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Everything posted by Didba

  1. Starts with Cole my FAT *ss. It starts with the dude cursing people. GTHO with this BS.
  2. Gus had how much SEC HC experience coming in as a HC? Same as Harsin. Only difference is Harsin has been a head coach for 5+ yrs when he came to Auburn. Gus had far less than that when he came to Auburn as a HC. You discredit Harsin too much IMO.
  3. Did you just say inexperienced head coach? I'm sorry but that just isn't true and the fact that you just stated that seriously undermines your credibility.
  4. Doesn't matter what Cole was doing in the other game thread unless he was cursing other posters, which I have a feeling I don't even need to go read to know that he probably wasn't. Cole isn't in here cursing another poster. Say what you will about Cole and other people's differing opinions, we are all auburn fans here and, more importantly were are all grown adults. Grow up. Its not okay to curse another poster because y'all have arguments over differing opinions. And I know it wasn't you doing the cursing.
  5. Gus is the reason the offensive line is in the terrible shape its in. It's gonna be a reoccurring topic.
  6. yeah but he isn't in here cursing another poster.
  7. The irony and hypocrisy of your bio saying "A Man With Whom Honor is Sacred and Virtue Safe" while being a complete *ss in this thread is not lost on me.
  8. Mike Price did not coach a down at Alabama... jussayin
  9. I think this something more besides performance on the field that y'all keep talking about is what another poster has already said. Corn W came from a fairly basic offensive scheme, he was brought in to be one of Harsin's Southern recruiters with the expectation that he would be able to learn the more complex offensive scheme himself and then teach it to the WRs. Corn may have simply been a little in over his head and as such Harsin probably offered to either let him go be somewhere else or to take a back seat to Kiseau which Corn probably does not want to do. Hence, the mutual parting. All conjecture, but it is more reasonable, and probable then some of the other more zany theories being thrown out in this thread.
  10. "What's a tight-end?" -Gus, probably
  11. I thought that Dismukes podcast was very telling regarding Gus's offense. If we are talking about the same one. As soon as I listened to it, it confirmed my suspicions for the majority of Gus's tenure. Gus's offense never prepared guys for the NFL. Dismukes should have been a stud center for many years in the NFL but because he was so behind the ball on the NFL scheme, he never really had a chance. Moral of the story is when former players talk about something they should not be discredited unless its just an utterly ridiculous supposition. These guys have insights into football and football programs that 95% will never have. Now not to say their word is gospel but it shouldn't be discredit and should be considered as a good source of insight. Any poster on here that says otherwise is indeed, a clown.
  12. This is correct. Mathews laid a nasty hit on Cam. Cam was not the same for the rest of the game.
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