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Everything posted by AUTigergrad08

  1. So if he doesn’t hit him with his shoulder, the offensive player breaks the goal line. Pathetic.
  2. The TE has been open all night. Are you that clueless?
  3. He’s trying to stop him from scoring. How else are you supposed to stop him from breaking the goal line? Wtf?
  4. Gotta go for it. I’d put Pegues in as lead blocker for Tank or do a QB sneak.
  5. Stop throwing to Jackson. He can’t catch anything.
  6. Blow the darn whistle. Omg. He was stopped. That is bull.
  7. Wtf is wrong with these refs. Blow the darn whistle.
  8. Yeah that is the question. Let’s see what adjustments Mason has made.
  9. They’re not good enough to stop us when we run and not get cute.
  10. Going to lose if you think that was a “decent job”. Going to have to pressure Clifford.
  11. What happened when Clifford got pressured on that last throw? He threw a pick. It’s pretty easy to look great when you’ve got all day to throw. That’s too easy. Their number 5 is not that much better than Robertson.
  12. If we had a pass rush I’d feel better about the second half. But their QB having all day to throw is very concerning.
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