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Everything posted by MaitlandTiger

  1. Wisconsin had 29 first downs versus PSU’s 11. (I think those stats are correct) and then PSU fans pointing to Ball State as a relatively quality win. Wyoming trouncing Ball State today. Well, we will find out AU, and PSU, soon!!!! I say let’s expose them!
  2. Ball State underwhelming at Wyoming today. 34-0 deep in the third.
  3. Post of the day. Your backup would have a career day. 3rd and 14? No problem. Uncanny.
  4. I’m having issues embedding but a good on on there is: message from James Franklin to his family: #WeAre moving to L.A.
  5. As McLoofus said, Big 10 has had our number for a while, in the more important years/games. Good coaching. I went to the outback bowl where we were two touchdown favorites over Wisconsin in Barry Alvarez’s last game. Our boys believed the hype and we went out flat as can be. The score was much closer than the actual game. They whipped our butts up and down the field for the full 60 minutes. Little RB seemed to rush for 500. Lots of looooong runs against an AU defense that hadn’t given up the big play all year. I think he had a legit 200 or thereabouts. Time to win a big game against the Big 10. Super excited for this game. Tempted to fly up with a pocketful of cash I shouldn’t spend! @cole. You’re right on the beauty conversation, sorry, got carried away. I’m just so stoked for games where our player-package and misdirection doesn’t tell the D EXACTLY what we are about to attempt. Such a breath of fresh air. Would love to show the football world that our athletes, combined with top-tier coaching, are world beaters. Smashmouth AU football with competent coaching. The heart of the boys has always been there. AU has always been special, AU football has always been special and now we need the wins to prove that we are still very relevant. I’m surprised by my enthusiasm. Been a (relatively) tough year for me and mine (and countless others of course). I’m no fair-weather fan but something about the current situation just has me jazzed. And I don’t want it dampened!! My brother is FSU and I can see how drained he is. Just deflated.
  6. I do understand it was a joke but I visited friends at Ole Miss and was truly mesmerized. Had a week long business trip to Jackson once and got to drive around the state a bit. Saw plenty of the toothless variety and the chubby (to be diplomatic) but still a huge population of pretty country girls. God has blessed the South!!
  7. Mississippi may be the winner, in fact. All of the South has a far higher percentage of cute-to-gorgeous women than anywhere I’ve been, with the exception of New Jersey. The Italian influence in Jersey produces an interesting group of beauties and lots of them. A little louder group to be sure, but you know that going in.
  8. Got family in Central and Western PA. Visit every 2 years like clockwork. I hereby promise you that when you see these Southern beauties, and the sheer neverending number of them, you will wonder what is in the water down here. I am going walleye fishing in Cleveland and salmon fishing in upstate New York in 3 weeks. Trip I take often. While there, I usually happen to see a pretty girl every now and then, but it’s amazing what we have here in the south. Now Wisconsin is impressive, and the only other state with consistently beautiful females, that I have seen, is —believe it or not—New Jersey. Loaded.
  9. Just watch footage of a white out. Super cool. Truly impressive. That’s a rabid fan base.
  10. All the talk of the White-out. No doubt it’s going to be very loud. The PSU fans are excited, because it’s their thing, and their school, think that somehow it’s the loudest, craziest….we all feel that way about OUR school or team. But it’s not like their fans have stronger vocal cords or vocal stamina than other humans. The loudest I’ve heard is a tie between Jordan Hare Iron Bowl and matchup of two unbeatens when we played at the Swamp. Possible edge to the Swamp (Lord was it loud) but probably no louder than the home Iron Bowl. It’s basically just going to be that top-level loud. Gonna make for a great game but physics and physiology says that it won’t be any louder or more intimidating than any other Big School/Rivalry/Rowdy Fan Base game. I like the fact that they their coach is currently rumored to be looking closely at the USC job. Even if it’s just a rumor. And they may be way over-confident. If PSU is every bit as good as advertised, and it’s loud and we play sloppy we could lose by 14. If they are over-hyped and slower than they think they are (which I’m leaning towards) and we play strong fundamentals, with a timely turnover or two, we could win by 14. Reality, probably somewhere in between. I’m stoked! May the best team prevail! I’ve got a gut feeling our D is the real deal and the first half is a slugfest draw. Then in the third and fourth quarter, our conditioning and Tank/Jarquez/Sean J will run it (maybe not down their throats but run it nonetheless) and we win by 7.
