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Everything posted by AUTigergrad08

  1. We could easily be up in this game if we didn’t make silly mistakes and had a pass rush. But apparently, big ifs.
  2. This is horrible. No pass rush. And ran it right down our throats.
  3. I mean when the QB is sitting in a recliner back there untouched it’s easy for their WRs to get open.
  4. Letting him stand back there untouched is pitch and catch. That’s not earning anything that’s gift wrapping completions.
  5. It’s not the secondary. It’s the DL not getting pressure and it’s the lack of blitzing.
  6. I guess we are content with him just standing back there with no pressure.
  7. All freaking day to throw. Going to have to blitz here.
  8. Don’t think it was an option. Think it was a designed hand off all the way.
  9. Gary Danielson is worse and it’s not even close.
  10. Ohio State isn’t even that good this year but Herbie will act like they are world beaters.
  11. Big stop. Their defense has to be on the field longer. I think Tank and Jarquez are going to pull some big runs in the second half.
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