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Everything posted by steeleagle

  1. ofc RL can be a head coach, especially at a smaller college that will only allow him to try to enhance is resume, if one day he wants a major school head coaching job. He is young, expressive, and a good communicator. And his offensive abilities as a coach, have been enhanced being under CGM, and he was a finalist for the Broyles award in 2013. So he has had quite a lot of experience coaching, even though he is only 33.
  2. I think as you pointed out the ups and downs come from such a young team. Your most important players are all freshmen, RSFR or sophs. As they mature on the court, and especially as SEC play begins, i hope to see more maturity and consistency from them. But expect a lot of ups and downs even during games with these youngin's. ))
  3. Yeah, i heard that. Just didnt know if the source was legit. A team never can have enough QBs (just look at us..). Hope it works out....
  4. This guy is never going to leave Texas, imo. With a gf there, and TaM is doing much better and has a great offense he would like to play in. The Mond thing will not impact this guy since he already knows he can play with the big boys. And we will just be too far away from all he has in Texas...no facts...just logic.
  5. Would we have him for 3 scholarship years? That's assuming he stays 3 years, if his stock goes so high that he forgoes a senior year. If he is serious about AU, i think CGM and JJ will convince those in power that next year wil be a much better offensive year with a top level QB.
  6. I think being successful with a game plan against Ark St means nothing when you play power 5 teams like Clemson and TaM. There is no way the game plan was to throw short passes but it does work as running plays if you are getting 5-7 yds on the passes like we were on our only TD drive in first half. But TaM adjusted and we didn't successfully adjust. White did not get the time to stretch the field but I also think the coaches give up too easy when it doesn't work at first then it seems he goes again for trickery and plays that are low percentage ( trying that wing t crap again with Cox).
  7. The two Bama QBs in front of him have been in the program for now 2/3 years and both those guys were higher ranked/rated, even according to their Alabama site. So that is what I mean by 'top QB' coming to Alabama. ALL i am saying is knowing how a QB will perform for your team is a guess, until the lights come on. Hurt so far is the exception to a freshman can't succeed. He may fail at Ole Miss, because of that lack of SEC experience.
  8. No.. just seemed to be a slow day...so I thought i would throw that in...There are exceptions to every rule..and the SEC will tell how he adjusts as good defenses know his tendencies as a FR QB or what his OC will allow him to execute. But he has done a pretty remarkable job...with 2 top QBs in front of him who are not doing as well as he is. And..another example of 'how no one ever knows until the lights come on'. Just look at DAk Prescott with the Cowboys. even the NFL with all their analysis and expert drafters dont know everything. Or Antonio Brown with Steelers. or our Kyle Davis may fit that to some degree. He did have the hype, but hasnt practiced in weeks...and now one of his catches is a ESPN highlight..))
  9. The one thing I thought Gus' offense was key on was tempo and fast pacing. He always has talked about this during his coaching here as OC or as HC. SO my question is, and i wish someone would ask him this, How can you keep tempo at a good pace or even a faster pace when you are changing out the QB 40% of the time? I remember one series where JJ had to call a time out after coming in, because their was confusion because the play was coming in late or just on who should be in on that play. THEN, on this same drive, again confusion on a play call, and JJ could not get a TO so we were penalized 5 yards. I'm not even going to mention the 5 yard penalty because we had too many players on the field, when they were trying to decide which WRs should be in on a play. So Stat, how can any of the PTBs in AU, watch that game, and come away with a good positive understanding of what CGM is doing with his offense? To me, CGM thinks he HAS to make up a deficiency at QB by having PACKAGES for EACH QB, in order to have a succesful offense, but in the end, so far, he is making his offense worse than last years...Amazing...
  10. Ahh... then i stand corrected. Pat only SEEMED taller in college. )). But it would be nice for son to grow an inch or two...
  11. His arm does seem stronger than his dad's, and seems to have quicker feet. But he is not as tall as his dad, for now. I think he is maybe 6'1''. Be nice if he can grow some more. I think his dad was about 6'3".
