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Posts posted by AU9377

  1. 2 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

    Interesting that the Bible mentions fornication, adultery, lust, and homosexuality as sins, while teaching that all sin is equal in separating us from God. But for some reason the homosexuals catch a lot more hate and scorn from the religious community than the other categories. 

    If the church pushed everyone away that fornicated, committed adultery or any of the other sins, there wouldn't be enough people to pay the pastor.  However, picking on someone that is different from the majority is much easier.  For someone that is straight, it is very easy to push back against what isn't understood.  It becomes much more difficult for people when they are forced to question the importance of that belief.

    There are lots of gay people in the most conservative churches across the country.  As long as they don't admit to being gay, others simply ignore it and pretend that it isn't the case. 


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  2. 3 hours ago, PUB78 said:

    We spent a few hundred years trying to shun and kill off homosexuals.  The fact that there have been homosexuals in the world from the beginning of recorded history should be a clue that their existence is not some unnatural affliction, but instead is a manifestation of a constant state of being within the human race.  Making men and women who happen to be gay feel shamed and live in the shadows has accomplished nothing, other than for families to become estranged from their children, siblings and others and experience the grief of losing them to suicide and a life filled with unwarranted depression. 

    A nation that claims to be the home of the free should, at the very least, acknowledge that being free must mean more than to be free to live like you and me.  It should mean freedom from persecution and judgment  based solely on who someone loves or chooses to have sex with in their personal lives.    I will be he first to admit that some of the Pride parades seem over the top and at times going to the extent of being vulgar.  Others, I am certain, are more about statements of inclusion. Nonetheless, there are large portions of the gay community that have been forced to find others that they can relate to in order to have a sense of family. That is the fault of a society that spent so many decades not providing the support from their own families and communities that they deserved as much as any other human being. 

    If someone believes this is a sign or moral decay in America, they aren't looking for the real moral decay, but instead are choosing to practice selective moral outrage.  Every family has that uncle or aunt that never married, the cousin that they don't hear from any more or the child that moved from their small hometown and hasn't been home in years.  Love them and stop making them carry the guilt they don't deserve.

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  3. 50 minutes ago, JMWATS said:

    Where does it state Johnson expects the Supreme Court to act without the case first moving through the appellate process? 

    He is an LSU educated lawyer after all. 

    An LSU educated lawyer that somehow concludes that the Establishment Clause in the U.S. Constitution doesn't require the separation of church and state. His ideas on what freedom and liberty include would be a shock to the majority of Americans.  Specifically, he believes that cases decided by the Supreme Court that invalidated laws making sex between two consenting adults illegal were wrongly decided. He believes the same in the area of female contraception.  He spent his legal career representing and being the spokesperson for  the Alliance Defense Fund, a radical group that supports these same causes.

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  4. On 5/31/2024 at 4:00 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

    That's already to be expected. 

    Republicans are already going after Biden and his family with everything they've got. 

    Problem for Republicans is that they don't have much....

    And by not much, you mean nothing.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. On 5/31/2024 at 5:51 PM, I_M4_AU said:

    If the Dems can convict their political rival during an election year on a novel theory of a crime, surely the Republicans can find a DA that can match this foolishness.

    You still have to have a set of facts that cause criminal exposure. 

  6. On 5/31/2024 at 9:10 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

    The police officer in this incident has been fired by his department with the sherriff saying:

    This tragic incident should have never occurred,” Aden said in his statement. “The objective facts do not support the use of deadly force as an appropriate response to Mr. Fortson’s actions. Mr. Fortson did not commit any crime.” 






    I believe that he will be charged in the near future.

  7. 7 hours ago, aubaseball said:

    Have you seen how they went after Supreme Court justices?  Just making sure it’s equal reporting 

    Even though I didn't like the Kavanaugh confirmation fiasco, I do believe they need to be put under a microscope in general.  They have lifetime appointments. They are expected to be above the fray.  Their position requires them to show restraint and not be involved in politics outside the court. 

