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Posts posted by TXaubie

  1. On 12/1/2022 at 10:03 AM, Cardin Drake said:

    Yep, What I meant to say was a string of bad coaches after Mack Brown.  He did some great things at Texas, but got a little complacent at the end. Hiring coaches is just a bit of a crapshoot, and it seems like frequently you have to go through 3, 4 or more bad cycles before you get it right.  I hope we can avoid that.

    Obviously he got complacent. He Hired Harsin. I kid, I kid!!  

    He really missed on QBs that ended his time there. Reading what you posted and thinking about it. I had forgot about the  RGIII deal. I bet if Mack could have a mulligan that would have been it. The success that Baylor was having added fuel to the fire on Mack’s seat!!

    Mack Brown may be one of the best recruiter’s ever!!  Like you said though. Not the best at talent evaluation, but recruiter!! Man he is special!!

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, AUinMS9528 said:

    Freeze has said a few times that he believes Austin is one of the best QB coaches in the game.   I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do with Robby and whoever else we get.  

    After reading that article. Looks like he is a lot more than a good QB coach. I could see why Freeze would want that guy around. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Taker said:

    I respect your opinion: 

    My take is dude is a kid and especially 2 years ago was an even younger kid who probably wasn't making the best decisions. I know I didn't at his age.

    I say if he has interest in coming to Auburn then bring him on board, 

    We need O-Line in the worst way. So we can’t be picky, but I get the thought process. I am not to keen on somebody that strung us along for a year. Just to drop us at the last minute, and to go to our rival.

     I would be absolutely fine if we told him no thanks. Just not sure we are in any position to tell any O-lineman “no thanks”. 

    That is a travesty!!

    • Like 2
  4. 52 minutes ago, aubietiger14 said:

    Zep is a good interview.  Cool hearing what he has to say. 

    Did I hear them say he is gonna be on every week? I would think that commitment comes with a little bit of spending money. Probably not a new car type cash, but some new J’s. 🤷‍♂️ 

    Listened to that pod couple different times. I feel the host (is it Zack?) does a good job. Puts a lot of thought into it. Although every time I listen I get tricked into thinking I’m gonna get some new info, but nothing I haven’t already read here. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/4/2022 at 9:10 PM, Win4AU said:

    Tomorrow is going to be interesting for sure.  Who will Auburn lose if anyone?  Who will Auburn target and get moving forward? Auburn could pull 20-25 guys from the portal.  Almost the entire recruiting cycle condensed into whatever timeframe the portal offers.

    45 days on this one. Then one more shorter one after spring ball. Beginning of May, I think. 

  6. 15 hours ago, Browning4AU said:

    Man, for a team made up of 12 players, 7 of which are freshman, they did well. I can't wait to see what they do next year. Unfortunately, College Volleyball is a revolving door for players. I hope AU hangs on to the ones they have and build on them. You can tell the team dynamic is there. They're only a couple of years of experience and a couple of really good players away from something special. 

    Crouch is the real deal!!

  7. On 11/23/2022 at 7:28 AM, Gr82batigr said:

    Anna Davis picks a college


    Cameron Jourdan for Golfweek…“Anna Davis has decided where she wants to play college golf.”


    “The 16-year-old who won the Augusta National Women’s Amateur in April announced Monday she has committed to the Auburn women’s golf program via her Instagram account. Davis posted a photo with Tigers’ coach Melissa Luellen and assistant Kim Hall.”


    “Last week, Davis’ twin brother, Billy, committed to play for the Auburn men….However, whether Davis ever makes it to Auburn remains to be seen. She could turn professional before ever teeing it up for the Tigers. The early signing period for her class is next November.”

    Very cool!!  She is in a very interesting predicament (for lack of a better word), and not a ton of precedents to defer too. LPGA has recently had an influx of money coming in. Sponsors seem to be willing to help grow the game. Purses are rising big time, technology advancing, and that leads to better competition. It is a good time for the LPGA. 

    With NIL it is also a great time to be a student athlete!!  With the cost of tuition these days. Passing that up is also concerning  

    This young girl has a very complex decision ahead of her!!  Wish her nothing but the best. 

  8. 9 hours ago, AUBwins said:

    It's big here in Central Kentucky.  My daughter despises it 😆 . She's playing basketball though.  

    Son plays basketball. It’s Still indoors!!! As I’m walking thru the parking lot and looking at all the parents freezing their buns off watching their kids play soccer. Whole time I’m thinking thank goodness mine picked indoor sports!!

    • Love 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Browning4AU said:

    My daughter plays in HS. She loves it and consequentially, my wife and I do too. I have been lucky enough to get stationed here (Maxwell AFB - Gunter Annex) and (God willing) we'll be able to retire in river region Alabama. 

    Nice!!  First time my daughter ever touched a volleyball was in jr. High try outs. She was blessed with great hand eye coordination. So at that stage you can imagine. She did well!! Having never played myself. I couldn’t teach her anything. So as I’m sure you are fully aware. We spent what would probably be a small fortune by now for her to play. Every weekend traveling the state just me and her. Watching her compete. WORTH EVERY PENNY!!


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  10. 1 hour ago, Browning4AU said:

    @AUBwins, I didn't know there was a thread that anyone was paying attention to for volleyball. My wife, daughter, and I were all watching and cheering them on! They are a great, young team that has a lot of potential. I'll be sure to check this thread out as the rest of the postseason goes on. 

