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Everything posted by zeroforwinger

  1. What’s left to discuss? Just waiting on resolution.
  2. Nobody is leaving. If they do, they’re soft bitchy fans anyway. I hate Harsin, but I’m doing nothing but rooting for him on Saturdays in the fall.
  3. It all sounds like people inferring things. Message board sources, morning radio hosts, etc. Nobody knows what’s going to happen that is talking.
  4. Anything specific? You can find anything that confirms your bias on Twitter?
  5. Get Jabari the ball!!! Arrgghh I feel like I’m taking crazy pills
  6. The play with Kessler defending 1 on 4 just pisses me off. Where were his teammates?
  7. They’re a great combo. The way they share time they don’t get exposed. Green is getting exposed now.
  8. Not a bad ending. Shots are gonna start falling, keep giving big effort on defense.
  9. What are you arguing Morris? You ran right into him.
  10. Green has been so bad today. He feels unsure about every decision.
  11. 6 for 27. Doesn’t get much worse than that.
  12. Is the rim warped lol. Nothing is going down
  13. Teddy Valentine is not gonna let any player upstage him. You get that attention douche nozzle
  14. Refs are ruining this game. Luckily our offense has shown no signs of scoring either way.
  15. Wtf was that call? That’s the worst call I’ve ever seen
  16. Can I interest you in minor league baseball instead
  17. Maybe it’s just because I’m not watching Finebaum or similar, but I don’t think it’s that important. The only headline is that we’re looking into Harsin. I don’t think most have an opinion unless they’re already predisposed to dislike Auburn (Bama, UGA fans etc).
  18. I would imagine it started as soon as Mason looked for another job. Davis not even showing up only exacerbated it. And the guy wonders why he can’t get an OC contract numbers. He probably knew why all along.
  19. I don’t think we look bad in this. Harsin looks bad. Auburn is asking questions about why people are leaving in droves, including coordinators. All Harsin is doing is saying he’s on vacation and calling Thamel to bitch about us. We kinda look proactive in handling a situation that could get a lot worse if left alone.
  20. I would assume it’s not all of it. Otherwise just fire him.
  21. Gundy is just Harsin with more leverage.
  22. Cole Cubelic reported they offered Harsin a buyout and he turned it down.
  23. Devil’s advocate for a second. He would be a place holder for 1-2 years. It gives the AD, or whoever, an opportunity to find the right guy long term, because the right hire wouldn’t accept this job now. If Steele brings some stability to the position, you might could lure a home run hire after next season.
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