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Posts posted by cole256

  1. 46 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

    Most people don't care about that stuff until it costs your team.  That's when the criticism goes from just a few traditionalists muttering to each other about "playing with class" and whatnot to lots of folks sounding off at a louder volume.  If you can push the boundaries a little and get away with it, it's "fire."  If you get tee'd up at a critical moment or ejected in a big game, it's a problem.  You can't let them bait you into hurting your team.  That would be true of Clark as well.

    That said some of the reactions to CBM were idiotic and I'm glad Pearl came to his defense.

    I always said on my very first post I'm mad that he let them bait him because it was clear as day it was their plan. I was aggravated that the Yale guy stuff that started it was literally right in front of the ref at the same spot..... So how did he miss that? But of course was able to make the call against us......

    It just irked me because I'm sure you have seen it, on the board here people ALWAYS have the crying about the refs, and the conspiracy theories, and then finally when there really is a call that can be viewed as to be questionable, that really had a big impact on the game, a majority on here was cool with that. And some, not all, some saying not wanting him on the team...... That's just insane!

    But yeah if a guy you haven't ever met is getting chippy with you that early in the game you have to be smart enough to know he's doing it for a reason. I agree with that wholeheartedly.

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  2. 4 hours ago, DAG said:

    She get hate from WNBA players for sure, especially some of the elder gatekeepers like Sheryl Swoopes. However, majority of the nation likes her. The poster saying she gets hate from a certain faction and not willing to say specifically is clearly throwing out veiled discrimination (but I am sure he will laugh it off and say that’s not the case).


    Paul Pierce loves her. The wnba players that said she is going to see some grown women soon where both white. LeBron, Devin Booker, Brandon Jennings all showed her love. Even Angel said nice stuff and was rooting for her it seems (while being called everything from classless, to a man, to an animal). 

    It's crazy if you don't call her the greatest player of all time you are hating her. Imagine if she was called a monkey, or a man, or a thug or whatever.....

    Hell even the story after South C won was mostly about Clark. Let that set in. The national AP story of a 38-0 team, a coach who's 3 year record that is something unbelievable like 106-3, story was about the loser of the game more than anybody..... If that's hate I don't know what love is

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  3. 58 minutes ago, GTNupe11 said:

    Hate? She's like the most beloved player to play, like ever. Lol. Media rode her like a dawg the past two years too. It'll be interesting to see how she does in the WNBA though. More people will be watching, that's for sure. 

    Yeah I'm missing the hate. You go look at the story of South Carolina winning right now and you will see an article written more about her and praising her than the actually team and players that won. 

    It's crazy the difference of treatment and media coverage between her and Angel when they basically have mirrored each other. But one was made the hero/sweetheart and the other was made the villain

    • Thanks 2
  4. 20 hours ago, Maverick.AU said:

    I don't agree with this for simple fact that BP took a "team full of role players", with much less than ideal guard play and won a sec tourney title. That being said, I do think BP has lacked on evaluating talent at the G position, especially via the portal, which Oates has done well at. At the same time tho, I know Bruce likes G's that have that dog in them, Green and Zep both had that, Green just wasn't consistent and Zep wasn't much of an offensive guy. Aden, who knows what happens with him, I also cussed Bryce brown for 3 years lol. Tre showed flashes, just wasn't consistent. But I'm not ready to say Oates is an elite coach compared to Bruce.

    I agree with this. Basically right now they are up, it wasn't too long ago when we were up and it didn't look like they would be close to us anytime soon . Oates isn't coaching circles around BP. Like you said BP just have to hit on his guys better. 

    I actually think they lost last night because of coaching by Oates. It was idiotic for them to start the game daring Castle to shoot. Everybody knew he's not a consistent shooter but let him establish that in the game. Don't leave him wide open and let him see a few shots go in and get a rhythm. 

    Also you could see his guards besides Mark were nervous starting out. On top of that the one mismatch they had was UConn guards couldn't guard and stay in front of Mark. Mark started out something like 6-6, and he only had one or two plays ran for him.

    He should have had Mark handle the ball in the beginning and kept attacking until they doubled. Maybe he gets some of them into foul trouble, and then he could have started hitting the other guys and they would have had some good shots, but more importantly they wouldn't have had the turnovers and without the turnovers UConn don't get those easy buckets to get going. 

    I think if Pearl had the weapons he would have made UConn play more uncomfortable ball. But that's just my opinion.

    • Like 4
  5. Well done my guy. Not bad. You were a warrior. Greatest season in the schools history. They said your number should be retired and hanging in the rafters. Muscle shoals gave you your day. You have overcome every obstacle in front of you the entire time being told you weren't good enough. 

    You will inspire an entire generation behind you. And you did it all while keeping your faith. Couldn't be more proud. Can't think of anybody who deserved it more. 

