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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. Damn! The times, they are a'changing? First time I've ever seen or heard (three generations of lore) of a gator in the basin. They've always stayed down lower in the river. Only ~7' but I won't even stick my butt in an inner-tube, and (to their puzzlement and vexation) have dragged the dogs inside. Neighbors have called the gator-catcher (who knew the county even had one?) but he/she is boating up from Orange Beach.
  2. ...and 1/2 Good weekend all, and word to your mother
  3. Wouldn't have thought of that angle.
  4. High class white trash said it twice.
  5. Sincerely hope that the thread has drifted to the point that I can revert to geezerish story telling (we folks like that). Canoe camping trip up towards the headwaters of the mighty Fish River. Wooded, sandy bank on a blunt peninsula between river and a beaver pond. Stretched out, shorts and barefeet, leaning back against a tree to read some Tolkein. When I get into a book, I tend to get into it, to the exclusion of surroundings, but was disturbed out of reverie by a moccasin (just a little one, ~ 2 ft?) crawling across my legs, Seemed mysteriously oblivious to me (smelly, pale, and warm-blooded as I am) and I wanted to keep it that way; I went all kind'a still life. After what seemed forever of its aimless slither across the ankles-to knees region, the moment passed. Damned thing was in the act of shedding. Skin and scales flaking off all over, with a considerable bundle of such flakes still partially attached all around the head.
  6. Passed through on a few occasions with, thankfully, time for leisurely drive. Once at near peak autumn. Pretty country.
  7. TBH, alway thought the western mountains were the better place to see (and that pic is beautiful). Appalachians seem a much better place to be (as in stretch a hammock). Just me.
  8. Any reference to seeing an ass on the road being a daily occurrence just seemed too pat, too easy. Been trying to work from the vantage point, that it shows ass' elbows, but just hasn't worked. I give up.
  9. Just two years in the Army, and somewhat different experiences w./wildlife. My b'day at basic, belly down in sub-zero snow, learning Claymore set-up and feeling right miserable about my life. Bluebird landed on my left hand, looked around confused, chirped once and flew away. 2nd b'day, annual qualifying from a dug foxhole, a butterfly landed on my front sight while I loaded my 1st clip. Fluttered around while I fired and came right back and landed while I reloaded.4 clips, 4 landings, and the entire firing line was abuzz. Carried the moniker "flower child" for a week or three.
  10. I've posted it elsewhere, but Dad taught me that snakes were like guns. Treat'em as if they're loaded until you know otherwise.
  11. Had a "Dolly" once, a massively polydactyl cat. We named her for her, um, big hands.
  12. Current dogs are both pound hounds. 1st encounter w./a moccasin resulted in a (thankfully) pretty dry (throat) bite. Few weeks ago, came home to see pack teamwork in action. Annie (the quick one) was digging a hole in front of the coiled snake (though way too close for me to let the strategy play out) while Rufus (big, strong, full-voiced) constantly barked from (again, too close) behind to keep it frozen in place. Think they were actually trying to bury the damn' thing.
  13. You're right. They stab, spit, and suck, but it's through mouth parts. Pine borers on a woodyard nip pretty good too. By the way, Peaches work out OK? Thanks for the thread. Sorry we let it drift in your absence:
  14. When this guy left the James Gang, they had little left.
  15. was it a difficult lesson? ETA - Sorry, no lack of sympathy intended. Cigarette smoke holds them at bay.
  16. Apparently, they've tracked fire-ant intro into US to a banana boat docking at Port of Mobile. Really, really dense infestations had to await a mutation (TX) that convinces queens to allow others within close proximity. That wave is echoing back our way. Stay safe.
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