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Everything posted by auskip07

  1. think we see the #2's come out after a few more scores?
  2. i like that they are spreading the ball around.
  3. Sling TV has ESPN unsure if ESPN + is included as one of their channels on the sports package. Ive used that the past 4 seasons without an issue (ususally 45 / month)
  4. articles like these sound like someone is unhappy with their hat size.
  5. Hard to believe if someone got their vaccine that they wouldnt tell everyone about it and collect their virtue points, right?
  6. I made a choice based on my health and ability to calculate risks as everyone should do.
  7. You can google restaurant owner arrested. Just because you dont "know" of any doesnt mean thats the reality. There is a world that exist outside of your bubble you should try to experience it sometimes. https://www.google.com/search?q=restaurant+owner+arrested+covid&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS962US962&oq=restaurant+owner+arrested&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l3j0i457i512j0i22i30l5.5448j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Im anti mandatory vaccination not anti science. Do you understand the difference?
  8. Just because you agree with the measures doesnt make them any less authoritarian. It was ironic how you characterized one political party as Authoritarian while being silent on authoritarian measures proposed by another party. Could you exercise a little intellectual consistency?
  9. Like forced vaccination? Vaccination passport? Forcing restaurants and businesses to close for their safety?
  10. Dont most of those countries follow the WHO guidelines/ Recommendations? (rhetorical question) So is its not hard to believe they are doing the same thing. This might be news to you but not every country was founded on individual rights like America. I dont know how other countries count their death numbers and i dont care but what i have noticed is inaccuracy of how its counted in this country. That my point you can read into that what ever you choose.... because i know you will
  11. What determines the seriousness of what we are dealing with? The deaths caused by the virus... so yes it absolutely does change the seriousness of what we are dealing with. Accuracy matters.
  12. I cant explain the technical's but my wife is an analytical / QC chemist for a pharmaceutical company and basically said you can adjust the machines to find any part of the virus even if its not a complete virus strain in these machines.. So it basically throws a "+" when there might not be a complete chain of the virus. Surprisingly or not surprisingly they adjusted the sensitivity to require more of a complete virus to throw a "+" In December shortly after.... well you can figure that out Im probably not using the correct terms and she explained it to me when this happened 7-8 months ago. I dont have a Biology/chemistry degree.
  13. Conspiracy? no.... a need to sensationalize and possibly skew the numbers for political reasons? yes https://cbs12.com/news/local/man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-counted-as-covid-19-death-in-florida-report
  14. why do you feel the constant need to tell people whats good for them and what they should do? Did you get the vaccine? Yes then you're covered and you have done as much as you can do. Let others take their life in their own hands if they want.
  15. Died with the virus... There is a difference.
  16. Really hope he makes better choices with his life. Hope he realizes how fortunate he is.
  17. Has UT had their punishment handed to them or is that still in the works? I cant imagine that it would be an easy sell if there's a Bowl ban/ recruiting number limit already known
  18. i promise you it doesnt stop those types of fans.
  19. maybe we can throw a female kicker in there and steal vandy's thunder. The gimmick will draw attention away from the score
  20. i dont think the patriots fell in love with him. infact i dont think he will do much in the nfl.
  21. gus with the throw away down on a very long FG.
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