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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. https://roadtrippers.com/trips/10427768 Id love to do this hwy 61 blues Highway....the Robert Johnson story gets me.... for those that dont know the story, Robert Johnson was horrible at guitar.....he would get booed off stage and was basically an annoying joke....hes the guy that went to the crossroads and sold his soul.....If any of you play guitar, you'll understand...you do not advance much in a 6 month period, yet Robert Johnson went from an annoying noise maker on guitar, to the father of friggin rock and roll in that short of a period! the foundations to all the rock songs today were all laid out by Robert Johnson almost 100 years ago!...awesome legend!!...The crossroads are a definite bucket list for me....This blues trail?..there's like a thousand names associated with the trail going back over a century. Before I realized this, I felt pretty sound on songs and music.....After realizing..there is a ton of awesomeness going way back, ..ya just gotta look!...again, robert johnson radio pandora....youll have to get over the differences of todays stuff....primarily the songs end abruptly and they got the scratchy sound but yeah, get over that and your in for a treat!
  2. They say blues is dying.......Is that even possible???
  3. Me?..I like to think so! Lol...I play guitar a little, theres somthing about playing guitar that funneled me into loving the blues....give me a porch at night, a few beers and some robert jhonson radio on pandora and it will turn what you think you know about music on end!..... Early era blues is new to me, and i feel like ive cheated myself badly being 45 years old and just now figuring it out!....totally fufills every bit of the definition of fascinating!
  4. I challenge anyone to come up with a band with as much talent as rush...may be the among the best bassists and drummers of all time...the guitarist is no joke either..,,
  5. Gotta find a way to make this my wake up alarm in the mornings...I actually want to work and be productive hearing this song! LOL...speaking of working songs....
  6. Ive heard this song a thousand times in my life and never gave it much thought, then I didn't hear it again for several years and it was almost forgotten. Then one day, driving back from the beach by myself, this song came on the radio, I cranked it up and just fell in love with it!...How did I overlook how awesome this song was for so long?.....Its now my new top open highway, road trip driving song!
  7. Jack Driscoll,...Definitely a O-linemans name in football...Jack Driscoll hall of fame inductee! Could also have been either a hero, villain, outlaw or sheriff from the old west....The driscoll Kidd,.."The names Jack,....Jack Driscoll.." .He could have been the subject of a Johnny Cash song........Jack Driscoll could be,....the most interesting man in the world......
  8. I did a look up of past starting QB's for auburn.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Auburn_Tigers_starting_quarterbacks I see in 1957 and 1958 there was a Lloyd Nix. Was a grandfather?
  9. If he feels its a step down, thats a good thing. Makes it seem like hes in it for us rather than himself to me. Id rather it be that way, than the other way around.
  10. It is in a way, it kinda grows on you though.
  11. Has anyone seen Turn-Washington spies? I was really impressed with it. Justified was awesome, definitely miss that one.
  12. I hate our freaking our offensive "genius " coach... unbelievable...
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