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Everything posted by BizTiger

  1. How many other ADs are having to say this publicly?
  2. The AD and Harsin are NOT the source of the problem with AU football. Harsin had the same winning percentage Urban Meyer had when Florida hired him. Auburn politics is AU football's problem.
  3. Pearl would've been coaching at a bottom 250 program if it weren't for Greene sticking up for him, and eventually re-signing him. If Jay Jacobs were still AD under these conditions, he'd have a statue in work. But Greene can't seem to get any credit for stabilizing basketball. Its amazing.
  4. Exactly. Anywhere else, this simply wouldn't make sense. My senses tell me someone was influencing certain coaches to become antagonistic to ADAG in effort to politically weaken him. I could be wrong, but that's what it seems like from my vantage point
  5. I'm still waiting on someone to legitimize the complaints about the basketball budget. What year(s) was the budget reduced? What were the records of those years? The fact of the matter is Bruce Pearl didn't start winning big at AU until Allen Greene replaced Jay Jacobs.
  6. That's fair, however every President will have to stand on his own square. And not all internal hires are inherently bad. Time will tell Dr. Roberts' story.
  7. So ADAG was never asked, recommended, or insinuated to cut costs by neither Leath or Gouge? Was the department not responsible for a portion of Malzhan's buyout? I'm not interested in Bruce complaining about penny pinching. In fact, due to the fact that he's been able to manage his basketball program just fine during this financial climate makes me further suspicious of why Bruce was *ever* complaining to Gouge about financial problems. All that aside, Bruce just got a well deserved contract extension. Is he still complaining? What programs aside from football are a dumpster fire right now? What programs were a dumpster fire when Jacobs was AD? By all means... go ahead and fire Greene and replace him with Tim Jackson or some other crazy family uncle from up in the JABA attic.
  8. Go back and read the italicized parts of my previous post...
  9. The only negative on ADAG's resume IMO is football, and the football program won't thrive until the head coach has autonomy over his program. Sure, let's fire him. And when the next guy is hired, tell him to bring pitchforks for us to inevitably use on him before his contract ink is dry like we've done with the other outside hires...
  10. Where does this fit into that equation? Seems like a $10M net loss kinda justifies those cuts. Imagine the losses without the cuts.
  11. What has ADAG not done that he should have done and was allowed to do? What has ADAG done that shouldn't have been done and wasn't previously told/recommended to do by someone above him? If these 2 questions can't be clearly and easily answered without mental contortion, what are we having this discussion for?
  12. Dr. Chris Roberts just announced as new President.
  13. The beasts we feed eventually eats us. This drama is not new to AU
  14. Maybe ADAG's budget cuts were right all along?
  15. So you're not willing to compromise to a middle ground?
  16. What about the federal courts instead of the DOJ? (As an aside, I've always wondered whether the DOJ needs to be more independent from the Executive Branch, similar to the Federal Reserve).
  17. So, as a conservative, would you support a nationwide voter ID requirement (operated and managed by the state, not the federal government), in return for a 50 state requirement for any state to get the Department of Justice to sign off on election related statewide legislation (i.e. a reform to the previous pre-clearance section of the 1965 VRA, which previously only required pre-clearance on selected southern states)?
  18. Because since we've had it required in Alabama, it hasn't been a big issue pressed from Dem voting citizens to their Democratic party elected officials (specifically in AL). Hence why you see them pushing other issues. Also, polling backs this up nationally. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_062121/
  19. Most Dems have cooled on voter ID. And I say that as a moderately right of center Black Democrat that has worked to help people of all backgrounds get properly registered and to the polls.
  20. Thats why the old pre-clearance provision needed to be updated to include all 50 states instead of just southern states. Even gerrymandering. Both parties take advantage of districting when they have the advantage. https://www.justice.gov/crt/about-section-5-voting-rights-act
  21. This is why I started this thread. Republicans in Congress need to be negotiating to include things like this IMO. A national voter ID and laws pretaining to deceased and voter rolls are common sense measures that we actually need. The whole point of Congress is to solve problems, but the cable news dope pushers have put voters and Congress into childish partisan camps and nothing meaningful can get done. Both sides need to come together with the understanding that neither side will get everything they want. And I'm frustrated that the President isn't being the adult in the room and pushing this.
  22. It could and should be IMO. Automatic voter registration thru the states via drivers license.
  23. Voting rights is already federalized via the Constitution. Do conservatives not want any election security that comes along with this? Seems it would be common sense to ensure some conservative priorities are implemented...
  24. So, why are conservative Republicans at the table making sure this legislation is pulled away from the left and closer to the right? Joe Manchin tried this and getting other Republicans on board but nobody else seems to want to bite.
  25. Question for the conservatives on the board: Would you be in favor of your Republican representation negotiating a bipartisan voting rights/access/security bill? I'm hearing a lot of talk radio ads saying how the Democrats bill is a federal takeover. Why aren't any GOP reps and senators making that not so?
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