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Everything posted by SLAG-91

  1. I've not been one to get flu shots typically, and I will admit that the only reason I got this jab was so I would be able to visit my mother this summer...my fear of getting very sick has been virtually zero. The part that is frustrating is the messaging of "you're vaccinated. Cool. Still have to wear masks, etc." I would kick my own ass if I were wearing a mask outdoors (or anywhere else, honestly) after being vaccinated. We are pretty much to the point where anyone who wants to get a vaccine can get one (young'uns don't need it, imo, but that's another discussion altogether). More than a few facilities for vaccinations have very little traffic these days. Once it's a matter of "won't" rather than "can't", the restrictions should be gone.
  2. Maybe starting to see a bit of light on the horizon...went to vote Saturday (school board election...it's been fruit basket turnover on our board this year) and masks were recommended. First time I'd seen that, as opposed to required. Saw where Tennessee is not extending any of its previous orders as of today...hope the Governor doesn't change his mind on that by the time I visit in June.
  3. On ABC with George S. Dr. Fauci said the CDC would soon be releasing advice about wearing masks outdoors. "I don't want to get ahead of them, George, but I think it's pretty common sense now that outdoors, the risk is really, really quite low, particularly if you were a vaccinated person wearing a mask outdoorsI mean, obviously the risk is miniscule. What I believe the country is going to be hearing soon is updated guidelines from the CDC. The CDC is a science-based organization. They don't want to make any guidelines unless they look at the data and the data backs it up. But when you look around at the common sense situation, obviously the risk is really very low, particularly if you're vaccinated." This has been common sense pretty much the whole damned time, Doc.
  4. So, CFB has tweaked OT rules again. First OT, can kick or go for 2 after a TD. Second OT, have to go for 2 after a TD. Third OT on, only 2 point attempts...dang near soccer penalty kicks. Thoughts? I feel sure I'm in the minority, but I've never really liked college OT...put 10:00 on the clock, each team gets a guaranteed possession, even if first possession is a TD. If it's still a draw after 70 minutes, that's it. Also never had a problem with a tie being part of the matrix of outcomes, even if it's not a particularly desirable one.
  5. "They?" I see one person in that collage who is wearing a mask while on a Zoom call after having been fully vaccinated. Want to still wear one in public outside after having been vaccinated in order to set an example? Fine...I can see it. Still pretty much a gesture without any practical effect at that juncture, but OK. That would be performative. Alone on a Zoom call post-vax? The benefit of the doubt I'd give is that he just forgot to take it off...that would be much more understandable.
  6. Wearing a mask post-vaccination in a room by yourself...woof. Might as well admit you're an anti-vaxxer at that point.
  7. Her comments were ill-advised and potentially inflammatory, and the judge rightly took her to task for them. I don't know how much of a practical difference it made, because I think that jury had its mind made up from the word "go," but I don't see much resulting from her comments. Only thing I could see happening on appeal in Chauvin's favor is maybe getting the top count of murder 2 overturned.
  8. It is, indeed. It doesn't really register to me in a legal sense that someone can be guilty of both manslaughter and murder, but you can in Minnesota.
  9. @Barnacle Indeed. I don't think it met that standard, either...but, in the end, I'm not losing any sleep over it, and wasn't my decision, thankfully. No winners in this case...Floyd is still dead, and Chauvin's life is pretty much altered permanently for the worse.
  10. Chauvin was going to be found guilty of something, imo. That was a fait accompli. Murder 2 is the one that really seemed like a reach, honestly. I think Chauvin is/was a lousy cop, but intended to kill him? Seems like more of a "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence." scenario to me. I can say this: I hope I am NEVER on a jury for a case like that one.
  11. Verdict announced at 3:30 Central. Less than a day of deliberations, so I'm guessing guilty of at least manslaughter. I'd be completely shocked with a not guilty verdict.
  12. The sheer volume of dick stompage committed by the HRC campaign in 2016 was enough to choke several elephants. Whether it's true or not, calling a large swath of people "deplorables" wasn't politically savvy, and she should have known that. Not visiting Wisconsin at all after April 2016? Arrogant...thought they had it in the bag. Whoops. Thinking Russian influence had any material impact on the outcome is a stretch, and if people are dull enough to have their mind changed by f'ing Facebook ads, then that is a sad indictment on our public education system. Election/Foreign leader interference/influence (both from us and toward us) is nothing new, and part of the seaminess that is national politics. Good luck getting rid of it.
