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Everything posted by homersapien

  1. They're saving their ammo for when he loses the election.
  2. It's not like he's going to jail.
  3. https://apnews.com/article/former-trump-officials-criticize-2024-e202861911ab37cadfcf058b5b163fb9 Former Trump officials are among the most vocal opponents of returning him to the White House
  4. I have no idea as to what would be practical or doable, but my reaction is the Mexican government should declare war on the cartels and go after them with full military power.
  5. A jury composed of people from his home town. Guess they know him best.
  6. I don't understand why Trump/Republicans don't get the blame for deliberating blocking the recent bipartisan legislation for purely political reasons. This would have least improved the situation - which is exactly why it was blocked by Trump. "Trumpeting" the problems with the border as being "all Biden" is the height of hypocrisy. While I am not surprised by the MAGAs ignoring it, I hope a majority of Americans are not so dumb to fall for it.
  7. He totally dominates the Republican Party. It's his. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-challenge-to-gop-incumbent-in-texas-highlights-growing-rift-within-party (excerpt) Laura Barron-Lopez: Gonzales called himself a Trump supporter, said that he supports the former president, but he is someone who appears willing to work with Democrats and work across the aisle. Yes, he won, but do you think that there is a future in the Republican Party for more centrist, moderate, bipartisan Republicans? Fmr. Rep. Joe Walsh: No, no. Well, A, you have to be a Trump supporter. And even Gonzales, who is thought of as more of a centrist Republican, he's all in with Trump, and he got down on his knees and said the greatest things about Trump during this campaign to help him win. So you have to be that, or there's no room in the party. But, no, the base of the party still wants the most extreme MAGA voices. Laura Barron-Lopez: And so, if you don't support Trump, you could lose in a primary. And, I mean, you're someone who rode in on the Tea Party wave. Fmr. Rep. Joe Walsh: Yes. Laura Barron-Lopez: Do you feel as though you or other Tea Party candidates pushed the party down this pathway at all? Fmr. Rep. Joe Walsh: Oh, absolutely. We helped lead to Trump. I have said this often. The base of my former party is radicalized. We helped to radicalize them. And that's a scary thing. But, in those days, it was where you stood on the issues. That made you either a RINO or a far right Republican. Now it's all about, where do you stand on Trump? And if you oppose Trump, like Joe Walsh or Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger, you have no future in the party. Laura Barron-Lopez: So, you're saying, in your day, it was more about policy. Fmr. Rep. Joe Walsh: It was all about policy. You were a crazy Tea Party conservative or an establishment Republican, but that was where you stood on issues like guns and immigration.
  8. Sorry for the confusion. I sometimes type as if we are in a verbal conversation. I'll try to spell things out without shortcuts in the future. (Speaking of which, I think you left out a word in your post.)
  9. Yep, you got me. Trump conceded. Just changed his mind, right? (Oh sorry, I forgot you hadn't "researched it.)
  10. Because you kept repeating it, I assumed it was very important for you to have everyone believe Trump conceded the last election - even though he now says he won.
  11. Of course. The left hates this country. That's why we don't support Trump. And why no liberal has ever served in the military, much less been wounded or killed. What an totally idiotic post.
  12. It literally took you just minutes to forget what we were talking about. SMH.
  13. Fine..... You hang your belief on ABC (fake news) in which Trump neither actually said he conceded the election nor offered the traditional democratic congratulations to his opponent didn't and I will depend on what Trump actually claims, now. Feel better?
  14. The cute little icon doesn't excuse evasion. Nor does saying "I haven't researched it " excuse posting on a political thread in a state of total ignorance.
  15. Well, you sure spend a lot of time promoting lies on his behalf.
  16. If you go back and read carefully, you will note that: That discussion occurred election night (that's Nov. 11) Gore conceded (permanently) Nov. 24, after the court cases were finished. (Which is another story because SCOTUS halted the Florida vote counting.) Conclusion: You are either stupid or trying to promote a deliberate lie. (My money is on both.)
