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  1. I don’t mind Dink being passed by anyone but was hoping we wouldn’t have to deal with him that long. Lol
  2. I believe that eventually Kirby will get itchy feet to move on to something else (NFL, Politics, TV). Too young to stay for the duration.
  3. Agree with the premise, but the actual timing is not immediate. It should be easy to see improvement this year, though.
  4. Agree with most of what you say. Vandy doesn’t beat Uga once every 5 or six years though so we aren’t that bad. The big takeaway to me is UGA and Bama are definitely coach success stories (must be successful in recruiting and coaching ). We are definitely improving in recruiting. Hoping for the coaching part to begin improving this year.
  5. Hope thats correct, but no data to support that claim in this case, yet!!
  6. KJ, seems pretty set on Texas.
  7. It would seem to me that this is what the thread is implying. Blue chippers tend to go after higher rated (at thst point in their career), but can make them miss on some obviously good QBs.
  8. Don’t think any QB recruit will see the field at all barring injuries. IMO
  9. What is the gauge? I might be in contingent for this too?
  10. That is an amazing diagnosis. You must have much more information than what has been put out by media. Got anything for bad heel? Lol
  11. With the newest court action against the ncaa by past players in hyping the bb tournament, I bet more action comes from commercialization of past games ( think of all the openings for each game by conferences, bowl games etc..). Floodgates are open for litigation!!!!
  12. Agree not a once in a generation recruit. Might certainly be once in a generation AU QB though. Fantastic prospect.
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