  13. Yeah, I think this would be a losing proposition for them, and they are already hurting from the decline in travel over the last year. I'd be surprised to see any airlines push real hard for this. Vaccines that, while ostensibly safe, are still only under an EUA are ripe for the legal pickings as well in terms of mandating them.
  14. Another country can do whatever they want, and a country that requires one will be one I don't visit. I'm not really a world traveler, anyway, so it's a moot point. Any domestic airline that opts to make that a requirement is one I won't be using. I have no issues with driving if necessary. If it happens, I won't like it, but I'll find other ways to get to where I need to go.
  15. The messaging from the CDC has been "malleable" for quite a while now...beginning to think they need a new Magic 8-ball to consult. I mean, who can argue with these two statements made within the last WEEK..."we say it's safe to travel...but don't travel." Right.
  16. Or another school year. This one has sucked enough ditchwater for a generation..."dystopian" would be mild.
  17. There are better ways to communicate that than saying something as over-the-top as "impending doom." It was pretty much all emotion. We hear all of these dire pronouncements, and after a while people tune it out. It's like Fauci saying that kids shouldn't play with each other without masks until they are vaccinated. Kids as a collective are at the end of the line for needing this vaccination. I'll say this for the guy: Every woman should aspire to marry someone that loves her as much as Fauci loves Fauci.
  18. Saw that yesterday...good heavens. That is fear porn defined. "Doom?" C'mon. She can be scared all she wants on a personal level. We are not her nationwide therapy session, though. In her capacity as a professional, there should be some attempt at objectivity and disseminating facts, not feelings. It's essntially crybullying on her part.
  19. More things like this would be a step in the right direction https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/03/29/desantis-signs-covid-19-liability-bill-promises-action-against-vaccine-passports/ Referencing the first part, some liability protection will get some of those business restrictions loosened/tossed. They're in place because they don't want to get sued, not because of some overwhelming sense of virtue. "Follow the green" is the correct answer most of the time. A yearly booster shot (once a vaccine gets past EUA) once we start treating this as being endemic like (cover your eyes, sensitive ones) the flu makes more sense. I'm not anti-vaccine...will be getting a shingles shot (or shots) before too long. Those have been put through all of their approval paces, though. Forgive me if I'm going to make a decision for my own health based on my current lifestyle. If that makes me a selfish bastard, then I'll wear that pejorative and drive on...
  20. HIPAA, for one. My medical information is no one else's business except my doctor and any designees that I state. I don't care if it's depression, vaccination status or an oozing carbuncle. Also, if someone has had Covid already, especially a severe case, why get vaccinated right now? The natural antibodies demographic would rightly have a beef. I know that if I'd already had a rip-roaring case of Covid, I'd be skipping the vaccine. The vaccine is now available to any adult in the state of Texas who wants to get it, and I imagine this will be the case in other states sooner rather than later. At that point, when it's a matter of "won't" vs. "can't", restrictions/mandates should be gone...if some of you want to continue wearing masks, there is not a damn thing stopping you. Go right ahead. It's like paying more taxes...Uncle Sam gets enough of my money already. If you want to pay more, there's nothing stopping you. Tangent over. Bottom line, my vaccination status is on a need to know basis, and the government isn't on my invitation list.
  21. Put me down as a "no, thanks" on this idea...I imagine I'm probably in the minority on this board, though. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/03/28/vaccine-passports-for-work/
  22. I'm waiting until May at the minimum, and if I do get one, it's going to be the one-shot version. I'm not anti-vaccines, but I have never been an "early adopter" and don't feel obligated to get one right now. Formal FDA approval instead of just an EUA would move the needle, pun semi-intended. I am not real high risk physically (early 50s, not obese or vitamin D deficient, have never been sickly) and don't interact with large numbers of people in a confined area for extended periods of time, so not worried about work, either. All of that adds up to "watch and wait" for me.
  23. Cuomo stripped of emergency powers by NY Senate, assembly "Gold standard," we were told...'member that? 🙄 That comment has aged about as well as a week-old cantaloupe rind in south Baldwin County summer sun. He might not be up to his ass in baby alligators yet, but they're on their way.
  24. Is this the equivalent of Fredo Corleone being taken fishing on Lake Tahoe? "Et tu, New York Times?" 2nd accusation of sexual harassment There's going to be more than a little bit of schadenfreude from many corners watching Cuomo squirm for a while.
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