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Posts posted by cole256

  1. Two things I'm proud of this game. One we used to fuss at Mark all the time for being too quiet and even when the game was won he was reigning his guys in and communicating. 

    And you would have to know him but he wouldn't shoot 3s when he was younger, and the way he started didn't put his head down, didn't hesitate, didn't freeze up. Let the first half be the first half second half you would have thought he didn't miss a shot the first half.  

    Most points in a season?? Teared up a little bit. He's been told he's not good enough for so long....I hope he thinks about what he accomplished

    I may have to go to the final 4 to get the experience.

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  2. 2 hours ago, AUBwins said:

    If those guards shoot 3-15 and 9 points total, then I will believe in the rigged agenda 😆.  Both Arizona and UNC guards were abysmal to set up Bama path.  Watch Clemson (who lit it up from 3 Thursday) go cold tonight too. 

    I think that's actually strategy that causes that to a point IMO 

    • Like 1
  3. It doesn't mean they have the better coach. They are just doing better right now. People are just caught up in the moment and right now the moment belongs to them. 


    We'll see how Oates handles losing guys over and over... To me the only place we messed up is we didn't value Mark and recruit him the way we should. That's it.

    We sat on pat and kept saying we have enough talent, even though they had talent they keep flooding in guard talent. That's the difference. BP is showing loyalty to walk ons and stuff. The stuff some of the same people went in on sanders about.... Now it's not cute

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

    If I’m not mistaken, Nelson was a pre-season all SeC player.   He was the talk of team.   Don’t know why it’s that big of a surprise.   He was mentioned in the preseason more than Knecht.   6-10 guy that can shoot the three.   I think he’s biggest problem was defense and getting in foul trouble 

    I think he's fine on defense and he's very athletic but he hasn't ever been a isolate find the mismatch guy. And when he shoots the three it's kick out but he dribbled into the big one. He's been an energy guy, he hasn't showed the skill set he showed today. 

    And nobody felt that he could shoot the 3 coming in really because he doesn't shoot it well. He didn't shoot it well this year either

  5. 3 minutes ago, NoALtiger said:

    Let’s just go back to bragging about our SEC tournament title and how much more important that is than the NCAA’s 😂

    When I read dude arguing that and then the other guy came in arguing guard play is just something people say but is a myth...... These are the guys that call me stupid when I post 😂

    • Haha 5
  6. 12 minutes ago, WillMunny said:

    I based the "didn't get vulgar" comment off of something I heard Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley say on TNT a while back when they were doing a story on Bird.

    But I'm sure you're right, as Bird could get very heated and lose his temper.  And he certainly was arrogant.  However, I don't think he sunk to the level of trying to hurt other players, like Bill Laimbeer did.

    I loved the 1980s era of the NBA.  Hockey on hardwood at times.

    No I don't think too many were like Bill. Bird actually had elite talent. Bird was just an ultimate competitor so it was gonna be testy. That's why I don't understand people being too too down on the kids that are cut from the same cloth. True they need to reign it in but I think it was parcels that said I'd take a guy that I have to say whoa over a guy I have to say go get him every single time

    • Like 5
  7. 6 hours ago, OfficiatingExpert said:

    lol everybody was up my ass for saying this six weeks ago before we took our biggest postseason L in school history

    Lol. So basically you say he wins a bunch of games and wait until he loses and then say see?? 

    Tell you what I bet it's going to rain in the Southeast in the next  months. I'll be back to tell you how awesome I am when fall hits.

    Why don't you have some balls and actually make a call so one way or the other. Then beat your chest when you made that call hella early. I'd respect that.

  8. 1 hour ago, WillMunny said:

    Trash talk is as trash talk does.  Different players approach it differently, as did several of my favorite players:

    • Larry Bird chose to trash talk for fun and was good at it because he could back it up, and because he never got vulgar.
    • Dr. J didn't like to talk trash, but could do it well if you got in his face and started it.
    • Tim Duncan refused to talk trash.  I heard opposing players say they tried to trash talk him, but he would just stare blankly in their face as if to say "that doesn't work against me".  Then he would beat them in the game of basketball, and shut them up that way.
    • Nobody dared trash talk Charles Oakley, because he'd just beat you to a pulp and you knew the beating you'd take wasn't worth the benefit of having him thrown out of the game.

    Larry Bird never got vulgar? Don't know who told you that but I've heard plenty of stories that says otherwise. He was one of the biggest trash talkers. One of the most arrogant players, a dirty player, and like you said one of the best at backing it up.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    It prob couldn’t be your every matchup lineup, but something like Pettiford-Aden-Denver-CBM-insert your 5 

    Very offensive lineup, probably going to get murdered defensively. But that’s just me using the current roster to figure out a way to still get Denver his minutes and find some good minutes at the 4


    Maybe we can talk about this in another thread, but this line up I think my highschool team could guard. Definitely the team at UNA the year I was offered could. I don't know enough about pettiford game but looking at this I don't think we shoot anywhere near well enough to make the pros outweigh the cons we would get by being absolutely destroyed defensively. 