    This is a state court judge that, well before this case came about, had made small donations to democratic campaigns.  His daughter works for the Biden campaign or did.  None of that means anything  when it comes to his application of New York law.  The only reason that Trump dislikes the man is that the man does him no favors.  He treats him like any other defendant, with the exception of giving him way more freedom than the average defendant would get to violate a gag order.

    • Like 1
  8. Trump is now giving a press conference where he has already stated that Democrats don't want people to have cars... just as a start. 

    ........The trial was unfair......... yadda yadda yadda

    Classic Trump.  I agree that the charges in his case should not have been brought.  I agree that some of the charges in his civil cases were pushing the limits as well.  Trump can't stop himself there, which is his problem in a nutshell.  

    He then brags that the DOJ declined to prosecute, which is true.  Then he turns right around and starts lying about unrelated matters all over the board. 

    The one thing that he still does not understand is that the system, the country, is bigger than Trump.  He wants to butt heads in a fight that he, nor any other man, is capable of winning with lies and deceit. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

    Alan Dershowitz, a liberal without TDS:

    This is a very sad day for American justice. I have now added one banana to my usual banana republic: A grouping, umm, we’re up to seven or eight at this point- and it’s a worse day for America than it actually is for Donald Trump,” Dershowitz said. “Don’t know what the impact will be on Trump. Don’t know what it’ll be on his electoral prospects, he’s probably not going to get jail time, and if he does, it would be stayed pending appeal.”

    “I don’t know whether the case will be reversed on appeal. I don’t think it would be reversed by the appellate division,” Dershowitz continued. “These are judges who are terrified of being perceived of as helping Trump in any way. Don’t know whether or not the New York Court of Appeals in Albany will have the ability to not consider the impact it will have on individuals as judges. Surely the Supreme Court wouldn’t, but that’s a way off and there wouldn’t be a decision by the Supreme Court, probably before the election.”

    New York Judge Juan Merchan was accused of having a bias against Trump during his handling of the case. Merchan donated $15 to Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020 and made two $10 donations to Democratic groups via ActBlue, one to a “Stop Republicans” group and another to a “Progressive Turnout Project,” according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

    Merchan’s daughter, Loren, worked for a firm that helped Democrats raise $93 million off the former president’s indictment in the business records case,  the New York Post reported in March. Dershowitz compared the jury’s verdict to those made in the deep South before the Civil Rights movement.

    “This is still the weakest case I’ve ever seen in 60 years. The fact that the jury convicted based on false instructions, wrong instructions, based on the jurors having been between 85 and 90 percent picked from a veneer that hates Trump and doesn’t want him to be president, the fact that the jury convicted doesn’t make this case any stronger or any better,” Dershowitz said. “I was recently just 15 minutes ago on with The Times of London and they were saying, ‘Well, doesn’t the fact that the jury convicted prove it was a strong case?’ No, no! It proves that it was of a case that was brought in a jurisdiction where a conviction was almost assuredly guaranteed.”

    “In the South, when they convicted black people improperly with an all-white jury or acquitted white people improperly with an all-white jury, that didn’t mean that those convictions were correct. It just meant that the jury didn’t reflect the values of our, of our country, it reflected the values of a particular region of the country, in this case the region is a liberal region, New York, in the Southern cases, the region was the conservative region of the South,” Dershowitz continued.

    “Juries are imperfect and juries represent the biases of individuals,” Dershowitz added. “We do live in the age of Trump syndrome, people can’t talk rationally about Donald Trump any more than they can talk rationally about Israel or about some other subjects.”

    Dershowitz just wants to be in the middle of something.  This is as much word salad as prime rib.

  10. There is an entire entertainment network telling people that Joe Biden is behind the New York charges.  That is a lie, but is just another in the long list that Fox peddles daily.  Biden could address that lie. 

    Trump worshipers forget that there are very serious charges pending in Georgia and in Federal court.  Trump has no power to get rid of the Georgia charges and any chance of a pardon there rests in a Republican governor that he has attacked over and over for not helping him "find 11,000 votes" to change the results of a valid election. The wife of that Republican governor has publicly stated that she will not vote for Trump in November.

    The Republican base simply cannot get enough of their morally bankrupt, self serving. constantly barking, spoiled privileged man that sits on golden toilets and tells them he understands their struggle.

