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Everything posted by WarEagleHunter1221

  1. Garrett Riley? Got a feeling it’s the WR coach though.
  2. They said another Offensive change would come in the article so I’d say yes.
  3. Not mad at it. Just wonder what this will do to recruiting this late in the game. 😬😬😬
  4. And if you’re getting on social media and ranting on, hoping Bo Nix transfers and that Auburn does awful without him next year, then you’re weird as ****. You’re just proving that the whole “All Auburn” shtick is something that you’re not.
  5. I’ll say this. This narrative that AU fans are “running Bo Nix out of town” that’s being shared with the speculation that he is leaving is extremely toxic to the football program and honestly bull****. Worst of all it’s being shared by AUBURN people. What an awful look. Bo should weigh his options and do what’s best for his career, whether that is leave or stay. If he’s received personal attacks against himself or his family then that is sick and I can understand the I’ll feelings. Criticism is different than that and if you get praise for doing the simple things right then you get criticism for doing the simple things wrong. Being an Auburn legacy or “all auburn” doesn’t negate that. Everyone that plays here is all Auburn.
  6. I could see if it Bobo is fired. 4 systems in 4 years is a lot for anyone. Also, I read a report that the hate from Auburn fans is a factor in his consideration.
  7. Guess I could have seen that coming. Interesting nonetheless. Let’s hope the DD transfer talks are not true if this is the case.
  8. What’s with all the Bo Nix transfer talk? Any merit to this? It’s all over Twitter. Note: I did not start this thread to have a discussion on whether we will be better or worse without him. Just curious why this talk is catching fire on Twitter all of a sudden.
  9. I feel the same. It may just be me being a pessimist and a worrier. I just HATE UGA and that sounds like something that would happen.
  10. Definitely. Would be in an even better position transferring to UGA after this year because their top two backs will go pro. Have been feeling pessimistic about it since Penn State.
  11. Yikes. Yeah this is bad. I had a bad feeling about Tank transferring after the Penn State game. Since then it’s only gotten worse. IMO it may be what’s best for him because he is not being utilized correctly here. If it’s anything like the rumors last year then we will hate where he goes….
  12. I could be wrong but it looks legit to me.
  13. Saw this on Reddit. Looks like a post from Tank on one of his social media platforms. This ain’t good…. True….. but not good.
  14. I absolutely do not think that COVID played a part in how last year played out for Auburn. All other teams were facing the exact same thing. It’s not like Auburn was working at a disadvantage that no one else was. I’m not playing a refs game because I’m not talking about missed holding calls or PIs. Those two games had VERY significant calls that actually handed Auburn their wins. The spiked ball and the touch on the kickoff would have ended one game and resulted in opposing points for the other. We did finish 6-5 so I was incorrect on that. However we should have started that year 1-4 either way.
  15. Let’s be honest. We finished 6-6 but should have finished 4-8. It’s fun to poke at Arkansas and Ole Miss but it’s very true that the refs won Auburn both of those games. We would have been 1-4…. IMO last year absolutely felt worse than this year. Zero emotion and effort almost every game.
  16. Definitely agree with this. It’s been a weird feeling for me personally this season. I had zero expectations and only acknowledged what Auburn beating Ole Miss could mean. However I don’t feel *devasted* by yesterday and some others seem to be. Then again I was completely drained of emotions for Auburn Football under Gus so maybe they just haven’t fully come back? Just don’t know what people really expected out of this year. 🤷‍♀️.
  17. Thank you!!! I was coming here to say this. This board does a lot of back and forth on where to place the blame on struggles and losses but I feel like it’s glaringly obvious what the problem is and how to fix it. If we don’t win in the trenches we don’t win football games, period. The game plan on both sides works fine with protection and pressure, something we are rarely working with. Bo is a fine QB when he has time to throw and zone defense works when the opposing QB doesn’t. It’s really that simple. We do not have a run game because we do not have an OLine. We can not blitz because we do not have a DLine. I’m not a football coach but how to you scheme around something so putrid? What else are we still arguing about? Disclaimer before anyone comes at me: Obviously there are games where these aren’t the only issues. WRs had a bad game or two. Bo has had a bad game or two. Mason should have reevaluated his defensive plan yesterday. Bobo shouldn’t have tried to establish the run. My point is that none of this other stuff would be necessary if we even had a Ben close to the talent of these other teams in the line. We have MSU/SC talent on our lines. IMO Harsin’s tenure at Auburn lives and dies by recruiting and that’s been the case since day 1.
  18. These two teams are very evenly matched. They have a better OLine and we edge them out on QB play….. for now. Not thrilled with play calling but what else do you do with the line playing week 1 ball again. Bo and the RBs are frazzled for sure.
  19. I don’t know if it’s just me but this is the first time in recent memory that I can visibly see the team getting better each week. Especially the offense. To me that’s good enough to call this year one a win for Harsin and Co. We just beat the #10 team in the country but could have absolutely obliterated them if it weren’t for dumb mistakes. We have a chance against every team we have left. Just wish we had A&M at home.
  20. I love our defense had to face this pressure. I think they responded really well.
  21. We won this one in spite of ourselves. Bobo called a good game and defense played good in the second half. It was a good win with all the potential to be a great win. Offensively OM is better than Texas A&M. Defensively Texas A&M is better than OM. It’ll be interesting.
  22. Absolutely should have had a TD right there. OM ain’t gone keep making mistakes for us. Would kill for a TO though.
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