  12. Ok. Now tell me why there are discrepancies between the depth chart from the first posting above(which was to be Auburn's release) and the depth chart posted by JGT? (i.e. Pettway over Johnson, D. SLayton over T. Stevens, etc..). So which one is accurate?
  13. Very good memory. I now remember this too. big win at the time...and we only had about 15 yards passing I think too. His press clippings as he was being recruited was WAY better than he actually was once we saw him on the field. He had some tools, but could tell he was not ever going to be an elite QB. As a matter of fact i think he was moved to running back or WR later in college.
  14. Well I wondered how high CRL was setting his sights. He is only 33, most of us forget that. Starting at a lower level may be the best thing for him...
  15. So that would mean RL is out? per Malzahn's choice? And the reasoning CGM would give for RL leaving?
  16. totally agree. His QB recruiting had not been great. He couldnt recruit that top level QB, so he felt he could generate more offense with a DT QB as that is what the High Schools were doing more of, and then the Texas Techs and others began to use it in college successfully. CTT just didnt realize his loyalty to his other coaches (especially his OL coach) could not adapt to the new way of running this spread type offense. 2008 sealed his fate..and ushered in Chizik...
  17. No, i don't believe so. That WAS the problem when Franklin came in, and CTT kept his other offensive coaches, and didnt let Franklin bring in who he wanted. The other coaches were old school and that is why Franklin couldnt get his offense where he wanted, and so CTT let his OC be interim OC after Franklin was gone. I think towards the end of Borges rein here, CTT felt he needed a DT QB, as that was where offenses were going. The idea was a good one, but not revamping his WHOLE offensive staff is what did him in...
  18. Ahhhh Al Borges. He could mold an offense around his QB. It was he who got Campbell to be the QB he was in 2004. It was the kiss of death when CTT asked him to leave prior to 2008 and change his offense using new OC Tony Franklin. CTT was gone after that disastrous year. It wasn't AL Borges offense that was the problem but a series of QBs that did not perform as well as needed.
  19. I guess you will very unhappy. Woody won't see the field unless ALL 3 other QBs get hurt.
  20. I also can read into GM's quote that he has someone who runs the wildcat AND a starter(who could be a different player). He didnt say they would be the same person. He ran the wildcat with RBs too or WRs NOT just a QB (Johnson, etc...) In the best world Gus would love to have the QB run and pass his offense. Not sure he feels he has that the last 2 years...
  21. Tony Stevens is not the outside tall guy for now. as he is a senior?
  22. Exactly my feeling. Or just sub one player. I will scream if on our first and second play or on a third down against Clemson, i see a fire drill of players coming off and on the field, causing a time out by us or a typical 'he loses 3 yards' play...
  23. Totally understand. So let me ask this. Do you think JJ was 'not ready to play'? And if so, do you feel it was the offensive coaches fault he was not prepared?
  24. I guess we will see. I am sure down the stretch when the offense was sputtering like crazy then GM had to get involved. As most who followed GM at AU the offense just didnt function the same and most seem to think GM didnt have full control of the offense like he did when he was OC and when he first got the HC job. And i agree the Coach is responsible for all aspects of the O. I just have a problem with answers like ' ready to play' for the reason it's the HCs fault. I hear this in all sports, and i think there is a difference in being ready to play and having problems with expectations of key personnel that implode or under perform. The fact that the offense was going to be a much more pass heavy offense with JJ, i felt wasnt going to change with SW, so i don't see the difference since both QBs were running to me the same offense our coaches TRIED to implement. To me the problem was, once JJ failed so drastically, that bringing in a RS with no experience was going to create problems trying to win SEC games. Now i do agree our play calling became too conservative, and the offense became stagnant. Then SW got hurt and they went back to JJ, but again they were so conservative, it made it hard to win games. I think it just doesnt take much to make an offense impotent, when the QB has execution issues or mental doubt in executing plays. But i understand your comments regarding aspects of all the offense. That is why i am still worried about this year's offense with the same QBs and only a transfer who basically that run the ball.
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