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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. I agree.....first and foremost...what you said.. She's an Olympic hero no doubt...I agree that it had to be a tough decision to back away in the middle of it all. I hope and pray that she finds peace with everything going on....Was it brave to step up make her decision? Yes...im sure it took a ton out of her to do so....she does not need to be criticized one bit....but im not sure about all the praise for quitting....it makes me wonder if she would have gotten anywhere near the praise if she touched it out and the mental stuff came out later?...Much stronger to overcome than let it get the best of you. Either way, mega thanks for Simone!
  2. I definitely am too...im not "cancelling" it, but, definitely canceling the media commentary and, and medal ceremonys......first time ever actively rooting against the woman's soccer team lol....sign of the times I guess...
  3. Surprised there isn't a thread on this in politics yet...there seems to be a lot of it in this event....
  4. I had 1 day there...I did 11:30 to 2am haha...I didn't do the bleacher bar....I did the Cask and flagon...I actually did several bars there.....they all just had a fun comfortable vibe!...I was by myself, but felt like I was among friends!...now I got a few "Eff yous" from random vehicles driving hy lol..but all the people I was walking with didn't pay much attention so I just rolled with it....Im so anxious to go back and catch some sports there! It's just that sorta town@
  5. Dude....Its my favorite big city by far!!....I wasn't expecting it either....and I'm so lucky to have had somebody make me promise them I'd do a Fenway park tour....that was incredible. ...had the best tour guide...I think all I have to do is say..."Imagine an 80 year old, life long Boston red Sox fan"....and you probably nailed it...pot bellied old fart that will crack on anyone notice wearing a redox hat, and will joke as much as he will tell history and have be equally entertaining! Haha...
  6. Speaking of Cheers, ...I was in 5th grade when Cheers came around, my sister dated and lived with a guy there at Auburn who looked just like Sam the bartender...I loved the show, loved the time I spent there as a kid with my sister...I Kinda picked up the Auburn feel at the same time I picked up the Cherrs vibe....I dont get out to Auburn alot, but when I do...the Cheers theme song like automatically runs through my mind constantly lol
  7. I would so recommend it!...theres a couple of new "cheers" bars in Boston that try to replicate the TV show version of cheers...I cant say they are not worth going to, but they are so generic...kinda like a gift shop version of the original bull and finch. ...I made it to the original around two, had a couple of beers....it was incredibly crowded , but still fun.. I did the freedom trail, ended up at the new generic one, ate a horrible cheese steak, got some souvenirs, and actually walked back to the original and closed it down!...once the crowd left, and you had free reign to walk around the original bar, it really brought the feel of the bar you saw on cheers....bars not the same, but the backgrounds really hit home!......oh, and 2 recommendations...1 is the freedom trail...obviously, but for #2, ...behind cheers a little ways is Acorn street...its the most photographed street in America...I did it in both day and night...its incredible!
  8. Speaking of Boston.... Cask n Flagons next to Fenway Park was one of my most favorite sports bars. ....I only went there for lunch and a beer, but the bar was awesome, the location next to the stadium was awesome. I could only imagine the experience of being there for some big sporting event!.......Oh, and while in Boston....The Bar I had been wanting to go to since I was like 8 years old (Is that bad?..:P) ..... http://www.101destinations.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/cheers.jpg Loved it!!
  9. I did a New England trip a few years back, went to what was considered the Oldest bar in America....I went to a few others in Boston that claimed they were the oldest bar in America including the Bell in Hand, the Green Dragon where the Sons of liberty congregated and a couple of others......Im not sure which one was truly the oldest, but Im pretty sure I had a beer at it!
  10. just To follow up the Red Dog Saloon, heres the Red Onion just up in Skagway! (not my pics).....Its an old Brothel from the Gold rush Days that they have kept up to stay true to the period. Has an upstairs tour they call the "quikie tour"where you get alot of ...lets say, interesting History!...Great Place!...Had a really good time...if you know what I mean!
  11. Ive been here! When I was here, they had an Old guy on the Piano that sang and did comedy....Great entertainment!!
  12. Sheesh!...You know this may be a sign that you may need to turn off the news, take a break from the internet and step away from politics for a while lol....
  13. There would have to be a good title for it, like...."The man with the Golden Twinkie".....or maybe give it like a Marvel/ DC sorta feel...."The Tinkler" but have it sounded out in sort of a Heavy NYC accent like.... "Da Tink'lahh!".....Ok, Ill stop here.....
  14. It wants me to register to keep reading....does it mention what the kremlins plots were exactly and how or if they were carried out....that and how successful or effective were the plots?...and on a bigger picture,. seems like everyone agrees the the Russians try to influence our elections, but how would the 2016 Kremlin plan, and success (if so) be any different than any other elections?
  15. Has there been any reasoning given in regards to this at all? ....Not that it matters I guess, but the BS they give might be interesting lol
  16. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/10/02/most-cuban-american-voters-identify-as-republican-in-2020/ This might explain everything....
  17. I dont know....If its true that the Cuban population in Miami has been voting more Republican, it might be good strategically for Biden and the Democrats to do something like that. It would satisfy a good chunk of the population in a swing state and might secure it for the Democrats for many elections to come. ...... I mean not that they care anything about the Cuban people, or anything else that isnt beneficial to securing power for themselves lol...but yeah.....
  18. https://www.dailywire.com/news/communist-cuba-begins-cracking-down-on-freedom-protesters-internet-and-cell-service-cut?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR1KA4_-OlrxKTsa2RFiasvpiPUTLP0HahW3ZqeXA7CZr7aWzpdUp96c-mE I wonder how things will turn out...
  19. Ask any democrat if they support BLM, and you'll have a good idea who among them supports defending the police ....
  20. The ole "Me good!...you bad!" stuff....
  21. They are definitely on a run! .....Of course he lighting were somehow able to be 18 million over the salary cap this year. Thats like being able to pay for 2 extra superstar players!.....Im not sure how or why they were able to do it...there's probably good reasoning behind it, but yeah...Hard for them not to go all the way.
  22. Pets forget about it like bad thunderstorms, ...a responsible pet owner would prepare for "firework" season...the 4th, New years....not by fussing about it with some idea it will stop, but rather...prepare for it!!...bring the pets inside if its a problem!..talk to the vets, theres trazadone, that is a great way to calm nerves if its a problem. ..be there for your pets! You do alot more than you think as far as setting themselves at ease...
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