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Everything posted by shabby

  1. Harsin is to Auburn as Mike Debose was to Bama. #covidiot.
  2. The 2% risk of death the reason why waiting is not prudent. I just because only 2% guy doesn't mean there aren't long-term effects from Catching cold in or idiot that such as having to be intubated in the Hospital. Imagine our coach spoke to the players just like you posted and that explains why we have a 60% vaccination rate. Imagine Nick Saban spoke differently and that's why they have a 90% vaccination rate
  3. Ahh the ole there's only a 2 percent chance I'll die and cause suffering for those I leave behind argument if a doctor told me there was 2 percent chance I would die unless I get a shot but the shot has resulted in 6 deaths out of 339 million shots given... I'm taking that shot everytine. This is what the players need to know.
  4. The mutation of this virus is truly a threat and if a new variant emerges that eludes the efficacy of the vaccine then many many more will die. Will the unvaccinated take responsibility for this? Harsins Pros and Cons to the vaccine statement is just so uninformed because the pros are a 1000 times more valid and imperative than tbe cons
  5. Think of it like this. Half of our Republican representatives refuse to state whether they have been vaccinated. There is a segment of the population that refuse to disclose or be honest about being vaccinated. My statement is about why this makes anecdotal stories not always reliable information. If you know them and believe them so be it. But would breakthrough infection research based studies be a better source on the reliability of the various vaccines than my neighbor got the vaccine and now has covid?
  6. up. Would think the proper way to handle this as a coach would be to remind a player that if they get Covid they very well may lose their starting spot or be downgraded on the roster if another player steps into their role. Also remind them that they will be taking frequent covid tests and if a positive or even a false positive comes back they will be isolated from the team and others. Whatever other coaches are saying and doing to get team vaccination rates up to 90 percent is the approach Harsin should be taking.
  7. Definitely possible. Also possible that they never got vaccinated. Felt stupid about catching the virus and now are telling that they both got vaccinated. This is the problem with anecdoctal evidence. Maybe it's reflective of the science. Maybe it's all made uo.
  8. since the vaccine has been out and available pver 100 thousand people have died and counting. Almost completelt the unvacinnated. Meanwhile posibly 6 people have died from the vaccine. so no. not pros and cons. This is known as a false equivialency. and its complete hogwash
  9. Then why is one team 90 percent vaccinated and the other team not even 60 percent?
  10. What we will know is how our came compared to other teams who have much higher rates of vaccination like Alabama. If Auburn has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the league and some of the highest covid positives in the league then harsin will absolutely be honorable for that
  11. It's politics because there aren't pros and cons. There are only Pros. Look at how Nick Saban is handling this and promoting the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. And then look at how our coach refers to it. Nobody is saying that the vaccine must be mandated to football player. But the way he speaks of it sounds like somebody who is putting his politics ahead of the well-being of his players
  12. No one ever said vaccinated people won't catch the virus. Vaccinated people won't die from it. There is less contagion within the Vaccinated. If everyone on the team was Vaccinated then covid would be significantly less prevailent. Vaccination isn't about eliminating the risk. Its about significantly reducing it. Harsin is putting politics above science and the well-being of the program if he keeps discussing getting Vaccinated in terms of pros and cons. They are not comparable.
  13. I wonder if he changes his tune when unvacinnated players start missing games. Pros and Cons? Seriously like their are any comparable cons.
  14. One ball. His accuracy has been pretty terrible in general
  15. Bo called Mac Jones a game manager. I wish we had a game manager
  16. Bo sure loves to throw the ball behind his recievers.
  17. He is a good receiver. He is not abgreat reciever
  18. New rule.. its only holding when its not Alabama doing it.
  19. Awful all around with Tank being a bright spot. Worst performance from Nix ever
  20. The scary thing is I don't think its about preparation. Its just who we are
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