    • Like 1
  6. Really enjoyed seeing Caitlyn have that dog in her .... Glad to see she's not letting people take the passion and toughness out of the game. Wonder if our fan base would dislike her ... I'm thinking no. I'm thinking she'd be celebrated. She definitely does the talking, complaining, crying, pushing, elbowing..... But usually the great players do

    • Facepalm 1
  7. On 3/31/2024 at 1:29 PM, cole256 said:

    No he hasn't, he simply hasn't hit on his point guards. When we got Cooper we were still short on guards that could handle the ball.

    If Oates recruited the way we do then he wouldn't have signed Mark. He would have said we have a guard..... And then they wouldn't be where they are now. They may not would even have made the tournament. 

    Then the next we signed 3 or 4 guards from small schools a couple of years after that.... You have to evaluate and know what you are seeing. I saw Mark play Cooper head to head and outplayed him their senior year.... That's the thing you look at. So now you have your 5 star and you also know you have a diamond in the rough because you did your diligence. I'm sure Auburn had coaches watching that game.

    Sat down and had a convo with Mark's dad. Pearl told them that they really liked him but didn't have any room for him. Another one of Auburn coaches made a joke asking him if he could grow 2 or 3 inches over the summer then maybe could use him. 

    Somebody asked me about this and I couldn't remember who

  8. 2 hours ago, KansasTiger said:

    I dont have a grudge. And I dont need CBM's apology. If I could pick one thing to improve in this whole situation, it would be BP learning better accountability. This all really falls on him. CBM's thug behavior is just an down stream effect from that root cause. But I'm not pretending I have any effect on Auburn. 

    Imagine that, the thug behavior phrase! How did I predict that without you saying it? I'm just lucky 🍀 

  9. 19 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    I used two of the four listed keywords in the rule that i felt fit the situation. I assumed you were familiar with it and would pick up on that after all your bravado on knowing the rules better than the rest of us. Guess I'll spell it out for you next time 😂.

    Still can't answer any questions huh? Ok we'll pretend we don't see what you do 😂. Don't spell it out, then you might accidentally say it

    Keep carrying that grudge. I'm sure CBM will apologize to you

  10. 28 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    Dude, you asked me about the rule and I practically quoted part of the rule back to you in my response. I told you I would classify it has brutal or harsh. You just ignored that part of my response and went on telling everyone your opinion is fact and youre the only one that knows the rule.

    Scream it loud enough Cole, maybe it'll come true for you.


    On 3/24/2024 at 4:29 PM, KansasTiger said:

    He wound up and elbowed the dude in the chest. Almost the equivalent of throwing a punch. I'd call that dangerous or harsh.

    So I guess this is what you are talking about..... And I'm supposed to feel that's you quoting a rule? Mind you, you also wrote this randomly when I'm talking to someone else but you wanted to start an argument. 

    Now you are so hurt you are insulting and starting another argument.... Where you still just keep repeating nothing substantial, just you don't like the way he has played in the past so you think he deserved it, because you feel Pearl should not allow him to yell and push and elbow people..... We get it, you don't like it. Oh well..... Maybe we'll get a bunch of players like the Yale guys and you'll be happy. That's all I can tell you. 

    And LMAO the elbow was dangerous or harsh..... The elbow that didn't knock the guy down. Didn't even make him stumble...... Good thing he loves thru it 😂. It was touch and go there for a second! Lucky nobody died!



    You keep deflecting though, you have this great schtick where you NEVER answer questions that are asked. You just keep saying stuff that you then say you didn't say. I asked are you familiar with all of his flagrant and technical fouls?

  11. 18 minutes ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    All good here Cole. I’m a KD fan , so aggressive is my middle name. My whole thing with this is to me I’ve seen more back talk from players to Pearl than ever. Broome, KD, CBM . Maybe that’s ok, but there is reckless and then there is aggression. Pearl has blurred that line. That behavior has translated to the court and cost AU. 


    Now back talk isn't tolerated. I guess I haven't noticed that. You always let guys express themselves and you should actually want to know what they were thinking. But nah no back talk, especially not a D1 coach.

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  12. 1 hour ago, KansasTiger said:

    Only time I recall facepalming you on this topic was after our discussion when you admitted to another poster you weren't even that familiar with CBM's previous fouls. I found it odd you'd argue so hard his play was appropriate then admit that. Doesn't seem to back up your position well.

    While I'd love to go find these fouls and run down them with you, I don't have that kind of time with a 2 week old baby.

    Are you saying you are familiar with all of his fouls?

    And don't lie, the only thing you have saw me argue is that was a b.s. call and I'm the only person that actually went and found what the rule says. The rest of you added a bunch of stuff thats not in the rule book. I'm the only person on here with a position that's backed by anything other than opinion.

  13. 18 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    And just because you say his play was appropriate doesn't make it that way, either. In fact, I'd say his foul record of techs and flagrants seem to disagree with you. Unless those fouls were designed to be called for 'appropriate play'.