    Volleyball is a great sport!  For parents with young daughters I highly recommend , and best of all. It’s indoors!!

  11. 8 hours ago, AUDub said:

    Quarter round has been put down and it's serviceable. Did a fine job, if I do say so myself for a DIYer. I'll need to make a mental not on shoe molding going forward.

    But, with the benefit of hindsight, I'd have simply dropped the baseboards looking back. 

    The floor still looks good and it holding up fine. 

    One thing I didn't note on there was that Sadie's room (the second one), had to have a bit of leveling done before putting down the underlayment. I actually used some leftover thickset from a prior job in my bathroom to pull this off. Insofar, it's not been an issue at all. No bowing, clicking, separation or any of the other major issues you hear about when people do vinyl plank. 

    It was actually the entry door for Ava's room, and at that point I was still trying to determine whether or not a solid layer of continuous vinyl plank was beyond my skill level.

    Unfortunately, it was, and I ended up throwing 2 transitions down to separate the 2 rooms from the hallway. Not that it looks bad, but there is a transition in the doorway of each room. 

    Seriously, really solid work!!  From what I can tell. As far as installation goes YOU HAVE A FULLY WARRANTED FLOOR!! Let’s put it this way. I would fully stand behind that install. So feel confident in that!! 

    Everybody and their dog started making VP. I’ve been preaching to our carpet store for years now. Some of it is just crap!!  Fortunately, they do defer to my judgement. So we haven’t had a ton of issues, but recently have been dealing with  some. It’s been around just  long enough for those issues to start appearing.

    The transition at the door way is a solid play. Spec wise it is probably required, but customers don’t want to hear that. So I couldn’t get by with it, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had to go back and put some in later. I tell them We’ll go with out it,  if we run into an issue we may have to add it later.  

    Oh ya, I’m always looking for help!!  Let me know and we can get you started ASAP.  How does Monday sound to you??   😂 


  12. On 1/11/2021 at 12:20 AM, AUDub said:




    All done but the quarter round. 

    Extremely late to this, but just stumbled upon it. Awesome work!!  I assume you got the 1/4 round in?  If not I would suggest shoe mold. I do this for a living, and strictly use shoe mold now. Unless I have too, and I only have to on solid wood. Where I live in a texas 90% of the homes are on a concrete slab. So I don’t do much solid wood. Engineered wood is mainly what is done if they decide to go with wood, but VP is pretty much taking over. 

    How is the floor holding up?  Have you had any issues with it?  BTW, the job looks great!! I’m VERY impressed. You can definitely tell you did your homework before installing.

    Although I am curious about the one missing piece at what looks like could be closet door? 🤷‍♂️ It was in the middle of One of the doorways in a previous picture. SORRY to call it out. I just can’t resist. My guys can relate!!  Lol…Bet  that piece was fun to get in?

  13. 1 minute ago, MustardSeed said:

    I didn’t see it as I was driving…but I heard it mentioned there was an angle that shows one finger being hit and pulled down. 

    Was listening and watching. Kind of surprised on the AU radio side. The CBS crew made a way bigger deal about it being wrong than AU radio. Which may be a first!!  

  14. 11 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

    i stayed mad at him for years until i read the legend of bear bryant and i have to say i was impressed. i am surprised they did not throw stuff at him. it was said they loved he did that.

    I am just fascinated by that!!  So I actually was just coming back to ask how it was received?  Thanks for adding that. 

    IRON BOWL!!!!! 


  15. 3 minutes ago, Mitchie said:

    In all honesty, I've just been reading here, and been intrigued by what's been said. I know what I'm hearing, and I am hearing that Kiffin is on the fence. I'm also hearing that Kiffin has his formal offer from Ole Miss on the table and will be presented a formal offer from Auburn. I'm also hearing he's Auburn's first choice. I just normally am here observing, and sometimes I tire of observing. That's all. I'm simply saying Auburn has a good chance to land Kiffin, from what I'm hearing, but you -- as longtime Auburn fans -- should know above all else the dangers of getting your hopes up.

    Thanks!!  Can’t speak for everyone on here, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Now I do believe we will get our guy. If we dont already have him. So if you’re hearing Kiffin is our first choice. Then maybe we should be getting our hopes up?!?!  So ya, until i get a confirmed report. Scratch that, until i get an announcement from our AD. All of these other reports that don’t have any substance in them will keep getting “soft arrows” thrown at them. 

    • Like 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Mitchie said:

    No offense, but from someone who is an innocent bystander -- I'm a sports reporter who lives in Texas, have been reading your board forever, just hardly ever post -- it really seems like some of you have your heart set on Kiffin and are unwilling to accept the possibility that he isn't coming. And when someone (in this case, Low) reports something you don't like, you're shooting the messenger. In this case, it's kind of with soft arrows (can't this just go in one of the other threads, etc), but it's shooting the messenger, nonetheless.

    I think you should come to terms with the possibility that it's barely possible that Kiffin isn't coming. It's a strong possibility that he IS in fact going to accept the job. But you should be prepared for the outside chance that he's not, and that your coach could be Freeze, which is what my sources are saying, or maybe even another candidate that hasn't really been talked that much about. It is, after all, possible that Kiffin accepts the deal from the Rebels that is already on the table.

    Just curious, is what you just did how sports reporting is done these days?? 

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