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Posts posted by MaitlandTiger

  1. Well we have 6-7 months to figure out who gives us the best chance to win, and that player will be QB1. These kids are at an age where they can improve very very quickly. Out of our five quarterbacks, typically speaking, one will rise to the top. Pretty simple, and now we’ve got another outstanding athlete in the competition. He’s pretty big, he has a lot of athletic ability, as do at least a couple of the other quarterbacks competing for QB1.  I think it’s great and I am very glad to have him.  One of the five, and seemingly two of the five, are probably not cut out to be SEC starters or at least capable of consistently winning at this level.  Let’s hope and pray that one of the other three remaining, are.  

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/30/2021 at 10:14 AM, Gowebb11 said:

    The 2010 team was proof that a couple of generational talents like Cam Newton and Nick Fairley can win a championship with solid but not spectacular teammates. Georgia has proven (to date) that having 20% of your roster as 5 stars doesn’t guarantee a championship. I’m just ready for AU to build a roster for sustained success over several years. It has been too long since that has been the case. 

    The 2010 OLine was phenomenal.  I’d say spectacular. They blew open holes unlike anything I’ve seen since.  

  3. I truly believe that we are in the catbird seat. Some talented offensive lineman or quarterback currently playing for a .500 mid-tier program that rarely gets TV exposure,  has the chance to (more than likely) start immediately for a quality SEC team? We have to be sitting pretty. Nice climate, pretty girls galore, great campus and family atmosphere, big-time exposure….

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  4. 18 minutes ago, steeleagle said:

    Its a little early to say that don't you think? All the bowl games are just now finishing up, and  Iexpect more players who are on bowl teams to go in the portal.

    I  think they have till January 17 if they hope to enroll in school prior to spring practice?

    I hope you are right, and that makes sense. 2-3 big nasties and a bonafide top tier QB, maybe a solid WR would be just what the doctor ordered.  I hadn’t really thought about the timing but you are right. I still think our best hope is going to come down to a talented back up that does not feel that he is going to see the field fast enough, which is fine by me. Just a guess.  

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  5. The problem is that it is slim pickens for QB and OLine in the portal. Going to need some back channel (probably unethical and I’m good with that-lol but in all seriousness) communications with some unhappy backups, or excellent talent evaluation of people that really don’t have much game film

  6. Plus, something I have to remind myself of, every time I think about the state of Auburn football, is the fact that (and this is absolutely 1000% true and you know it’s true): take absolutely ANY college football team that you do not love with all your heart, and they get a new coach. Each and every one of you (myself very much included) would say that that coach gets at least a minimum of two years, maybe three, to turn the program around.

    Now, when it is the only school that you love with all your heart, this rational thinking is not the case. I want wins, by giant margins, and I want them right now.  LOL.  And there are multiple direct and indirect signs pointing to better days ahead.  

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  7. 23 minutes ago, japantiger said:

    So let me see if I have this correct.  Coaches constantly move players on and off the field to ensure they have the personnel, package and play call that matches their talent and the down/distance...it's a part of the game; every team does it; they even have a rule that allows the defense to catch up with the offensive player shuffle.  But, according to you;  when someone calls out that a coach (our coach) repeatedly ignored the personal and package that means that he "just don't know football; bud".   Thanks Captain Queeg for that geometric logic...now go find those strawberries.  

    Now, let's talk percentages...Finley completes 40% of his passes in the 4th qtr...he completes less than 20% when throwing 40 yards down the field (I am being generous in that %; it's probably less than 10%).  So a 4th qtr play call that dials up two of those has a less than 10% chance of being completed.  Now, Tank had 6 plays that were stopped for 1 yd or less...that was 37% of his carries...63% of his time he gained more than 2 yards and averaged over 6 YPC for the game...what play stands a better chance?  

    This is just a miscommunication.  @Didbaand several others, are saying that because Houston was not expecting the call, and indeed, the WRs had their man beaten, it was a good call.

    you, I, and others, say say that because Finley (bless his heart) very rarely converts that pass, it was a bad call.   I say both camps are right but we are righter. Lol.  

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  8. You too!  I’m a glass-is-half-full guy and I like Harsin attitude. Telling myself he is a highly-paid professional and will continue to impress in recruiting, gets a QB and OLine in portal, takes off-season to assess and implements a respectable offense next year.  Just sucked to watch the last few months, with the Iron Bowl heroics making it almost worse.  

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  9. 1 hour ago, Didba said:

    Some of yall really show yalls lack of playing the game at a competitive level when yall post yalls terrible takes.

    I regularly freely admit my lack of playing/coaching. But I am legendary (in my tiny world) at finding and implementing workarounds.  However, we can both be right.   Yes, running into the loaded box was low percentage, too.  I assure you there are ways to at least try to work-around talent deficiencies and we rarely attempted them, with the resulting low scoring and 5 game skid.  Our play calling was pedestrian, predictable, mind-numbingly boring, high-school-at-best, with subsequent results.  Example, USF put 42 on Houston a month ago.  THE POWER OF DIXIELAND somehow managed to scrape together 13.  There are more examples.  But I’m gonna watch a Yellowstone.  

