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Everything posted by CR

  1. CR

    NBA Thread

    Gene summed it up better than I. These teams are new choices but the cities are the same. The Bucks dont get free agents like the Packers do. OKC celebrated resigning George and a year later hes forced his way out. Just dont see how fans can stay interested in those markets.
  2. CR

    NBA Thread

    The NBA offseason is a roller coaster. Im just not crazy about 80% of the teams being feeder teams for the “desirable” locations. We’ll be hearing Zion relocation rumors before the end of his 1st season.
  3. CR

    NBA Thread

    Simmons just doesn't strike me as a max player. Am I wrong? I don't watch a lot of 76ers, maybe I've caught him at bad times.
  4. CR

    NBA Thread

    You mean the Celtics aren't retiring Kryie's number?
  5. CR

    NBA Thread

    Their owners would fold the league before giving players this much power
  6. CR

    NBA Thread

    I'm gonna need some team roster sheets before next season.
  7. CR

    NBA Thread

    gutted their team to open up 2 max slots for Julius Randle.
  8. CR

    NBA Thread

    I'll say Warriors as well but Durant is well known to change his mind several times. I wouldn't put money on any team.
  9. CR

    NBA Thread

    What's your prediction?
  10. CR

    NBA Thread

    Jaw dropping numbers. And unlike the NFL phony dollars he will see every cent of this.
  11. CR

    NBA Thread

    The LA teams look to be slugging it out for players. Can the Clippers actually beat out the Lakers for a top guy?
  12. CR

    NBA Thread

    Ha ha, if you saw me you would think different.
  13. CR

    NBA Thread

    It's like elementary school PE where all the cool kids tried to pair up on the same team and demolish the rest of us.
  14. CR

    NBA Thread

    Durant's one of the most incredible players I've ever seen. But his antenna ears to any criticism would seem to be a disaster in the NY/NJ area. He and Irving leading a team wouldn't give me a lot of confidence if I'm a front office.
  15. CR

    NBA Thread

    Celtics. Loved watching them vs the hated Lakers. Funny thing is how much I appreciated the Lakers after Bird and Magic both retired. Those teams were stacked during that time.
  16. CR

    NBA Thread

    Good stuff. It's been an adjustment for me to watch as the NBA has changed as you described, but it's hard to deny the massive interest in their player movement. I think a lot of younger fans identify with players more than teams where us older ones were more locked in on a particular team. I try not to be that old guy, there are really plusses and minuses to both eras.
  17. CR

    NBA Thread

    Serious question GMac. For most NBA fans, is having a favorite player and following him becoming more important than having a favorite team? More than any sport I know it seems the big NBA stars have a following that seems larger than support of a particular team. I guess this would exclude fans in a particular NBA city who still support the home team. I grew up watching in the 80's and I could never imagine stars from that era playing for several teams as Lebron and it looks like Durant have done.
  18. CR

    NBA Thread

    Unbelievable play down the stretch by the Warriors. And Houston chokes at home with the Warriors' best player sitting in Oakland. Wow.
  19. Josina Anderson of ESPN says source told her 49ers will give Ford a contract in the range of 5 yrs $87.5 mil. Not sure how much of that is guaranteed but sounds like he will be richly rewarded for the trade.
  20. CR

    NFL Thread

    MNF fans rejoice. Jason Witten leaving the booth to return to Cowboys. Louis Riddick come on down. Don't screw this one up, ESPN. You've been given a gift.
  21. There's a long story on Al.com regarding Slayton's decision and training. I can't link, but it explains a lot about his concern at QB and frustration with his role at WR. Not a hit piece by any stretch and he genuinely comes across as loving Auburn.
  22. AU has tried to sign big OL classes for 3 years. The question is what does he do to make 2020 any different?
  23. Does Tate keep Jeffrey Lee around for comedy relief? Wolk is a superb recruiting guy.
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