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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. Teamwork! Ants down around your ankles will hold back 'til they "hear" the (pheromone) shout that the ants up amongst your neck and earlobes are ready, set...
  2. Sssshhh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7bYI9-SoxI
  3. The yellowjackets (vs yellow flies), however, are stinging wasps, aggressive as hell, hurt like hell, and are mob-swarmers. Horseflies are naggingly persistent.ETA - even if you dunk, and swim underwater to 20-30' away, they're patrolling and looking for you.
  4. 1st yellow-fly bite swells up like a basketball, and itches so bad I prefer the pain of scratching the thing off. 2nd and subsequent bites not so bad. Tobacco smoke is not a perfect repellant, but helps a good bit.
  5. Related. Yellow flies, deer flies and horseflies are all biting flies (not stingers). Souped up mosquitos.
  6. While up in coastal, NC, our beagle (Barney) took two copperhead bites one summer. 1st was in his cheek. 2nd was his hind leg. They can be taught.
  7. Wouldn't want them in my waders either. ETA - Usually see them at a good distance from my inner-tube vantage, Don't dash for shore, but do perk up and watch them.
  8. That's the front yard (Izaak Walton Lake). Backyard is Fish River, though the two are connected at the tip of our point..
  9. Yes, I know that I'm still stuck w./ my silly little phone camera (others have not yet surfaced from the, still ongoing, move) and yes, I know I'm showcasing how late we're getting this year's tomatoes in the ground. I take sufficient pride* in my handiwork, however, that I post. The plants and cages signify that the PTB (bless her heart) approves, and that I cannot even approach** the bed (except for urination around the perimeter) 'til end of growing season. * I have oft been characterized as "like lightning" with a hammer, as in "never strikes twice in the same place." ** Did you know that tomato and pepper plants could catch tobacco-mosaic virus from the likes of me?
  10. probably a repost, but that time of year. Don't think I'll ever understand why my nomination for prom theme never even got put on the ballot.
  11. The good news is that they cannot strike from the water. Nothing to push off of.
  12. Both tune and performer were entirely new to me (until radio, yesterday). I may well explore further.
  13. Moccasins, definitely! ETA - Seen them often drop out of trees as well. Doesn't happen frequently anymore, but we used to lose ~a skier/year (springtime) getting thrown into river-bank brush with nests. Old college buddy was apparently (mentally) scarred for life canoeing with his Dad. Dad, in the stern, saw a fat moccasin in the bushes over his son's head, knocked it out and proceeded to beat the snake to death in the air, batting it back and forth between two paddles.
  14. In a fairly long life so far, and with three generations of family lore, I've never seen nor heard of such a thing. Thanks, um a bunch. "While they usually stay on the ground, copperheads will sometimes climb into low bushes or trees in search of prey or to bask in the sun. Sometimes, they even voluntarily go swimming." https://www.livescience.com/43641-copperhead-snake.html Now rat snakes, yes. Need a bit of roughness on the surface, but I've seen 8-9 footers on the face of brick walls, and also handily climbing up within walls.
  15. Looked, to me, like a segue opportunity. I took it.
  16. Type-casting? Humph, said the inscrutible Camel smoker. Could well be characterized as a one-hit wonder, but timing was such that she was warm-up for, and played well* with Sir Elton when he came to town. *Also had a hit duet-single (Don't Go Breaking my Heart) w./him ~ that time that was a little slick for my tastes.
  17. I'm the happiest person I know. My biggest complaint is I got no right to sing the blues.
  18. No offense intended, just found the juxtaposition funny as hell.
  19. Been playin' on the radio for considerable time, so probably won't be new to anybody here. Nonetheless, I now know who performs it, and I post it.
  20. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? or did you mean to play Jeopardy?
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