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  10. 1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

    Horsesh*t!!  You can’t call a football that way.  That’s a loser mentality and you’ve got to give guys chances of making big plays.  

    I certainly agree to an extent.   However, to make a blanket statement that would say that you don’t base play calling on the talent of your team would be pretty irrational though, wouldn’t it? Call a 50 yard bomb for a quarterback that can’t throw 25 yards? You’d be considered a darned fool, right?  Finley is not a very accurate quarterback—never has been- and he has absolutely zero touch—never has. So I think people are upset that we consistently called plays that required  accuracy and touch.  It is my personal opinion that we should have gotten more creative on the playcalling. Again, just my opinion.  In other words the coaches should dial up some plays that they feel confident we can execute.  Low percentage pass after low percentage pass after low percentage pass when we needed one yard for the first down? Disagreeing with that is a loser mentality?

  11. On 12/28/2021 at 4:18 PM, aubaseball said:

    Actually the possession you are talking about was great play calls.   The first down call was beautiful.   The receiver was open 5 yards behind the defense and the pass was 10 yards off the mark. The plays called are plays that are made to get points, not to run clock.  It’s the same in the Alabama game.   7,9 or 10 minutes left in the game is not the time to go conservative when only leading by one score.  
    Even as bad as Auburn’s Oline is, if Auburn had 5 other SEC quarterbacks playing for Auburn instead of their current team, I would say that three or touchdowns would have completed today .  

    True, but what about the fact that the coaches really should have known the QB probably wouldn’t/couldn’t make the throw successfully ….    Classic example of failure to call plays that are realistic.  Therefore, bad play-calling.  


    2 minutes ago, cbo said:

    I just don't know what the O coaches are supposed to do in this particular case. QB can't throw, OL can't run block. 

    I hear you.  I think my frustration is due in large part because we just keep going back to the same old-same old. I will embarrass myself if I try to name all the different plays, quick plays, that you run when the O line can’t block… But we don’t seem to get creative enough. And it shows in the stats, and the score. 

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  13. 12 minutes ago, cbo said:

    It is obvious but not everyone knows it! That's what makes this place so "fun."

    Clearly the talent isn’t there but you CAN coach to your teams abilities.  At least to an extent.  Some (usually) young up-and-comer will take a team of medium talent and will a bunch of big games with them, every year. It appears our coaches refuse to do that; stubbornly trying to fit the round peg in the square hole.  

    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    It can be a lot worse than a 6-7 season. See 2012.

    Been a rabid Auburn Tiger since I got to school in 1989, and  2012 was the only year that I ended up not being able to watch all of the games. I just couldn’t do it. Caught a couple of first quarter’s, then quit watching. And I wait all year for our Auburn Tigers to take the field

  15. 10 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    Remember, he held them to 17 today without our two best defensive players.

    I hear you. I love our boys, just frustrated. But this was the Houston, (struggled to beat East Carolina) we gave up 400 yards, they blew holes open, that I could drive a truck through, and plenty of explosive passes over 20 yards, it wasn’t a masterpiece. I am a “glass is half full” guy myself, but it was no defensive masterpiece against a team that plays in a lower competitive set.  

  16. 1 minute ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    I’m back you bunch of babies . Sore losers . I couldnt stay away . What did I miss?? Oh yeah another Rudy Poo loss by chief Tater and the Tigers . 

    im so pissed 

    Thank you for making me laugh for the first time since the kick off. I am also pissed. The good news is, we really have nowhere to go but up

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  17. 1 minute ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Our defense has been doing absolutely everything it can. They shut Bama down, and they shut down Houston. This whole “Mason needs to be accountable “ crap is getting ridiculous. Mason fielded an SEC defense. Harsin and Bobo fielded a high school offense. 

    Mason—a few good games, a few bad games.  Decent scoring average, lots of yardage. (400 yards today, not a shutdown by definition)   On the year—Moderately high percentage 3rd downs conversions allowed. Nothing tremendous.  Mediocre D stats.  And a losing record. But yes, he had a couple of good games

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  18. 3 minutes ago, aucom96 said:

    Harsin will get his time, but I’m not at all impressed with what he’s done this season.

    5 losses in a row.  This loss to a team that gave up 42 to USF.  I understand that the talent not there on Offense. Forget about 2021, focus on improvements for 2022. But I can’t seem to get on the side of the posters who don’t want to lay ANY of the accountability on Harsin or Mason.  Today we watched bad playcalling, for the most part.  Yes, overthrows and drops, but still horribly pedestrian.  Regardless, we just finished the season with five straight losses, and the Mississippi state meltdown was beyond unacceptable

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