  17. Is this "inaccurate" 78? Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/
  18. He retracted in temporarily while the "legal process played out". He then made a permanent concession.
  19. Well, like I said before. He didn't really concede. All he said was the election was certified (by congress). He certainly didn't congratulate Biden on winning. He probably was thinking the congressional vote was somehow fraudulent. Regardless, now, he is clearly claiming he actually won and the election was fraudulent. Does that not prove he never really conceded? (Or are you arguing he had is fingers crossed? )
  20. Yes. Please cut and paste it here.
  21. Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour By tying donation requests to pledges of tax cuts and other policies, Trump is testing the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws. When Donald Trump met some of the country’s top donors at a luxurious New York hotel earlier this month, he told the group that a businessman had recently offered $1 million to his presidential effort and wanted to have lunch. “I’m not having lunch,” Trump said he responded, according to donors who attended. “You’ve got to make it $25 million.” Another businessman, he said, had traditionally given $2 million to $3 million to Republicans. Instead, he said he told the donor that he wanted a $25 million or $50 million contribution or he would not be “very happy.” As he closed his pitch at the Pierre Hotel, Trump explained to the group why it was in their interest to cut large checks. If he was not put back in office, taxes would go up for them under President Biden, who vows to let Trump-era tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations expire at the end of 2025. “The tax cuts all expire for wealthy and poor and middle-income and everything else, but they expire in another seven months and he’s not going to renew them, which means taxes are going to go up by four times,” Trump said, exaggerating the size of the cuts. “You’re going to have the biggest tax increase in history.” Seconds after promising the tax cuts, Trump made his pitch explicit. “So whatever you guys can do, I appreciate it,” he said. The remarks are just one example of a series of audacious requests by Trump for big-money contributions in recent months, according to 11 donors, advisers and others close to the former president, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe his fundraising. The pleas for millions in donations come as the presumptive Republican nominee seeks to close a cash gap with Biden and to pay for costly legal bills in his four criminal indictments. Trump sometimes makes requests higher than his team expects to receive, sometimes surprising his own advisers because he is asking for so much money. By frequently tying the fundraising requests within seconds of promises of tax cuts, oil project infrastructure approvals and other favorable policies and asking for sums more than his campaign and the GOP can legally accept from an individual, Trump is also testing the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws, according to legal experts. In one recent meeting staged by his Save America super PAC, Trump asked oil industry executives to raise $1 billion for his campaign and said raising such a sum would be a “deal” given how much money they would save if he were reelected as president. In recent meetings with donors, he has repeatedly suggested they should give millions of dollars without saying where it should go. Larry Noble, a longtime campaign finance lawyer, said Trump was technically allowed to ask only for contributions of $3,300 or less for his campaign, according to federal laws. But he can appear at events for his super PAC where the price of admission is far higher — as long as he doesn’t ask for the money directly. “He can’t say, ‘I want you to give me $1 million,’” Noble said. And after a 2016 Supreme Court decision overturning a public-corruption conviction of former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell, it would require an explicit quid pro quo for a specific government action in direct exchange for a contribution to be viewed as illegal, Noble said. Also, even if presented with evidence Trump might have gone over the line, multiple prominent campaign finance lawyers said, the Federal Election Commission, which is gridlocked with three Republicans and three Democrats, is unlikely to investigate any of Trump’s fundraising in an election year. Trump is certainly not the first candidate to seek large checks from moneyed interests. Advisers say that Trump regularly makes the same policy promises on the campaign trail that he does behind closed doors with wealthy donors, and evidence has not emerged that Trump has directly linked a specific policy outcome to a specific donation. Oftentimes, his comments at the events are about foreign policy and topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration. For example, at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors. The Trump campaign did not respond to detailed questions about his fundraising requests but issued a statement in support of his efforts. “As Joe Biden’s backers in Hollywood and Silicon Valley are withholding their support for Biden’s failing campaign, donors across