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Everything posted by lionheartkc

  1. While I agree that he did a decent job filling in, you have to admit that the offense ran better, across the board, when Sean came back in. John's real strength is when he runs the ball... and the fumble was a serious issue, because if he can't hold the ball it negates his benefit. The fact that Vandy did not prepare for the read option, yet we struggled to drive the field running it, tells me it's not ready for prime time.
  2. Something you also have to keep in mind is that Vandy's passing game was awful until today... not because of opposing defenses but because their timing was awful. They really pulled that together and played their best game today. It's another lesson for Gus to not assume a team can't get better than what you see on film.
  3. I can't watch videos with sound at work, but if anyone wants to give the play-by-play... http://auburn.247sports.com/Bolt/Stidham-gives-insight-into-his-recruitment-48666002
  4. Those numbers should get a 3 week boost before the Iron Bowl.
  5. I hope Georgia tries it. You can bet that this D will dissect that film to the second to figure out what happened. They are happy we won, but pissed that they gave up that many yards. They won't let it happen that way again.
  6. Another solid parallel... we just beat the top QB in the conference.
  7. But along that same logic... if we won't face an elite team until bama... maybe they aren't elite, since they are facing the same teams we are facing, and it's not like they are blowing everyone out. Maybe bama is just a good team facing overrated competition.
  8. Interesting that Vanderbilt has a better ratio than bama...
  9. Two comments... 1. Why can't college players learn to tackle like that instead of going for the head. 2. The thing I liked the most is, instead of showboating, he actually told his teammates to keep the celebration down.
  10. Statistically, the D was bad, but watching the play on the field, it wasn't nearly as bad as it looks in paper. Frequently, Ole Miss's receivers made incredible catches with our defenders draped all over them. The only real negatives were that we didn't get enough pressure on Kelly, which was surprising with their line in disarray, and that there were a couple of badly missed tackles. Hey @StatTiger. This might be a good week for first and second half report cards for the D. We fixed a lot at the half. Now we have 3 weeks to fix the mistakes before the iron bowl. One week at a time. Better every week.
  11. The big difference between 2013 Auburn and 2016 Auburn on offense... LUCK.
  12. Have to say that I appreciate your ability to be totally diplomatic in your assessment. You have a way of finding the positives in every team even when I know that you probably want to say that, based on their weaknesses, we're going to curb stomp them. I look forward to reading your Vandy review. It will probably be the most positive review they get all year. Here's hoping we keep Engram in check and Kelly on his back.
  13. As I understand it, Lashlee has basically cut it from our playbook. Gus ran it a lot.
  14. Another quick note... the Kentucky game was a Thursday night game. That could be a variable in the it being an outlier.
  15. I think it will all depend on how this season ends. If we get close to a championship, but don't get there, with this young of a team, they may come back to finish the job.
  16. I've been saying this since Saturday. The coaches can't let Sean get rusty, which I think is part of what happened, since they spent most of the break with John. I think the other issue is that Sean usually takes a few passes to get warmed up, and they never gave him enough to sustain a rhythm. Still, he gets a lot of bonus points for tearing it up with his legs. I think we are fine, this week, as we will run a similar game plan, but come Iron Bowl time, Sean needs to live up to that 193.2 rating and then some.
  17. Did you expect anything less? Georgia fans could be looking at 1 win all season and would still claim the upper hand. And when we do ride them up and down the field, the excuses will flow like water.
  18. Yea. This week just looked particularly bad because he didn't get enough targets to make up for the drop. Though... that initial block may have made up for it on its own.
  19. I guarantee neither of them averaged 1 drop per game like one of our current WRs.
  20. No offense doc, but Fournette, when he's 100% healthy, could run all over Kam. I love Kam, but he's a work horse, not a superstar tailback like Fournette. I think both will be playing at the next level, but Fournette will likely be a star out of the gate and Kam will likely be a back-up for at least a couple of years.
  21. We are going to need Kerryon against better Ds than Arkansas and Ole Miss. Kam won't be able to run over every D. Kerryon makes more happen when the hole isn't there.
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