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Everything posted by autiger88

  1. I'm curious if Murray is distracted by the Georgia Missouri game lol
  2. Well it is Murray so I completely understand... Can't stand him as an announcer.
  3. 24- 21 Georgia... Missouri just scored a two-point conversion.
  4. Doesn't matter they have receivers like us 😂
  5. That's just how it is now to be in Auburn fan lol
  6. Man the Defense looks good when they get a chance to rest haha
  7. Don't worry Vandy will come back because we will do something stupid...( Im Jk maybe)
  8. Yeah I'm not either I could care less about bowl game wins as a conference. I hope every SEC team loses their bowl game except for us, but unfortunately it's usually the other way around.
  9. Was that the refs first time using a mic? He sure struggled getting that out lol
  10. Yeah that won't happen, they will find a way to get either Georgia or Alabama in it.
  11. I'm really hoping Missouri takes down Georgia... Cmon Missouri find a way.
  12. Alabama, with some Jordan Hare Voodoo 🤣
  13. Is it just me or does Missouri head coach look like Jared from Subway... 😂
  14. Which is crazy to say after having two good clutch kickers before him...
  15. Heck it's not even halftime this feels like it's almost the end of the game 🤣🤣
  16. Why is it when we play Vanderbilt we always seem to struggle at least the past 20 years... Everybody else seems to handle Vanderbilt relatively easy...😡
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