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Posts posted by twilli13

  1. Does anyone have advice on good spots to park for tommorows game? Looking for somewhere I can park that's walkable even if a decently long walk. There was a spot I would always park in the past, but unfortunately I dont recall the street name so it would just be luck of the draw whether I could recognize it on game day. Any good advice is much appreciated!

  2. 10 hours ago, gr82be said:

    It's the chicken or the egg question. Winning and recruiting, I think winning will have to come first. We've just been a rollercoaster for so long while a select few in this conference have been more consistent, one of which is down right excellent on the field. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I think Harsin can get us there. It won't happen overnight and we can't expect it to be. It's a rebuild in the trenches though and it's difficult to understand how early playing time isn't getting us some traction. 

    I really hope we can start pulling some big time lineman on both sides soon. Early signing day isnt that far off and regular signing day really isnt a world away either. We really need to start things with building at both lines. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, augolf1716 said:

    Murray will be on the CBS call Sat that's going to be fun:banghead:

    The Georgia at Auburn game will be televised at 3:30 p.m. on CBS. Bulldog fans are happy to get a better kickoff time this week. The rivalry game will be commentated by Aaron Murray, Noah Eagle, Jenny Dell, and Rick Neuheisel. The game will be the 125th meeting between the Georgia Bulldogs and Auburn Tigers

    Oh that seems completely unbiased 🙄🤮

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, BJCrawford said:

    These Georgia fans are obnoxious right now. (Even more so than usual)Most are not even talking about the next game. They are talking about their game in the SEC championship and if they will be favored over Bama.I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I don’t think I could pull for Georgia under any circumstance…..which leaves Bama?  Crappy choice!!

    I live right smack dab in Ugayville. Hate Bama, but have pulled for them numerous times against the Mutts. Mutt fans are nothing short of consistently obnoxious towards Auburn fans and I've been around them way more. Easy choice for me. 

  5. On 10/3/2021 at 10:04 AM, ben4981 said:

    OK Bo did very good last night. My thoughts are if he had worked that hard since he got to Auburn he would have never been in the position to be benched.

    I commend him for his effort, but why did it take so long?  Congtats,  but the jury is still still out one in a row is not a habit.

    3 reasons:

    1. No fundamentals emphasized by former staff

    2. Never any real competition for his spot or benching to light a fire under his ass

    3. Game plan emphasizing throws to backs, tight ends, and designed qb runs. 

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, War Eagle 96 said:

    Me too. That  was a different world. IMO, we didn’t get worse. We just, with a couple few exceptional years that were awesome, just never quuuuuite kept up with the Jones’s.


    Yeah I feel the same way. Program has been about the same since I was a kid while our rivals just kept getting better coaching and more nfl players than us. Pretty simple I think. Just sucks. I freaking love Auburn football. Its been an obsession of mine for over 30 years. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

    Well we tried that for years with Gus and it did not work. Got steamrolled. Time to try something different. 

    The key part of that sentence was "with Gus". He was a clown show. Rarely had competent passing games that were beyond an elementary level. I would not consider his offenses to be, passing wise, in the same stratosphere with what Bama is doing now and what Mullen has done at multiple schools when he had good QBs. Those offenses would work with really good personnel against UGA even this year. They haven't played any team remotely close to those yet. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

    Its our first road win against one of the big 3 rivals since the 2010 Iron Bowl.

    Wow, that's sad and crazy at the same time. What a world of difference from when I was growing up...beat Ugay in Athens in 93,95,97,99, and 2001 and the Corndogs in Baton Rogue in 1993, 1997, and 1999. Beat the Updykes in Tuscaloosa in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. Truly the good ole days. Can we get some of that back, please?

    • Thanks 1
    • Facepalm 1
  9. 5 hours ago, cole256 said:

    Yeah as far as scoring on them...  I don't know. I think the best way is the best way it used to be to score on bammer back in the day. Have to hit them deep. That's where they are vulnerable at. It just so happens to be our weak spot so I don't know.


    I think we'll need a defensive td. But if we can somehow stop their run I think they'll make some mistakes nobody has even seen from them this year. Let them have something like two 3 and outs in a row?? I think their QB will mess up. 

    We can't get down early though. We can't let them play relaxed

    Sorry @e808I meant to reply to your post

    Yeah I agree I think the way to attack a Kirby Smart defense has shown to be a spread em out passing game. Bama and Florida last year put up huge yards and points on them. Youre not gonna usually beat them with smash mouth or traditional pro style. Which is a bad matchup for what we do offensively...mainly because we dont hit big plays in the passing game. That game they had at home a few years ago with Notre Dame might be our perfect gameplan to beat them, at least with our roster.  Notre Dame used a more pro style short passing attack and their tight end and played good d and almost beat them. That's the best chance with have with this roster I think. 

