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Everything posted by AUBwins

  1. I am glad to see our pitchers shut em down. Kimbrel would have had a cleaner inning if the ump would have given some borderlines to him. Venters .. one word ... Nasty!
  2. What a game! That gets some redemption. Hanson has to be the biggest AllStar snub I have seen in a while. Maybe that is why he has pitched lights out the last couple of games. Whatever works in our favor! I wish we could have gotten more than 5 hits, but at least we cashed in with 4 runs. Go Bravos! lets get a game closer before the break.
  3. with a 3 game series with the Phils on deck! We can go into AllStar break in 1st place!!!
  4. didnt the mets also walk us into the WS before we got swept
  5. We lost 1.5 games to the phillies yesterday alone
  6. B-MAC AGAIN WITH A GAMEWINNING BOMB!!!!!!!!! GO BRAVOS! now if someone could giving opposing teams corked bats to beat the phillies it would be appreciated.
  7. I am definitely ready for Uggla to get going consistently. It is nice to see McClouth being the allstar he was in Pitt.
  8. I agree with that. The story does sound like Mcdowell snapped. he had to be provoked some kinda way.
  9. If he did say that, the statement made no sense. I just dont see how anyone could say that kids dont belong at the ballpark. It is America's family pastime.
  10. I loved Omar and I respect what he did for the Braves this year; but do you want bloop hits or doubles, triples, and homers. I like it!! I wish we could keep Dunn. He was nasty at the end.
  11. It just pains me that we gave away our pretty sure win of the series with Huddy on the mound at home. Dlowe has been great lately but our O needs to bring it versus maybe lincecum? Or are they holding him for game 5 against hanson? (which they can do now that they have a 2-1 advantage) This team has done it before and I never count them out since the offense explodes out of nowhere but we have a tough climb. This Giants team is good but we are better if we play how we are capable.
  12. Is that a crack at me? I love it though. If we win one more and SD loses one more, we're in! Well they would also need to lose tonight. If cubs pull through, the magic number is 2. With the division being wrapped up by the Phillies so early, they might rest some guys this series which could help us.
  13. Worse is that we are tied for wild card again, but actually SD has greater win pct right now. We need to win a few before Philly comes back the last series. I just hate it we always have to play Fla and Wash when we need wins. You would think this would be a good thing but for some reason nobody can explain, they ALWAYS have our number. Hopefully we change that.
  14. i guess we made a few moves too many, the guys we got have not produced. I like ankiel. farnsworth has looked like the pitcher who blew the game against Houston instead of the one who was dominating at times this year. Derek Lee has not done squat!!! We had Agon on 3rd and 1 on first with 0 outs the other night and he hits the worst possible place ... double play to the pitcher where AGon could not score. I like Lee's potential but the team as a whole frustrates me so bad. We either feast or famine. just dont get it.
  15. This might bring back some angry vibes, but the Phils are up by 1 game, when they should have lost that game to Florida a couple of months ago which was ruled a foul ball. Also, while leading the wild card, it almost seems like a world of difference than winning the division. We are terrible on the road and great at home. Win the division = home field advantage, win wild card = away more games than home. I am afraid it is looking like if we win the division, we have a great shot at winning the whole thing, where winning the wild card might give us an early exit. I don't put anything past this Braves team. They have more resound than any team in the past. We will see!
  16. That means he will be out for about a calendar year at best right?
  17. As far as the Stros-Phillies game tom., The pitching matchup favors the Astros more than any of the other games they have already won. Wandy Rodriguez has been fantastic as of late. So maybe they will get a 4 game sweep to give us a 3 game lead in a way I never thought would happen. We get swept and gain a half game??? That would be awesome. Go Stros!
  18. Woohoo!!! Stro's won again!!! On one hand ... I wish the Braves could have taken advantage, on the other hand .. I feel a little relieved that we didnt lose any ground this series. The phillies will probably win tomorrow unless the Astros keep up their hot pitching, and timely hitting. Either way a 2 game lead.
  19. I hate playing the rockies at colorado! Man, a 10-1 lead is stressful. They always score 5-6 runs on our best pitchers. Hope the bats keep going.
  20. Thats awesome. I cant watch it like I usually do at work through MLB.com because our IT is taking too long to update my flash player. If only I knew the admin code. :-\
  21. rockies are doubling us to death. Astros did us a favor by beating phils. need to gain a game
  22. Well our HOT bats will do well in the little league park. I think we picked a good time to play in Colorado. Who better to pitch in that park then Huddy. Go Bravos!
  23. What a great win today versus the Cubbies!!! Make it the 22nd win in the last at bat! Down to the last strike, Ankiel hits a bases clearing, 3-run triple. Wags comes in and strikes out 2 to win!!!!!! Go Bravos!!! ... They stunk before that though. Dempster had a 4-hitter through 8 when the Cubs closer walked 3 and gave up the triple. Good win.
  24. I like the offensive potential, but would feel a little concerned with Glaus back at 3rd because he just can't move too well. He is having trouble at 1st. One announcer said he looked like a Jenga tower falling in a game vs HOU. I pull for Glaus and for One am glad he is a Brave, but I wish we could pick up a seasoned 3rd baseman that can make the plays then another 1st baseman.
  25. Wow! What would that do to the lineup? How would it shuffle? Is Lee back to his old self this year?
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