  11. I choose to believe that we will have plays ready in the event that the OL can’t allow Bo a great deal of time. Again, I am choosing to believe that this is the case. RB routes, utilizing TE (which we have already seen). Nothing made me angrier at Gus than, in the games in which our O line was clearly being abused, we would still have those long, drawn out, slow-to-develop passing Routes. Infuriating.
  12. I think this is the perfect game for us to see the difference between the Harsin+ era and the Gus era. I think under Gus, we go in there with a bunch of good athletes and we trot out that same old playbook, limited everything, limited route tree, and we play, from sheer talent alone, a close game until the end and they beat us. And I don’t think that is going to be the case this time based solely on coaching.
  13. Also, I stated that I followed Penn State, but I have never liked them. I dislike them as much as I dislike Notre Dame and Ohio State. And I just couldn’t stand that little troll of a coach. I don’t really know why, as he was seemingly well-respected until The End. But I’ve always pulled against them, silently, and I would love to absolutely embarrass them on Saturday! War Damn Eagle!
  14. I follow PSU for the last 20 years, as wife’s family is from PA and her cousins graduated there. Post-Paterno, Penn St is like Notre Dame. Typically significantly higher rating than they deserve, IMO. It’s a home game for them and that very certainly means something, but I don't think they are better than this AU squad. We will see on Saturday, but my gut says we are stronger and faster and more creative (finally) and less predictable (also finally). The unforced errors against Alabama State has me worried, and the A State D-Line was nearly up to the task in the first half. I don’t think Penn State has the creativity needed to throw us off form, with these coaches at the helm. (I also don’t think they have better athletes). They always seem so Iowa State-like, in terms of creativity. But they usually beat who they are supposed to beat and yet rarely win the big games, at least post-Paterno. Even in the Paterno days they won based on recruiting the best athletes in the Rust Belt. 3 yards and a cloud of dust was good enough, then. Lots of 17-14 and 14-10 wins. We will have a very good idea of what we have as a force, after this Saturday, but I see the Good Guys pulling away in the second half and winning by double digits. I think Harsin prepares them for the fact that this game will be much different in terms of the athletes, versus games 1 and 2. I think Coach Harsin can scheme, in the event our OL is out-manned. (PSU always seems to perform well in the trenches). I love our DBs and RBs and our LBs, and Nix is experienced. Great special teams execution and focus. Our DL I think can stand with most any team. This is not going to be that same ultra-predictable game plan we have seen in the Gus years. I understand the reasoning behind us being more-than-a-touchdown underdogs but I just think we are going to win by double digits. But of course, in the words of Lee Corso, that’s why they play the game. Should be a good one on Saturday.
  15. Unable to watch the game, had to work today. What’s up with Bo low numbers? Anybody care to give me a short summary?
  16. Georgia and Clemson playing defense tonight. Less than 200 total yards of offense combined, in first half.
  17. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Finley, Sean Jackson, and Hunter
  18. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Finley, Sean Jackson, and Hunter
  19. At this particular moment in this particular game, this is the greatest offensive line play ever witnessed in the history of college football
  20. LAYMANs TAKE ON BO NIX. play calling is awful. Abysmal. Junior High. Wet field, poor play from OL, but taking all of that into account, Bo is regressing right before out eyes, and quickly. It may be a minor injury like a blister. Playing at this level, even a blister the size of a dime can throw you completely off your game, but we have other quarterbacks and it’s perfectly acceptable for a coach to allow those other quarterbacks to see if they can spark the offense. Good coaches do it all the time
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