    I've never once said the Yale kid was fine. The reason I have to constantly say I didn't say something when discussing with you is you have a horrible habit of making s*** up.

    If you think previous play that draws constant techs and flagrants doesn't affect how a ref calls a player, I don't know what to tell you. Against the rules or not.

    If you can understand a ref doing it then you can understand a player reacting to getting pushed in his face.... But I don't know what to tell you. 


    And here we go, no you didn't say it you just facepalmed when I said it..... But there goes that disingenuous you didn't say anything..... It's bulletproof in debate huh? 

    I also haven't forgot that none of you has really shown all of these techs that you all couldn't stand where he was out hurting people. I looked up one where someone brought up and it was a tech he got for talking to a guy after he hit a 3. This guy was talking to him when he missed it first. I wasn't surprised that the tech was that as opposed to him hurting someone...... And yes you are right, I think it's perfectly fine to talk playing basketball. But I know many in here would find that hard to understand.

    I'm open to go down a list of ALL of these of so many flagrant fouls he's had. I would love to look at them individually. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    I.e. whitewashing his previous play as 'aggressive' and not innappropiate, and disregarding the fact that the refs probably took prior history with CBM into consideration for the call and didn't treat it as an isolated incident. All while calling Auburn fans that don't agree with him relics of a bygone basketball era that want slow white guys who pass the ball 50 times a possession. 

    I think I encapsulated most of your previous ridiculous arguments there.

    Only thing ridiculous is you not being able to see that you aren't a rule maker in basketball. Just because you say his previous play was inappropriate doesn't mean it is..... But you don't like it so it must be right? 

    And if the refs didn't treat it on a case by case incident you know that is also against the rules right? Of course you don't because you hate seeing a guy push somebody back right? Those kids running around out there being this and such???

    Well not the Yale kid, he's fine right? But I don't want to start up only you can come to conclusions, you somehow make a bunch of posts without actually saying anything in the post so you can reply with the I didn't say that line. 

    I learned something today though, now it's ok to call foul on players because they fouled a bunch previously. I can't even count the times I was told the reason I was called for a foul was because of the fouls the week before

  15. 2 hours ago, aubaseball said:

    Question….but hasn’t AU gone after that guy?  Cooper, Holloway and now Pettiford.   Although, I just read that he may play the 2 more next year.   Throw in Isaac, Herron and Powell, and Bruce has recruited 1 and 2 guys, the problem is keeping them.   
    Sears is what, a fourth or fifth year player.   If Auburn went after that player, fans would be screaming, why did we sign that guy.   He has developed his game over time and is now playing with such confidence that he is hard to stop.   Plus he’s playing in a system that allows players to play the way most want to play, shoot and get up and down the court.     Give Oats credit, the man can recruit shooters.    

    No he hasn't, he simply hasn't hit on his point guards. When we got Cooper we were still short on guards that could handle the ball.

    If Oates recruited the way we do then he wouldn't have signed Mark. He would have said we have a guard..... And then they wouldn't be where they are now. They may not would even have made the tournament. 

    Then the next we signed 3 or 4 guards from small schools a couple of years after that.... You have to evaluate and know what you are seeing. I saw Mark play Cooper head to head and outplayed him their senior year.... That's the thing you look at. So now you have your 5 star and you also know you have a diamond in the rough because you did your diligence. I'm sure Auburn had coaches watching that game.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 3 hours ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    Cole I wasn’t saying they singled out CBM or AU. I am saying he singled himself out. Refs review tape and share info amongst each other during the week leading up to games. There is significant game prep for refs just like players. I bet the refs in previous week said watch CBM due to the fact that he has been in numerous dust ups and gotten F 1 fouls. That’s reality 


    I wasn't going after that but to be honest I pulled you in a disagreement you weren't even having with me and I apologize for that. I'm sorry. No disrespect. 

    I guess my point is I feel that many Auburn fans are hell bent on how they don't like his aggressive style that they are giving a pass to the bs call. Hardly anybody is standing up for that call and you haven't seen anything close to anybody being kicked out of a game, and there's been a bunch of elbows


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  17. 10 hours ago, CCTAU said:

    It’s official. You get to choose AU’s next PG. 

    Sears with what seems like 10 clutch threes!

    Find us another one of him!

    If anything I hope everybody can see, we have talent in the state, we just have to work and get out there and scout and recruit guys. 

    And I hope we understand how important it is to hit on the PG. You can't have too many.

    • Like 1
  18. 42 minutes ago, DAG said:

    I just don't see anyone beating them. A 30-0 run?

    I don't either, they have it all. Size, depth, 3 point shooting, inside scoring, defense. I'm nervous and excited as far as Mark playing against them.  

    If he goes crazy, maybe he goes to the league? Amazing to go from his start to this.

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