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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. Indeed. I contemplate the Sound of One Hand Clapping.
  2. Just couldn't hold the camera steady through that, couldya?
  3. Cool! They didn't have that store back when, but Bryson City was our home for many an NOC trip.
  4. Someone probably has but, top of my head, I could only find one about lack thereof:
  5. No credit due on that one. Didn't learn about the selection 'til this a.m. news.
  6. Never heard that one, but it must be true? It's on the internet! "10. Repel Bugs Naturally Unlike us humans, a number of little critters hate the smell of peppermint oil, including ants, spiders, cockroaches, mosquitos, mice and possibly even lice. A review of plant-based insect repellents published in Malaria Journal found that the most effective plant essential oils used in bug repellents include peppermint, lemongrass, geraniol, pine, cedar, thyme and patchouli and clove. These oils have shown to repel malaria, filarial and yellow fever vectors for 60–180 minutes. (17)" Top 15 Peppermint Oil Uses and Benefits, for Gut Health, Headaches & More, at https://draxe.com/peppermint-oil-uses-benefits/ Aside - We've got lemongrass on the property for its culinary uses, but actually attracts the queen of swarming honeybees.
  7. Seems like it would take more than a spoonful of honey to help that medicine go down, but I've found a proper hive robbing to be worth a few incidental preventative doses.
  8. Good stuff there, much of which would seem excellent weekend-at-home background. I'll continue to explore, and thanks again.
  9. Proper place for this worthwhile reminder? If you kill a snake, bury the head. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/06/07/a-texas-man-decapitated-a-rattlesnake-it-bit-him-anyway-and-he-nearly-died-his-wife-says/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5a51acd82374
  10. Have to say no, but I've heard that bee stings prevent arthritis?
  11. Not sure if appropriate here (^can't even pretend to understand all the references^), and certainly not Vmy favorite tunesV (not even favorites from these artists), but there was a time when, along with the horse manure in the streets, performers sold records politely referring to other performers.
  12. Mr. Loofus, sir. On re-reading, I fear I may have woefully misinterpreted your post. Never having sexed an alligator, the old editor in me (and a somewhat foggy green eyeshade may have played a part) kicked in and supplied Augustus P. Dog as the most likely antecedent for the "he" that "dove." From this (erroneous?) assumption, I visualized you being snatched by Mr. Dog's leash, and only hearing (in the moment that the startled gator turned tail) and then seeing the aftermath of the encounter. ^This is probably how I should have responded?^ This somewhat parallels my dismay at learning of a gator in the basin (copperhead-in-the-laundry thread). Old dogs don't welcome new tricks, and I was disappointed to learn that a potential threat could arise from a direction not accounted for by my long-established habitual cautions. As an aside, saw a great horned owl swooping low (below the level of our front porch) over the yard last week, apparently scanning for housecats? Semper paratus.
  13. Mr. Brain - Found the needed technology. Please disregard my reservations in the old thread, though I'd also support pinning the old one; hate to see the lore stored there sink out of sight.
  14. Water fallin' from the sky! In So. Ala! Whodathunkit? (always makes the local drivers lose their minds).
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