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Everything posted by CR

  1. Love your enthusiasm but I once watched in person a steel cage match with Stone Cold..Angle..The Rock..Triple H..Undertaker and Rikishi. Hard to see that group ever being topped. (Minus Rikishi) Totally agree on Kurt, he was a natural and had some of the funniest segments I've watched in any era. He could've been an all timer if not for his injuries.
  2. I wonder if HHH and Kurt Angle ever talk about the good ol days when nobody else is around. Those 2 could tear the house down during their day. Must make them sad to see what it has become(though Im sure their check soothes their sadness). 0.
  3. Hope you are correct. Pro wrestling has always been an escape for me to enjoy a couple of hours of storytelling mixed with some athleticism. In the old territory days there were enough different companies around to always find someone putting out a quality product. Vince killed that. Thanks for the tip on New Japan, I may check them out.
  4. I recently signed up for a free month of WWE Network. Wanted to see the old stuff I watched growing up(Flair, Mr Wrestling 2 etc.). Decided to watch the PPV tonite since it was free and I havn't watched in probably 5 years. That is the most boring excuse for wrestling I have EVER seen. The crowd sat on their hands the whole show and who could blame them. Feel bad for the young fans of today, Vince is putting out pure garbage and there are few real alternatives.
  5. Love the confidence from he and Pappoe. IMO, it's more important then ever to get some big recruiters committed early to influence other players. Think AU has done a great job with that this year.
  6. Not calling names but there are several players on scholarship who aren't going to contribute on the field for AU. As is the case at all schools.
  7. Not really surprising but discouraging to hear. Does the staff think Willis has a chance to contribute at some point?
  8. Tough to get kids from Mississippi. Woodson is paying huge dividends for AU.
  9. Any idea why AU offered now? WDE had said earlier in the year that AU was getting nowhere with Diabate and AU offered way later than the other big schools. Just seems like odd timing. Would love to have him he's a hell of a player.
  10. FYI I know of at least 2 of his siblings that went to school somewhere other than AU. Just wanted to get away and experience different things. A great family. If he's not interested in coming to AU I don't think he will play games unlike the other two AHS guys. Unfortunate, I think he will be a really good player.
  11. What a roller coaster recruitment this guy has had. A different school is the favorite weekly. Seems to be a backup plan for several schools and the others seem unsure about him as a RB(his favored position). Im interested to see where he ends up, but I'll be surprised if it's here.
  12. If WDE says AU is in good shape here, I wouldn't worry. He is rarely wrong on recruiting matters, good or bad.
  13. Dabo's flipped a top 10 OT committed to Ohio St who is from Ohio. By most accounts he leads for Ross from Central Phenix City who Bama really wants. He has truly turned Clemson into an elite program which Clemson has never been before. I'm not saying Hill ends up there, but it wouldn't be a total shocker the way Clemson has pulled players recently. I'm still stunned AU was able to land Monday when most everyone had him pegged for Clemson.
  14. I hope Gus adds another ace recruiter with his new assistant position. Good class for AU but the competition is cutthroat with Bama, Clemson and UGA in direct competition for most players we are after. Still think the offensive side of the ball needs a jolt recruiting wise.
  15. I'm usually as pessimistic as anyone, but Jibunor recruited Oladele hard to get him to AU and he's already committed. I don't see Jibunor backing out on his friend that way after helping get him to come here. As for Hill, the way Clemson and UGA have recruited, I won't feel confident til I see his name on a paper for AU.
  16. Fox to Stanford. So is Caleb Tannor more likely for AU now?
  17. Guess College Station doesn't interest him. Have to say I didn't see this being his final 3(minus AU).
  18. Still unsure if this new signing period is good or bad. It definitely leads to speculation about commits who choose not to sign early(fairly or not). Really wish Miller was signing early. Garner is as clutch a closer as there is but Pruitt is pushing hard to get him to UT. Seems to be a pretty down year for D-Linemen which makes him an extremely valuable addition.
  19. Safeties , yes. CB not so much(excluding Tutt). Looks like we are looking at plan B and later guys there.
  20. Steele, Garner and T Williams I feel like can go against anyone and have a good chance of landing that player. I don't get that impression from anyone we have on the offensive side. Good, but not elite recruiters. I would prefer an ace recruiter if that person was available.
  21. I would love to have Dell as much as anyone, but what are the chances he would leave UGA to come to AU? Is there a general feeling one way or the other?
  22. Whitlow played at Lafayette so his competition was terrible and is probably the reason he was headed to UAB or Tulane til AU offered him late. Takes nothing away from his athletic talent though, so a redshirt year will probably benefit him tremendously. A dominant player against terrible competition has always seemed to be one of the hardest evaluations to make for college coaches to me.
  23. The Good Gus is damn good. The Bad Gus is damn bad. It always seems to be one or the other.
  24. 46 rushing yards for UGA. Just unbelievable. I stated earlier I havn't seen an AU D-line dominate a game like this since the Sack Brodie game. Garner must be on cloud nine tonight.
  25. Is Jimbo really going to leave this time? LSU would be furious if he ended up at A@M after leaving them at the altar.
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