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, LPTiger said:

    AU9377,  Can't thank you enough for giving $$$$$ to baseball.  Butch has some real reservations about the current state of affairs.  He is conflicted about keeping up with the Joneses while not creating an entitled team.  It is a real conundrum.  I thank everyone who loves Auburn baseball.

    It is hard to have faith in much surrounding college sports these days, but I have complete respect for and faith in Butch and his leadership.  Men like him aren't easy to find and we are fortunate to have him guiding the program and the young men that he pours so much of himself into.

  12. 14 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

    Of greatness.


    Amazing that his own Vice President doesn't think he should ever be in the Oval Office again, along with his Attorney General, Defense Secretary, multiple Generals and anyone else who isn't also a defendant in his schemes to overturn an election he lost.

    • Like 1
  13. 54 minutes ago, Auburn93 said:

    Sometimes voting for the wrong political party leads to the destruction of society in the form of mass illegal immigration, inflation, destructive climate change policy, and men competing in women sports. 

    Sometimes watching CNN leads to brain washing. 

    BTW, he didn't lead chants of lock her up. You didn't watch Trump rallies. You watched CNN.

    If you had been reading my comments on this case, you would know that I have said many times that I did not believe it should have been brought.  That said, it certainly isn't an "illegal" case.  How about this.... Try not blaming everyone and everything, including the system, because your beloved candidate has the moral compass of a pimp on pay day.

    How many hush payments does it take before the hypocrisy feels a little bit real?  Did his wife just have something more important to do today or was she renegotiating another contract in order to remain the Mrs.?

    CNN didn't make the man attempt to change the results of an election that he LOST. CNN didn't make the man willfully retain classified documents and not return them when requested. CNN certainly didn't make him clap like thunder while getting it on with Stormy.  But please..... blame everyone and everything around him but never him.  That is how a cult following works.

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  14. 1 minute ago, autigeremt said:

    Orange can now run the country from a jail cell in NY instead of his competition who runs the country from his basement. 

    what a country 

    He won't get jail time, but he is now a convicted felon.  Personally, I hate classifying people as felons.  I believe that if someone serves their time or whatever their sentence is, they have then paid their debt to society and should be allowed to pursue a better life.  I understand the designation if their crime was violent, against children etc, but we do a poor job of actually allowing people to make the best of their second chance.


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  15. 52 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

    Can he run as President if convicted of a felony? I don't think so... :-*

    Yes. There are minimum qualificatioins. 1. 35 years old. 2. Natural born citizen. 3. Been a resident of the U.S. for 14 years.

    He just can't own a firearm and in most states vote until his sentence is complete.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Is it an irrational “syndrome” that doesn’t allow someone to see trump in a fair policy context, or is it simply someone with a moral compass? As an example - Liz Cheney agreed with Trump 95% of the time on legislation but was adamantly against him as president at the end. Why?  (Ps Before you do the obligatory attack Cheney trope, there are countless other examples). Why are there conservative “never Trumpers” and why is there maga. Can/should you separate policy from the person?



    A few other examples would be almost every person that worked in his administration the first time.  That includes his Vice President, multiple Generals and military leaders, and even his Attorney General.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

    A jury full of people like this is why acquittal was never an option.   A prosecutor who vowed to get Trump will convict Trump of a made up crime using a biased judge and jury.  It's a sad day for America.  It will be overturned on appeal after the election on any number of reversible errors., the most egregious of which was not telling the defendant the crime he was being charged with until after the trial started so his lawyers had no time to prepare a defense. 

    This sounds straight out of Fox prime time.  Just because a judge applies rules, does not make him biased. The way the Trump people have attacked the judge's family is just pathetic.  Unfortunately, it is par for the course with this bunch.

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  18. 5 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    So in American politics only Trump is guilty of this? All other pols are pure as angels on this topic? Would you believe it if I showed you that Redfinch has far more Democratic clients than Republican?

    I never claimed that only one side did anything to the exclusion of the other.  Trump is just infamous for his claims about crowd size and its importance.

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