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Swamp Eagle

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Swamp Eagle last won the day on February 4

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About Swamp Eagle

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    Marengo County
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Founding Father

Founding Father (14/14)

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  1. Did you post just to get yours validated, or to have everyone participate?
  2. Hanks a good un…he knows my schtick…😆
  3. And, wait for it....how true of a fan you are will be directly proportional to whether you Go-Fund-Me college athletes. Won't bother me one iota. I refuse to contribute to the ri-FREAKING-diculous notion of paying towards NIL. It's their responsibility to market themselves. Not mine.
  4. This is where I am: I don't have to change just because the college landscape did. I'll bitch and moan about what I want to, whether I contribute or not. It won't make an ounce of difference,just like it never has, so I'm good...😎
  5. Hell, man, the official Auburn sports site won’t even post losses on the front page, you have to dig to find a score, though you know by the absence it’s a loss. When the university caters to supporters who can only handle the good news…that’s a problem. Whoever is making those decisions needs a knot jerked in their…
  6. Once again? Since when? Only Jared Harper comes to mind at point.
  7. You also have to be invited the first time to be invited to come back.
  8. Do we really think Bruce will finally get the G position right? This is becoming a bad look for him in an otherwise good Auburn career...
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