    That's just my opinion

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  10. 1 hour ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    I could see him slotting down to 3, esp if they run Jakhi at the 4, but him at the 1 full time would be nutty. That’s something they ran this year because they didn’t have a good defensive option at the 1, not bc he’s legitimately a PG. 

    Denver at 3? What is the starting 5. Initially I think this team would be waaaaay too small but I don't know your lineup in this scenario

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

    I remember a lot of these same things being said of Tre last season.

    That said, I think you will see some shifting around where Denver runs point more and allows Aden to be more of a shooting guard next year.

    If Denver plays point we are going to be in for a long season

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  12. Just now, Eagle-2 said:

    Well, my Father taught me a long time ago not to pit yourself into situations where there is any doubt as to your actions. Sometimes i followed that wise advice, and sometimes  i didn't. One thing for certain though, most occasions when i didn't  I had to live with the consequences.  This sort of applies in this situation. Had Chad not done what he did we wouldn't be having a discussion about it, and the official wouldn't have had the opportunity to eject him. 

    Make no mistake, I'm not one of the haters on this kid. Quite the contrary, I personally think other than maybe Broome, Chad was the most important piece of this team. I just hope he learns from his mistake. If what I've heard about the young man is accurate I'm sure he will. 

    I feel all of that. Maybe he didn't have anybody to tell him that advice, but that's moot, there seems to be two different conversations, and it's not if you are a hater or whatever was made up.

    One convo is he shouldn't have done it. Which I would have absolutely gotten him back but I would have waited. 

    The other convo is was it a flagrant 2 or not. Everybody so far who says it was has used verbage of words describing rules that aren't actually in the definition of the rule. The words used in the rule is brutal, cruel, punishing.... The word unnecessary which has been used by a few people actual is the descriptor word for a flagrant one. Maybe I'll get barnacle to explain how this works since he's a lawyer. 

    Was it stupid? I wouldn't say that but doing it in the wide open was. Was it worth it? Absolutely not. But you can disagree with it and still understand the difference between flagrant 1 and 2. Just because it wasn't a flagrant 2 doesn't mean he shouldn't have been penalized. 

    Also mentioning the other guy should have been penalized doesn't mean you have to agree with him throwing a elbow either. I feel that some people are missing that. 

  13. Once I'm convinced only us would be at our player and facepalm saying something about the opposing player lol. Unless he played for bammer of course, then we'd be comparing it to shooting a gun or something like that.


    A fourth grader could have took that elbow and not reacted. I'm just pissed he let them trick him. I'm sure they had that plan for him and he just fell for the bait.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, BizEagle said:

    What bothered me was that the officials did not back up the video far enough to see the Yale player's slap to CBMs throat.  That Yale player should have received the same penalty as CBM.  Also there were phantom fouls called on Williams and Moore but the replays showed not even a touch.  It was as if the officials were anticipating AU fouls. 

    Another type of foul that isn't getting called enough this year is the shove in the back when a player is high in the air going for a rebound.  KY and TA&M did that to AU over and over to Broome but never called.

    I said something about the other guy and you really have AUBURN FANS facepalming that and going on and on about CBM. Anybody make that make sense..... But they don't dislike him or aren't haters or any of that. Just don't think he needs to play for Auburn and will bring up irrelevant things like him transferring to make him a bad guy. Forget the guy pushing him to get an advantage to score a basket.....

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  15. 1 hour ago, WarTiger said:

    No its not.  There's nothing in the rule book that says the contact has to be in a certain place to get a Flagrant 2.  That was a Flagrant 2 foul every time.  He looked back to see where he was and delivered the shot.  It was premeditated and entirely intentional and unnecessary.   Flagrant 2 all day long.

    It doesn't say anything about premeditated, intentionally, or unnecessary either. 

    Unnecessary actually falls under flagrant 1. There is no way in hell that's a legit flagrant 2 call

    • Like 2
  16. 8 minutes ago, JerryAU said:

    I'm sure you're right, I'm still sour about the loss to freaking Yale.  We couldn't make free throws when it counted most, and to think Mark Sears (as great as he is) could propel this Auburn team past UConn and to the National Championship game is not something I can seriously visualize after that Yale game.  

    I don't know about all the way championship, but I wouldn't say it was impossible either. But that's because UConn look so good. I just posted about this though, go look at the stats and look how everybody played but our guards. 

    Put a guard that is a 20 point game scorer50 from the field and 40 from 3.... That's a big difference. Not too mention how that threat would make it even easier for boome to operate. Same for the team when jabari was here. 


    Pretty big

  17. 1 minute ago, JerryAU said:

    Ehh, Bama actually has Mark Sears on their team, and they aren't getting past the Tar Heels on Friday.  They wouldn't beat any of the remaining 4 teams left in the East regional.  Sears is solid, but I don't think this Auburn team could make it past UConn to ever get to the NC game even with Sears.  

    Bama isn't us. Where they are weak, we are strong and vice versa. 

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