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Everything posted by kd4au

  1. Man this BIGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! We never get kids from Decatur if the turds want them. Welcome to the family Asa.
  2. Not trying to speak for Gravejd, but I took his post to be more about developing QB's. and if CCL is going to be that guy that can develop them.
  3. I thought I saw were KJ was highly rated by the NFL scouts. Maybe I'm wrong.
  4. We could use a good punt return man in every class.
  5. I guess I'll repost this now WAR EAGLE Mr. Hill
  6. I don't have a problem with going for it more than most coaches do, but if you have a really good defense, like I hope and think we will, it's not wrong to play field position.
  7. Joe Kapp there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Always liked him.
  8. You don't know how much I hope this is right. I just want to see how things go. Sometimes we can pump to much sunshine. We certainly have needed a QB developer and my fingers are crossed we now have one.
  9. If y'all don't care I would like to see a season from CCL before I contribute to the fund. But I sure hope he is as good as everyone thinks he is going to be,if so he'll be alright.
  10. Yes , That's ok too, but I remember Rocker and Fairly were both pretty nasty D-linemen and they turned out pretty well.
  11. Out of likes, but I like and I like a little nasty in all the football players, especially D-linemen, I want them to be the nastiest of them all.
  12. Maybe he is taking a page from the Freeze recruiting playbook.
  13. Your right but how does any AU fan go to the turds? And I don't see a southern raised kid wanting to go to OSU, now I could see him going to Clemson or FSU, but I'm looking through so what do I know, I'll shut up now.
  14. I can understand a kid not wanting play in his dad's shadow or what ever. But I will be some kind of mad if we don't get Bo. And the turds and OSU on the list, WTH .
  15. Especially from Decatur. It's a bammer town, we have gotten a few good ones from there though and maybe we can again.
  16. Don't know why he is just now getting an offer. You just can't find speed like that on every street corner. And if he did not have an offer does that mean since we are now offering we missed on some other WR's?
  17. But I hope we will be better at it.
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