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Posts posted by MaitlandTiger

  1. You’re right.  DD has a ton of potential and Holden, too.  I don’t have nearly as much football knowledge as you do but I just can’t see Finley as much more than a backup. But I sincerely don’t know what I am talking about.  I wish we had seen DD a little bit this year just to give us a taste. But the coaches know a hell of a lot more than I know. 
    I don’t mean to trash talk Finley and I’m very glad we have him as a backup, and from all accounts he is a solid young man and I appreciate him. But I hope we have a more talented QB as a starter.  Again I have no experience/knowledge to back up anything I say.  I am just a diehard fan and alum  

    @bigbirdWhat are your thoughts on DD? Or Holden? Do you think one of the two of them will start next year? Or Finley? Or a transfer? Just your gut feeling?  

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/20/2021 at 8:43 AM, McLoofus said:

    Um, there are a ton of adults who collectively dictate the logistics of these things more than the kids do. 

    It's not like he was producing it himself on his cell phone in his bedroom. 

    I understand. And I’m beyond stoked we got him.  I was just commenting on how these kids, in general, are lackadaisical, push back their announcements, etc. However, this is a huge time for them and I understand them milking it.  I was just grouchy in general.  And it always seems like the kids that delay their announcements and play tricks, never stick. I understand that that was not the case here. I think he’s going to be phenomenal and great job by the coaches

  3. We are very much in a bind right now in terms of quarterback. But that is beyond obvious.  I have to think that the coaches have somebody in mind. Can’t go into next year with what we have, although Holden might be good enough to start. I’m telling myself that the coaches have this covered.  I have had a little extra time on my hands lately and just doing some extremely basic, Layman’s research, I think this Incarnate Word quarterback maybe the cream of the crop. That being said, Bo was up there, as well. Ward appears calm, and very athletic. Not very big. Not a lot of QB talent in the portal.  Or rather, there no doubt is, but many of them haven’t seen enough action to show.  Coaches impressed me with recruiting, very very pleasantly surprised there.  I’m confident they have the QB situation covered.  Also that Cornell OT would be a wonderful addition.  Get him down here, show him some southern hospitality! Although I thought I read somewhere that he was from Georgia. Even better. You know them Cornell girls ain’t much to look at. He’s got to be missing our Southern beauties. 

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, meh130 said:

    I'm fine with Kiesau as the OC if it lets us focus on getting a very good QB coach and a lights-out recruiter who doen't have to worry about being an OC. I would say the same thing if Friend leaves. I would be fine moving Bedell to O-Line coach if we could get a top TE (and special teams) coach, who also is a lights-out recruiter.

    How many of the super recruiters are coordinators vs. position coaches?

    For recruiting, and that’s where we need to focus in choosing an OC in my opinion, I don’t think we have enough arrows in our quiver to have, as OC, a guy that no high school player has ever heard of. we already have a head coach most high schoolers in the South have never heard of.  Coming off 4 maybe 5 losses in a row, several to cellar dwellers.  If we were coming off 10 wins or if we were sending a tremendous number of players to the NFL this year or last year, if we had some bigger names in some other top positions, maybe. But we will be going into that sales presentation, dodging and deflecting, making excuses,  rather than going confidently to some proven or at least believable selling points, early and often. For a salesman in a high-pressure/high stakes situation, not having pertinent, relevant and recent selling points combined with no recent success to point to, is a salesman’s nightmare. Experienced, veteran salesmen have been in this position before, and typically refuse to put themselves in that position again if at all possible. I mean, other than the History that is Auburn football, for recruiting, we've got nearly nothing.  And it is so very easy to sell against exactly our current situation, unfortunately.  We need a home run OC hire. A (football) household name….

    • Like 1
  5.  Open up the purse strings, go out and simply get the best offensive mind available.  Money cannot be an Object.  Promoting a guy nobody, and I mean nobody, outside of those that closely follow AU or Boise football, ain’t gonna cut it.  Recruits don’t want to go play for an offensive coordinator that they have never heard of.   Flip side—it is Very Easy to recruit against a team with that situation.   We absolutely don’t have credibility in the South with Bryan Harsin on the marquis, plus the multiple turds in the 2021 punch bowl, dropped there on his watch.   I’m not saying he’s not great, and will not be legendary, heck he may outshine  Bear Bryant, but he’s not a household name in the south and that’s what we need on the recruiting trail and quite frankly, that’s who we need calling the plays. We saw a couple of mediocre-to-good games called from Bobo this year, and posters were rejoicing like it was some sort of creative lollapalooza. How many NFLers do Harsin and the former BSU OC, have combined? If you don’t think that’s one of the major recruiting points…

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

    Ever seen a team quit on a coach? Ever seen a fan base quit on a team? 

    Did you see either of those things today? 

    Question answered.

