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Everything posted by alexava

  1. Of course nobody knows. We are speculating. I speculate that you reduce his carries by 30%, there’s a huge chance he doesn’t get injured.
  2. Having Pettway on offense and figuring out how to cut off those sweeps where UGA did a good job of sealing them off (they learned a few weeks earlier they could not get between the tackles) would be more than enough to get that one.
  3. "Judges are human beings. ... If you bring crap into the courthouse, they're going to throw you out on your ear," Tisdel said. "They've got other stuff to do." Tell that to Mark Houck.
  4. I don’t trust anyone on the crazy train left. It’s a drive for victims. Many people pushing it have no clue what they’re falling for.
  5. That’s not the half of it. But, They keep out of the advertising when it comes to this woke s***. I would not mind seeing them back peddling on it. I’m 50 and work usually 50 hours a week for over 10 years. A little slow down would be ok.
  6. The company has not yet firmly established this. They are half ass changing strategy and it’s not helping. They have to make a bold move.
  7. I don’t buy Coke products anymore either(knowingly, they own a lot of brands) . In 2020 they virtue signaled in writing to their employees “ be less white”. **** them too. Bending the knee to wokenss is just unacceptable to me.
  8. This is a culmination of today’s wokeness in general. We are tired of having it shoved in our face constantly. AB is paying the piper for that. I’m ok with it.
  9. He is rational. But if he had it his way Dillon Mulvany would be strung up my his balls if he entered a ladies restroom. He also doesn’t like Yuengling like I do. Me or anyone else who feel like AB products don’t deserve our business anymore are not irrational. And we damn sure don’t owe them anything.
  10. https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/anheuser-busch-ceo-addressing-problem-customers-away-exec-warns "This chasm that we're seeing between Bud Light and its consumers is only going to intensify because every time you come out with one of these weak statements or some of these just platitudes," former Anheuser-Busch President Anson Frericks said on "Varney & Co." Monday.
  11. It doesn’t feel like a boycott I’m participating in but by definition it is. Again I don’t encourage anyone else but I take comfort knowing it’s actually a larger issue. My brother hates this crap way more than I do but he doesn’t want to change beer. He says that is just self punishment. It’s just how each individual feels about it.
  12. https://www.al.com/educationlab/2023/06/what-are-race-conscious-admissions-do-alabama-colleges-use-affirmative-action.html Al.com article says it won’t affect any Alabama colleges as they admit a very high percentage of applicants anyway and don’t consider or require race on the application. This doesn’t affect way over 99% of people talking about it on either side. I am not up on much of this but it seems to be a reaction to Asian Americans being discriminated against at elite institutions.
  13. I swore off voting for any national democrat ever again in 2020. But I really like Bobby Jr. Depending on what’s going on locally I might pull a dem ballot for the primary anyway.
  14. It’s really too late for me. I’m off their products. I may not always feel this way but right now I do. My own employer pushes this crap on employees but hides it from public. I am beyond sick of it. I’m not sure I buy the idea this one woman did this all on her own anyway. And while they have distanced themselves, they have not come out and said plainly “ hey we ****** up involving this sick bastard with our brand”.. that might do it for me. If this one marketing executive did this solo, they should have no qualms about stressing it.
  15. Yazoo Gerst amber ale brewed in Nashville. I drank Coors Lite exclusively for 25 years. When I would go to the bars that were craft only I never found one I could enjoy many I couldn’t finish. I swapped to ultra to lose weight. Didn’t work so I tried to go back and Coors light was horrible. So I settled on Bud Light. Then Covid screwed my taste BIGLY. Beer tasted like soap. Hell I couldn’t eat meat for a year. As I started getting back to normal I was hanging out with guys that understood craft beer better. I settled in on amber ales mostly. But a few others I liked. I think there’s a Cahaba brewery that makes Southern Prohibition that’s ok. Black Bear brewery makes one called above ground pool or AGP.. Some of the musicians we go see play in these bars that only offer craft.
  16. I don’t want to support... not only trannies but the idea that they have to be embraced. I don’t buy into it. Before the publicity started advertising it as a new trend I never knew one. It’s becoming a social contagion and a way for youngsters to join the victim pool..and I’m firmly against it being applauded. No matter what AB does I’m compelled to go another direction. Target is even worse but I rarely ever went there anyway.. I’m in the majority too.
  17. I’m hooked on Yuengling now. I was drinking Bud Light when I couldn’t find the craft beer I had come to like. I used to hate crafts but Covid screwed with my taste for two years and I had to reset everything. I won’t buy AB products anymore either. I moved on. I don’t encourage others or wish them bad, I just can’t do it. Same with target.
  18. Offensive line recruiting. Plain and simple.
  19. I’m not sure many people would have believed it or relied on it enough to call off the search.
  20. He got paid several billion dollars to overthrow Putin. We just had 6.2 extra laying around. He ( and Putin both probably in on it) acted like he was mounting the offensive for a few hours. Then pulls back ( when the check clears) Now Putin, this viscous dictator is just going to let him retire in Belarus. We got played.
  21. Is it the guy who fully supports the trans community but doesn’t support any of the issues that they refuse to budge on?
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