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cole256 last won the day on March 31

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About cole256

  • Birthday May 10

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    Texas now!
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  1. Fantastic, all the money being made needs to have eyes on it and needs to be distributed fairly and correctly. There was no reason majority of profits to be going to some old out of shape men who are already wealthy, sitting in a suite watching other people almost kill themselves to make them more money.
  2. So one super cool thing that sounds like I'm bragging, and maybe I am a little, but now EVERYBODY compares him to Jalen brunson and I said that a while ago. But anyway I feel like the better brunson plays the more it opens up doors, and brunson is absolutely killing right now. I cheer for him as if He's Mark lol
  3. Lol this guy of all people..... You know what you got it oh tough and masculine one. You must have taken the whole bottle of Viagra today 😂
  4. Ok. As usual nice talk where you pretend to be a victim. See you next month lol
  5. No you actually did that. You threw the first insult but ok cool you spoke and nobody cares, now you can just go away. You don't have to interject into a convo that nobody asked you to join. Lol at man enough to talk to you.... You Internet warriors. You are too old for that. We both know that's nothing you would say outside of your avatar let's be serious
  6. Lol ok. Good thing I wasn't ever talking to you in the first place. Shouldn't be any problem with you stopping your obsession and just STFU since NOBODY talks to you in the first place lol
  7. Nah he can't see or understand. Did you see him in any of other threads caping. One thing I've learned on here, you are going to piss a certain group off when you speak on treating people equally. They hate that
  8. Lol. He wants to fight again then run to all his friends..... You can't make this up. Just continue to run with that logic you just said. Time for a new cape though, the one you wearing is showing it's age with that logic lol
  9. Haven't talked to his dad the last few weeks. I'm pretty sure it will depend on how his work outs go. I'm hoping something works out and he gets on at Dallas
  10. You see how stupid that is. As if we are really talking about he started getting the privilege poor Bo stuff and he was a first round pick then...... Moronic thought process, but anything than to admit hey maybe we should treat all the kids like humans lol
  11. You either want talented guys or you don't. The interest should be invested in the player most importantly. If you want guys that are going to keep coming back then you probably want low rated guys who didn't produce a bunch. If you have a d tackle that get first team SEC and producing 7 sacks from the d tackle spot you probably going to have a guy that will leave. More than likely once they are at least a junior you aren't going to have a guy be first team and then say I love Auburn so much I'm going to risk it all and come back again just for the hell of it
  12. That's amazing I was thinking Texans or Detroit or maybe Steelers would be good for him.
  13. I also pointed this out. Wendell would have done better if he had worked on actually being a point. That was with all of our guards, I posted over and over if they actually would have tried to set each other up for good shots and worked on actually passing the ball we would have been so much better. Nobody wanted to actually be a point though, everybody wanted to be a shooting guard. That and none of our guards were good at dribbling with their weak hand..... And that was mind boggling to me. At the end of games teams would play them to their dominant hands and they would be taken out of the game by the opposing teams. I pointed it out even in games we won, that's how I knew we didn't have a chance in the tourney.
  14. Yes. He wasn't going to come back and do anything greater statistically that he already put up. The thing holding him back as far as draft is his size. He's not going to get bigger without losing his quickness. At least now he can pick the team he wants to go for. I think he should go to a team that runs a 3-4 and see what he can do as a d end. I think he can be a major steal if that plays out.
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