liberals going to start talking about Kerry's political record? Huh? When? I am ready to talk about that, but you guys will not post any threads about that. Instead you keep doing the same thing Kerry does, you bring up Vietnam and Swift Boat Vets. There have been posts started by others on this board on Kerry's political record, but they debate is never long on that.

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