    I agree we didn’t quit.  Effort (today) was unreal.  But I don’t follow that rationale. Anything less than “not quitting” is acceptable? We aren’t scoring in the second half, play calling like intermediate and long passes when we need short yardage for a first down, etc.   I’m just not seeing any reason to overlook the four straight losses and say something overly positive about Harsin. I don’t think our boys went out and played hard for Coach Harsin. I think they went out and played hard because they hate Alabama

    • Angry 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Randman5000 said:

    Dumb thread. Harsin was the only reason we had a chance. 

    Please explain your reasoning for this.  Seriously, as I am a layman. I’m having trouble seeing where Harsin is a positive influence.    I would respectfully like to hear your rationale. 

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  8. I don’t care what anybody says, somewhere, there is a pile of money big enough to go out and CONVINCE Bob Stoops (or another giant, proven talent) into giving up his TV analyst job and coming back to add to his legacy and resurrect a vaunted, legendary football program. Napier, Aranda, (I defer to others to determine who the best proven commodity would be) but let’s throw a freaking GIANT number at the BEST available coach(es)…..I had never heard of Bryan Harsin and I follow college football pretty well. Although I truly don’t care about the mountain west, truth be known.  

  9. Nothing would make me happier than for our boys to come out and punch Bama in the mouth and play some competitive football, but with the cream of the crop coaching they have there, with that respectable OLine, combined with more-than-adequate WRs and Young’s arm, they are going to pick away the seams of this Auburn zone, and the numbers are going to be unbelievable. I believe this game is going to be very hard to watch. This could be the nail in the coffin for Mason.   Bobo too.  Harsin gonna have a couple of years. Could be 63-0.  I was gonna say 3 but with Anders out…..who knows, though.  Maybe we play with an attitude that we haven’t seen….

  10. 12 hours ago, AU-24 said:

    “Mentioned” vs “Heisman favorite” are two different things. That was my point.

    Gotcha. Wasn’t trying to be confrontational. Definitely just “mentioned”, but there was a great deal of hype.  Then…..thud.  

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Didba said:

    bad duuuude. just bad. hand it off or throw a quick pass to a tightend. easy conversion.

    I think the play calling is veeeeeerrrrryyyyyy telling.   That one in particular would make an investigator look to see which of our coaches owes $100,000 to the bookie.  That’s how bad the call was.  I actually wish that gambling debts was the reason for that call. That would make me feel better than the real reason for that play call, which is that they thought it was a good play call.    I am not a former player or coach, but that was absolutely the last play I expected to run in that situation. I am still just absolutely gobsmacked that we have coaches that called that play. 

  12. I don’t see him transferring. Too much downside.  Get to another school and they have an up and coming  stud and you find yourself getting few carries…..certainly a possibility at UGA.  Plus he’s a team player. More than likely he was just venting like the rest of us. But, serious question, when has a true RB1 from a good program, hit the transfer portal? I literally don’t know, that’s why I’m asking. I think a couple of QB1s from mediocre, declining programs, have transferred but has a true RB one ever transferred?

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Eisenhower_1952 said:

    The 4th down attempt at our own 35, with 3:00 mins to go in the 2nd qtr didn't help either. That score before the half tied the game up. 

    That was a 7 point, and very possibly a 14 point turn.  Literally, what on earth was going through the decision makers minds? Fourth and one, tank has been tearing it up, the oline has gotten great push, backup QB with mediocre accuracy,  and those mental midgets thought that deep pass would work? That has me absolutely flummoxed. Who in their right mind, would call that play on fourth and one, that deep in our own territory? I have lost all confidence in the coaches because of that call. It was just unbelievably bad. There is no answer or excuse for it. None.  

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, e808 said:

    Imo It was the kick return just so happen the gap where it was return the Auburn player got hurt

    Yea that was a backbreaker.  If memory serves it had literally been years since we had given up a kickoff return TD. That might be incorrect, but it had been quite a while.

  15. 3 hours ago, e808 said:

    U must have forgot how many NFL prospects was on that FSU team , number 1 and undefeated. Another thing Auburns defense wasn’t the great that year but they were able to outscore people. Unfortunately the defense came back to bite them when Auburn needed a stop

    FSU average margin of victory that year (undefeated) was 35, I believe. Closest game was 14 point win over BC. We were double digit dogs in the NC.  The biggest play wasn’t the last second TD pass, it was one of the previous plays. that our DB went for the ball around midfield and missed, FSU WR caught it and was able to get a big gain.  That set up the TD. Damn near pulled off the upset.  

  16. 11 hours ago, AU-24 said:

    Jeremy Johnson, Heisman favorite? LOL.

    He actually was mentioned preseason as Heisman watchlist.  Then every time he went out and lost the game and threw interceptions, Gus would remind us that JJ had a phenomenal practice week. That’s when he earned the nickname “Practice Heisman”.  I distinctly remember on very many occasions he would throw yet another interception, come back to the sidelines, take off his helmet, and he had a big smile from ear to ear. That attitude in my opinion was unacceptable. But yes he was mentioned as a preseason Heisman hopeful.  

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