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Everything posted by difball

  1. Thankfully Bowl games will get called off - it's the playoffs only this year
  2. This is smart football - running plays that they don't expect. 4D chess from Gus
  3. How fragile is this kid? One drop and it all falls apart. This is is D one football not intramurals brother.
  4. And that's a D2 QB - especially one that loves to throw off his back foot and has terrible footwork mechanics
  5. Sad thing is Gus was duped into thinking both were 5* guys - and both were 2 and that's being generous. Bo belongs in division II
  6. I bet we looked good in practice all week - things just haven't broken our way
  7. That's unfortunate - that drive had us gaining momentum. FG would have been big
  8. This has all the makings of a Gus Arkansas special
  9. Bo messed that one up - he's not 5* - let's be realistic here
  10. Give the Ump a Auburn jersey - that is closest coverage tonight
  11. They are going to let him beat Jimbo and prove they made the right choice
  12. So is Saban collecting a check from AFLAC after catching the COVID?
  13. Let's not call that a spectacular throw - it was a effin prayer
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