    • Like 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, Rednilla said:

    You realize that we have a new coaching staff this year, right? Bo has been working his ass off since the day he got to Auburn. He just had the misfortune of playing his first two seasons under a high school coach that got a college gig.

    Exactly. I dont think work ethic has ever been his issue. Prior coaching staff was a joke at QB development and basically coddled him. They never had backups developed and ready to go hence they never took him out. Not good for him or AU. Hes also not a consistently accurate qb. I think hes worked hard and may never be a true game breaker type, bit if we can just get him playing like last night more consistent and start hitting some deep balls, we will be in good shape. I will also say, this staff needs to be going hard after multiple stud highschool qbs. You cant just rely on the one 'we got our guy already' so we are gonna get complacent in recruiting like Gus's staff. There needs to be multiple stud qbs and constant competition to bread the success AU needs. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, creed said:

    I want to give a shout out to our TEAM. They ALL played and coached hard and deserve congratulations. Without each one's effort our team would not have broken the curse of redstick.

    That was a grown ass mans win right there and a total team win. Defense was pretty darn good in second half. Back receivers and tight ends all played well. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, tbone4jc said:

    I was definatly hating the way Bo was playing, even before TJ came into the game. But I believe benching Bo, probably for the first time ever, was just what the Dr ordered. I am not 100% convinced that he has made the switch permanently but tonight was a helluva game by Bo. War Eagle and IGTBAAT!

    I agree. I think it's always something Bo will have to be cognizant of. When to stay in the pocket vs when to go Johnny Manziel. It seems like to me, at least, when Bo starts off the game staying in the pocket and relying more on fundamentals, it actually improves his ability to effectively go Johnny Football later in game when needed. Kinda like a basketball player getting some easy buckets early then all the sudden he can hit the outside shots bc hes more into the game. Start with fundamentals always. 

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, GoAU said:

    And they won the game.  He didn’t try to force any bad throws.  He definitely tried hard, but didn’t throw any bad decisions 

    I also think quite a few of those scrambles were not him bailing early. Many of those the primary and secondary options appeared covered and or he actually did have to bail from the pocket. He wasn't forcing anything in some of those instances, he had to make a play. There were a few he did bail early on. It's always a fine line with him, but I feel this game he did a much better job of pulling the Houdini act when actually needed. 

    • Like 1
  14. I dont know about others on here...but I actually really liked the offensive game plan. Tons of throws to tight ends and several to Shivers out of the backfield were money as hell calls. And then Bo just making stupid good scrambles. Defensive was night and day first and 2nd half...kiiiiinda like the Gsu game. We were due for this one big time. 

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Strychnine said:


    When someone has one of Kevin Trudeau's literary masterpieces in their office book collection, that really tells you all you need to know about them.

    He does not have a Kevin Trudeau book, does he??!! Lol!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. At least that makes sense where he gets the laughably entirely fabricated conspiracy theories. 

  16. 23 minutes ago, AUlurker said:

    I will tell you that you won't recognize Auburn the city. A lot has changed. Great food options. There is a Southern Living article fairly recently about the restaurant scene. I recommend the fans and feathers show the day before the game or the locker room tours at the stadium. 

    Locker room tour sounds awesome. Is it possible to get onto the field somehow or is that just a pipe dream of mine?

  17. 19 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

    jawja and s carolina fans have given him hell. and the best i remember he always had a hell of a game plan when any of his teams played us that had decent talent.

    I never understood this. My uga buddy would always be trashing Bobo and it would after a 31-30 loss or something of the sort...higher scoring affair. Statistically he had some dann good offenses at Uga. 

    • Like 1
  18. On 7/3/2021 at 1:01 PM, gravejd said:

    I’m going out on a limb and say Chizik wins this matchup. That initial Chizik staff was awesome. We had ace recruiters all over the place. Too bad it imploded so spectacularly what 4 seasons later?? Great lesson that character of the guys you bring in can be just as important as talent. 

    Totally agree. Chiziks staff was full of ace recruiters but I felt their player development was somewhat lacking. That may have been due to the character issues you mentioned, I dunno. If Harsin's staff can just start recruiting around/fringe top 10, but then develop the players and provide sound schemes, we should be more than fine. 

    • Like 2
  19. 21 hours ago, penguin149 said:

    Jason Campbell is a great man....and a great Auburn man.  Good thing he came along when the internet was still mostly in its infancy.  There would have been calls for his head early in his career; never mind that he had a different coordinator in each of his 4 years.....2004 would have never happened. 😩

    That Borges offense really unlocked his potential by providing options and keeping the defense off balance. He was always accurate, but that 2003 offense really gave him limited options with predictably of play calling. Shame he couldnt have had Borges a few years earlier. Campbell was an absolute stud in 2004 and bailed us out of a few games where the running game was struggling a bit. Iron Bowl comes to mind. 

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