the country are maximizing their efforts to reelect President Trump because they realize we cannot afford another four years of Joe Biden’s terrible policies,” Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. The former president was once reluctant to call donors and decried the role of big money in politics. He also often railed about having to take pictures — berating advisers for scheduling too many “clicks” — and sought to cast himself as an outsider who was not beholden to the traditional moneyed interests that shape Washington. “He didn’t want to make fundraising calls,” said Sam Nunberg, a former aide on Trump’s 2016 campaign. On the 2020 campaign, he would reluctantly participate in fundraisers, advisers said, seeing them as an unpleasant necessity. Part of his opposition to making calls was that he liked the perception that he was an outsider who was going to “drain the swamp.” “I will say this — [the] people [who] control special interests, lobbyists, donors, they make large contributions to politicians and they have total control over those politicians,” Trump said during a 2016 debate. “And frankly, I know the system better than anybody else, and I’m the only one up here that’s going to be able to fix that system, because that system is wrong.” This time, campaign advisers say, Trump needs the money and he is taking an active role in raising it. The Trump campaign and RNC reported that they jointly raised $76 million in April, about $25 million more than the Biden campaign said it raised across all its committees in the same month. But the Biden operation still had about $60 million more cash on hand than the Trump campaign. Trump has met with an assortment of real estate, legal, finance, oil and other business executives in recent months, according to people familiar with invitation lists. He has often promised agenda items they would like passed as part of his broader fundraising pitch, and sometimes has asked allies to bundle millions or more, according to people close to the former president. Some of the meetings have included tours of his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., and his New York apartment. Trump, four people close to him say, is closely tracking who gives what amount to his campaign and associated efforts — and which allies are bundling large checks for him. He has often told allies how much money he expects them to raise. In the days following the recent meeting with oil industry donors, executives discussed whether it would even be possible to meet Trump’s $1 billion request, according to four people in the oil industry familiar with the discussions. But they are trying. Trump has repeatedly pressured oil magnate Harold Hamm to raise significant money for him, telling Hamm that he is “behind” and “needs the money,” according to a person familiar with the outreach. Hamm had an event for Trump in Texas on Wednesday, where the price of admission was about $250,000 for oil executives, according to people familiar with the matter. The meeting stretched for many hours, attendees said, and included photos with the top donors. At the fundraiser, he promised to cut taxes on corporations and give oil executives an array of policies they wanted and said he was being outraised by the Democrats and the unions, asking the crowd to “be generous, please.” “So give me some of your money,” he said, drawing laughs. “True. I’m begging for your money.” At another event, Trump told the group that if they wanted a picture with him and did not have one, then they needed to give more. He also held a fundraiser at the home of Kentucky oil baron Joe Craft earlier in May, according to a person with knowledge of the event. Trump has regularly joked with donors and advisers that he doesn’t spend more than 10 minutes with someone if the person doesn’t give $10 million, according to people who have heard the comments. He also has complained about some of his billionaire friends not giving enough. In Florida earlier this month, the crowd seemed stunned after Trump offered the stage to anyone who would cut a $1 million check, according to people present. He kept asking people to come forward, according to audio of the event. Then two people took him up on the offer. The limit to contributing to the RNC and the campaign — the entities hosting the event — was less than $1 million. At a meeting with financial titans in Palm Beach earlier this year, he asked the group what regulations they viewed as the most onerous, according to a person who attended. He then remarked at a larger fundraiser that donors were telling him they cared more about regulations than taxes, according to a donor who attended. At the New York fundraiser, Trump told the crowd that he wanted to hear what was on their minds and heard their thoughts about former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley — whose prospects as a potential vice-presidential pick he dismissed — and a range of issues related to Israel. To end the roundtable, he told the room that it was time to go to another fundraiser, prompting laughter when he joked that the next crowd would be less wealthy than the current one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/28/trump-wealthy-donors-fundraising/
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