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Bo Jackson Poster


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The poster on the outside of the stadium (on the side where the video tron is on) where the players enter from Tiger Walk, was not on the stadium last week. All the others (smith, rocker, and rogers) were still up. Does anyone know why the all the others are up but his? This probably makes no sense but i was just wondering  :dunno:

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I know exactly what you're talking about. They have all been taken down at one point or the other since last season to either be cleaned or repaired (wind damage).  I know Coach Rocker's has come down 2 or three times.  Anyway, I'm sure it's just either to clean it or repair it.

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Thanks. That is kinda what i expected or i thought they might be getting a new one

That's also possible but I figure it will be justlike the old one.  A few of them ripped at the bottom where they were connected to the stadium due to heavy winds last year and this past spring... so they might have decided to replace them all together?

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