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Posts posted by AU9377

  1. 1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

    I have seen and heard what the GOP committee has presented and heard their witnesses and believe more investigation is needed.  Starting with the DOJ looking into the lies Hunter and James Biden have stated.

    What I will say is the Dems used the *Russian dissinformation*  hysteria to perfection on our own people about the Hunter Biden laptop.

    Are you joking??!!!???  A reference to the Trump campaign and Russia from August of 2020 when *everybody knew* Trump was a Russian asset?  Are you denying that this has been debunked and was actually opposition research by Hillary.  No, this was not real news and this is why the media can not be trusted.

    This is based on a REPUBLICAN SENATE INTELLIGENCE REPORT....  This has not been debunked, because there is nothing to debunk.  These are simple findings.  I cited the article above due to it being an easier read.


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  2. 37 minutes ago, Son of A Tiger said:

    It is a heartbreaking situation. If the U.S. and NATO wanted to really save Ukraine they should have gone all out to start with. Now the country is a shambles and tons of people killed. Russia already controls Crimea and could take the rest if they really wanted to. So should we continue to throw money at a hopeless cause and then do as we so often do spend billions to rebuild the country and back to square one. What do you suggest we do at this point?


    So you would have been in favor of escalating the fighting into an expansive war?  We do know now the actual state of Russia's military.  Their strengths and many weaknesses.  Russia should not be rewarded by our abandoning Ukraine.

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  3. 5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    How could you possibly know?  Only a patrician hack that hopes there is nothing there would believe that.  When they introduced it into evidence at Hunter’s trial there is no denying it is real as is everything in it.

    Regardless if you believe there in anything there, Biden lied to the American public when he said he never talked to Hunter or Jim about their business dealings and that the laptop was Russian disinformation.  Why would he do that?  Do you trust him to tell the truth about his involvement now?  What was his involvement?

    So many questions.

    I have yet to see one document that proves some wrongdoing on the part of Joe Biden.  Do you deny that there has been a great deal of Russian disinformation flooding the U.S. domestic political sphere? 

    The Republican led Senate Intel Committee’s Report is below.  This is real news, not Fox nonsense.


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  4. 20 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

    they just took me off chemo because i am having a bad reaction. i am on super steroids and i am looking like hell. i could not pay a hooker to hug me right now. so i am going to try and be nice for the next couple of days. and it is NOT a death threat so i do not want to mislead anyone.

    I'd pay a hooker to hug ya if I thought it would make u feel better.   Seriously... Hope u feel much better soon.

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Didba said:

    You know, it’s funny, earlier some of the attorneys and I were discussing how poorly the republicans did at questioning Fauci after we watched large portions of the questioning after work. I pointed out that Fox News would still cut the clips up in such a way that looks bad for fauci and sure enough here it is. 

    if you watch the whole day of questioning its hilarious. 

    It is ridiculous, but for so many on the right, it is the only source of information they will base their opinions on.  The very same source that has admitted lying to them over and over and over again.  Fox has done more harm to the word "news" than any other in the history of the country.  They have done the same in the U.K. and Australia. 

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  6. 33 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

    After the wording on the form goes through the court system, they may not be able to. An addict has to have a belief he’s an addict to claim it on a form. How many addicts deny it before successful rehab? If someone decides they quit using a few days ago and haven’t used since, are they a “user”? Do we send people to prison because some government bureaucrat did a poor job crafting a form? What are we trying to prevent and how do we do that? Drug tests to purchase firearms? We can’t do it with a questionnaire. And if I’m a recovered addict for 20 years, I have to say yes to the question? 

    Do we know if Lowell asked, “Would you sell a firearm to person who appeared to be under the influence of drugs? Did Hunter appear to be under the influence of drugs when he filled out the form? So you can’t say he was using when he filled out this form, can you?

    All reasons why this should have been included in a plea agreement at best.   I would think that, during defense testimony, they will call an expert on addiction that states all of that and more. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

    The NY DA sure did more than crap with politically motivated BS, but I guess that is different.

    You know that I wasn't in favor of that prosecution.  That said, it is hilarious watching evangelicals, or whatever we are calling them these days, bend over backwards defending a man that was sleeping with prostitutes while his 3rd wife was at home with their newborn child.

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  8. 8 hours ago, TexasTiger said:


    And I would bet that 9 of those 10 were charged in connection with a crime committed with the gun purchased.  I can guarantee you that there are U.S. Attorneys that had no idea this was something they could charge before this trial.

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    They got a late start as the laptop was deemed *Russian disinformation* and only recently deemed that Hunter’s laptop his and was not tampered with.  It was entered into evidence in Hunter’s gun trial.  Why wouldn’t that be evidence?

    Of course, the criminal referral is about lying to Congress and I would bet they have to evidence.

    All this time and what they come up with is "lying to Congress."  Their impeachment inquiry FAILED due to a total lack of evidence.  They are embarrassingly inept.  As usual, they grossly overstate their case.  Therefore, no, I don't expect the DOJ to do anything of substance with their politically motivated BS.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Act on it.  Investigate and show the public there is no favoritism.  Too much to ask?

