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Everything posted by difball

  1. 21 -3 and our DBs are celebrating breaking up a play
  2. I busted my ass this morning in order to watch the game - all for naught
  3. I imagine Saban has called Sark and issued a no quarter
  4. Tubberville and Chizek were shutout and lost their job - that FG is saving Gus.
  5. Felt sorry for us - CBS called and said we still need this to be a game
  6. I wonder if the penalty calls will be going against us after embarrassing the refs last year
  7. Another play in the playbook that is missing in the Auburn playbook
  8. 3rd and 15 and drop off a pass to shivers behind the line - hey Gus - this is Alabama we are playing that crap is not going to work
  9. Bama are pulling some simple line stunts - and it's causing chaos. At this point you would think the Oline would have been coached up to handle these
  10. They did have him doubled - or at least over the top. Need to stay with him
  11. Of all the guys - he's the one you need to stay in the pocket of no matter what the play looks like
  12. Wish we had plays like that for Bo in the playbook
  13. Can't complain about that hold because our guys will be doing it too - just as long as they are consistent
  14. Wish he would have faked that throw and then hit someone down the seam
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