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Everything posted by WeaglWeaglWDE

  1. The high snaps are screwing the RBs because they have to wait on the QB to bring it down. It's giving the D more time to close.
  2. How the hell you get stood up right there on 3rd. Push damn it. Then getting mashed on 4th.
  3. I love how they say it's a miss when it's us but ignore it for others.
  4. If PT had actually just took off on his run on the earlier down that's an easy extra few yards and a first down.
  5. Sigh....have to be decisive. Can't hesitate. Just take the quick yards.
  6. Put a lil MO in him huh? A lil "show you". I'll take it. Stop worrying and start showin.
  7. This is what we needed. Put the pressure on them.
  8. Well keep freaking saying it and crush another of whatever you're drinkin.
  9. Does PT need a new helmet? It's like he has no vision anymore.
  10. 👏MAKE👏 IT 👏COUNT. Also, Whoo! Right back to commercials!
  11. What was that kick? And a penalty? Come on boys. They don't need help.
  12. Yay! 30 seconds of ball and then 4 more mins of commercials! Woohoo!
  13. I don't know about yall, but I can't wait to watch commercials every Saturday. Commercials with a little football.
  14. Us being sandwiched between Tuscaloosa and Athens certainly doesn't help. It's certainly multiple things happening at the same time.
  15. Gus's OL-coach carousel and subsequent lack of OL-recruiting, in my opinion, was his undoing. Less and less push. Less and less time. Mentally breaking both play calling and QB confidence. Happy feet accelerating to flushing the pocket practically every time. Even when there's no pressure actually there.
  16. I'm actually still stuck at work, so I need ALL OF YOU to take a few for me. PS if you had BBQ and beer today, YOU SUCK. 😮‍💨
  17. I can legit see SEC Shorts poking at this. A "what if" and Hope Mashup.
  18. Could you say he's a dark horse? Sorry. I need to laugh. 😏
  19. Completely depends on the specific scenario though. If you put someone back there that can actually read and diagnose a defense properly, then you can dink and dunk your way into a rhythm and some confidence. It not only takes some pressure off your Oline by getting the ball out quick, it also can stop the D from cheating up too much because you are more than happy to take the easy yards right behind them if they do. That can then help your run game. Get that going and who knows. But of course this is purely hypothetical and assuming proper scheming to talent and calling plays allowing them to grow.
  20. I've thought that also. But we just don't really know the real dynamics of what is going on at practice. Is Holden really that close and just needs more REAL time with the ones to build consistency? Or is RA actually improved and simply needs a slightly altered system to take advantage while he dials in on HIS consistency? Let's hope they get it figures out quick.
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