    A criminal referral has to be based in some evidence.  They have been investigating this for years now and have nothing.  This is what House Republicans have been doing for years now.  They promise they have evidence of wrongdoing.  You all get worked up into a tizzy and then they fail to produce.  They then latch onto something else and do the same thing over and over and over.

    Que the music... Through the Years.....

    White Water


    The Clinton Foundation

    Durham's ridiculous investigation

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  11. 2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    What do you think the Biden DOJ will do with this?


    Will the DOJ shout *no evidence*?

    Exactly what should be done with it..... file it away under House Republican garbage circa 2024.  If Trump was to be elected, you know what his DOJ would do with it?  Leave it right where it is and not touch it.  They can play games all day, but when there is no there there, it dies.

    • Facepalm 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    I used to think this, but in the last 4 years I am beginning to wonder.  We have a president that is defying the SCOTUS about student loans just to garner votes.  We have seen protesters trying to influence the justices of the Supreme Court and even trying to assasinate one just because they disagreed with a leaked decision.  This is just sad.

    Wouldn’t they have to do something illegal first?


    I can’t believe you acually typed this.  Do you remember Biden’s DOJ was a heartbeat away from a hand slap on the tax charges which included amnesty for everything going forward including the gun charge?

    What other DOJ would do that except Biden’s that involved his son?

    I get that you don't understand how the DOJ or Special Prosecutors work, but when Biden came into office, he could have dismissed the Special Prosecutor.  It is common place.  He chose not to.  All he will get in the end is a hand slap.  That is what 90% of those that pay back due taxes get.

    • Like 4
  13. 13 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Of course he has been hands off.  He is all about law and order, however, if your DOJ tries to slip through a sweetheart deal that was a slap on the wrist about avoiding paying taxes that included amnesty for everyting else going forward, including the gun crime, why would Biden be hand on?  They were doing exactly what he wanted.

    If it weren’t for a principled judge this all would have been over.  Because of that judge, Biden’s hands are now tied. He has to let it play out.

    By they, you mean the special prosecutor appointed by Bill Barr while Donald Trump was President.  I suppose probation for this offense will make a trial all the more worthwhile?  Good Lord man.  You do realize that people don't generally get prosecuted for this absent a crime, right?

    I suppose you think that jail time for taxes that have been paid is also warranted.... It is nothing but politics at play.  Nonetheless, I would agree that Hunter Biden did commit the offense and if he is convicted, should be treated like every other defendant.  What I don't think should happen is him being treated more harshly than other defendants.

  14. 1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:


    She's in a solid red district where the Dem has 0% chance, but she's faced plenty of Republican primary challengers in her past 2 elections and crushed them all. Now she's ran unopposed in the Republican primary assumedly because other Republicans saw they didn't really have any chance against her. 


    She's unfortunately the type of representative that a lot of people in Georgia's 14th district seems to really like and want. There's a certain demographic of American voters where "Trolling the Libs" is considered the most important part of the job for their elected politicians, and MTG is an expert at that if nothing else. 


    My point is that there is a Republican in that district that can unseat her.  They simply haven't wanted to get in the gutter to fight her yet.  Her opposition hasn't been an established, well connected candidate yet.

  15. 19 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    The jury pool voted for Biden by 70%.  My guess would be a hung jury or acquittal, no way a guilty verdict.  Basically a reverse of the NY trial against Trump.

    Everything is not about politics.  It really isn't.  The advantage is always to the Prosecution, even though they have the burden of proof.  The only thing going for Hunter Biden is that he has excellent legal representation.  The crime is also extremely trivial and as such is almost never prosecuted as a stand alone offense. 

    As I pointed out in another thread, Trump would never allow his DOJ to prosecute one of his children.  In contrast, Biden has been hands off and the DOJ appointed special prosecutor was allowed to remain on the job after the change of administrations.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Jad0003 said:

    Good hire. Her offenses are stout. 

    It sounds like we put the majority of our eggs in the Kenny G basket, and it didn’t come to fruition in the end. I wonder if it possibly made us miss on other candidates resulting in the delayed announcement.

    Robocoach seems to think it’ll be Malveaux from Tennessee. He’s one of the top offensive minds in the country. He has a reputation of a good recruiter, so it would align with what Cohen said recently. His wife coaches also coaches the catchers and baserunners for Tennessee. I think Carosone coached infielders the past few years, so there might be room for her to continue on staff if both parties are interested. However, I don’t see room for Rogers as she coached our catchers this year. The pitching coach will be a big hire as we will need development with the loss of Penta, Lowe, and Widra.

    That would be a very good option, imo.   I believe you are right about putting all of our eggs in the Kenny G basket.  We likely had good reason to do that, but with Oklahoma and Texas leaving the Big XII, and OSU making the $ right, the advantage changed and staying put just made more sense.

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