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Everything posted by TexasTiger

  1. I’ll start: Insufficient population growth The debt/deficit Social Security trust fund Super bugs The cost of higher education Dying small town America
  2. Believe the lie, or not be bothered by the constant lying.
  3. Im4au will defend almost any authoritarian act unless he think a Dem is somehow behind it.
  4. Israel is creating generations of folks committed to revenge.
  5. You’re his most reliable defender. I think you’re in love.
  6. They can do what they want. Insisting we go along with everything their way and fund it isn’t reasonable, is it?
  7. Not really. It’s a complex problem. You stay at the surface.
  8. If you think Trump was actively running the country you’ve learned shockingly little in all your years. Trump 1 demonstrated how well the country was structured to run no matter who was President when we’re on a smooth trajectory we don’t veer too strongly from. The guard rails will be gone in Trump 2. The narcissist will be loosed.
  9. I first show it’s a global phenomenon. You seem strikingly ignorant of the global economy. Inflation happened around the world at the same time and had little if anything to do with the US president. News flash— Trump didn’t lower inflation or revive an economy. He inherited a strong trajectory and wasn’t able to screw it up in 4 years although he did set the stage for greater inflation through greatly increasing deficits. Trump 2 will be very different.
  10. Hamas is awful and can’t be trusted, but look at this logically— the ONLY leverage they have are the hostages. Why would they give up their only negotiating advantage for anything that doesn’t allow them to survive? If one is intent on crushing Hamas, you’re likely sacrificing the hostages.
  11. Poor thing. You try so hard and then strangers post things.
  12. I grasp you’re not considering the Dem no matter what the Republican does.
  13. Ever hear of the pandemic? It was followed by a roaring recovery and supply chain issues along with gouging opportunism by those companies you want to “set free.”
  14. Don’t read statistical representations well, huh? Or grasp sarcasm?
  15. They think it’s like pitching: https://clip.cafe/bull-durham-1988/yep-i-wouldnt-dig-in-there-i-you/
  16. You give AU baseball a bad name.
  17. Trump’s plans will raise inflation. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tariff-plan-inflation-policy-impact-trade-war-china-rates-2024-5?amp Do you honestly think Putin fears Trump? https://www.npr.org/2024/02/11/1230658309/trump-would-encourage-russia-to-attack-nato-allies-who-dont-pay-bills
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