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Everything posted by Shoney'sPonyBoy

  1. Would you be comfortable stating that if the L.A. Times had already run a story claiming to have one? Or is anything inconvenient fake news?
  2. I agree, but I see the same breach of logic on the anti-vax side. I haven't seen a rabid anti-vaxxer yet who didn't give all their kids every vaccine that was recommended. And there's not a 0% chance of vaccine injury with any vaccine. So why didn't the chance of vaccine injury stop these people from giving their kids the over 30 recommended vaccines by age 18 if anything greater than 0% chance should cause someone to really think about it? These people didn't even pump the brakes or ask a question...the ones I know, anyway. And there's nothing yet to suggest that this vaccine is any more dangerous than the routine ones. The conspiracy theorists don't seem to know that suing drug companies for vaccine injuries hasn't been possible by law since 1986. They seem to think that is something new just for COVID. Both sides seem to not be relying much on logic if you ask me.
  3. Let's test how typical that is of Republicans vs Democrats: For three years the Democrats advanced a narrative that they knew was false, accusing Trump of stealing the 2016 election with the aid of Russia. Will you condemn that action as rigorously as you condemn Trump's attempt at doing the same?
  4. And not to mention, neither of those things has the slightest thing to do with each other. So throw some genuine whataboutism into the formula and you have a post sure to get some upvotes.
  5. No. I've never seen anyone advocate for shooting a 15 year old running across the Mexican border. I find it next to impossible to believe that you have, either. So no, you're not right. But hey, hyperbolic straw men play well in today's society.
  6. Studies have confirmed that losing pets can be even more stressful than losing human friends or family members because humans come with some degree of disappointment whereas pets don't. They don't let you down, they just love you. Sorry for your loss.
  7. And yet the L.A. Times printed a story about a woman who has been having side effects for nine months and still counting. Even the CDC doesn't claim that there is no possibility of long term side effects. You know why? Because they (and you, and the doctor you linked to) don't know that. It hasn't been studied yet. I'm sure they are very rare. I'm sure the math works out much better for people to get the vaccine than not. But saying stuff like this is part of the reason that you still have people refusing it.
  8. Just to be clear, are you saying that there are too many studies to count that support vaccination as the best method by which to prevent serious sickness, hospitalization and death specifically from COVID? Or are you speaking in general terms? Because there are almost no studies at all specifically regarding COVID. It's too new. There is a decent amount of statistical analysis because it's been such a focus. But studies are not the same as statistical analysis.
  9. I'm wondering if you feel the same way about people who are overweight or don't exercise or eat junk food or don't get enough sleep or any one of about a dozen lifestyle choices that science has long said can lower their immune response and make them more likely to get and then transmit a virus. If not, why is it just this one thing that is an unpardonable sin?
  10. I agree that Republicans do not mean what they say. Because of this I do not think they even wish to be a majority party...when in the minority they can blame Democrats for their supposed agenda not being passed. Where I disagree is this: A tax cut is not spending. If I buy something for $10, the amount of value stays the same. I just converted some of the money into a tangible object worth $10. If my salary gets cut by $10, then I really do have $10 less value. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem and neither party will address it. In the above analogy we are not trading money for value, we are riding down the road lighting $10 bills on fire and flinging them out the window. I also will point to the last year or so's state legislatures that have passed abortion laws designed to end up in the SCOTUS. There are some Republicans serious about abortion, just none of them are at the national level.
  11. You mean like when the Democrats advanced a narrative that they knew was false for 3 years of Trump's presidency regarding Russia?
  12. The video mentions MLK Jr., but I'm wondering what you might think of the ideas of Malcom X. You probably know that he was a separatist who believed that it would be impossible for the races to live together unless and until black Americans separated and had a chance to solve their own problems and find their own self-esteem. It's hard to look at the statistics in that video about universities segregating students and hear Whoopie Goldberg's comments and not conclude that he might have been right. It's 2021, when we thought we'd be living like George Jetson looking forward from the 60s, and large segments of the population want to live like it's the 1950s. We seem literally unable to move past the racial divide.
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