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Question: On Meyer telling them to leak it in the past couple of weeks....


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any connection w/ Blakeley suddenly turning cold on us in the past 2 weeks???? win/win/win ($1 to Michael Scott) for Meyer if so, gets a jab at Cam & family, gets some heat off of him for not doing more to get Cam to stick around, & gets our #1 RB recruit

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Whether there is a connection or not.  I don't know but this points to one thing and one thing only.  Several SEC head coaches don't care about the players or their families and if you cross them they will try and destroy you.  I thought nobody could be as bad as little nicky but I guess those bammers were right in all their hate for urban.  Besides if I was a miss st fan I would wonder why is it that florida's head coach is controlling the actions of my football program?

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What about Mullen's role in all of this? Is he a good guy, bad guy, or somewhere in between? Was he ticked at the Newtons too?

I always thought Mullen was a pretty good guy, but now I'm confused.

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Mullen tried to keep this quite. He is possibly a victim here as well. I think Dan is a good man and a good coach.

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From Jeff Lee. A very well respected and trusted source!

I've spoken to two very trusted sources on the situation, and both said the following are facts:

* Florida coach Urban Meyer, Mississippi State coach Dan Mullen and former Mississippi State quarterback John Bond had a telephone conversation recently to discuss the allegations.

* Meyer had an interest in this story getting out and encouraged Bond to do so.

* Mullen told the two he thought they should move on, let it go, regardless of what was being alleged. Meyer said no, that it needed to get out to the media.

* Kenny Rogers, who is alleged to have sought money, is a desperate individual that was trying to get Cam Newton to go to Mississippi State. Rogers has a checkered past that includes an ongoing investigation by the NFL.

I'll have a story up soon with more information.

This post was edited on 11/5 12:31 AM by Jeffrey Lee



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Urban Meyer will wish he'd let it go and kept his mouth shut. Cecil Newton is not gonna let this go, now, either. He's gonna stand up for his son through the lawyer he hired.

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I hope he sues urban's @$$ for enough cash to build 10 churches.... My question is why was Urban so hell bent on getting this story out there? What was the end game to all of this?

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

I wonder the same thing. I hate Bama way more than the next guy, but fans blaming them for every little thing that goes wrong in the world with absolutely no reasoning other than "they are Bama" just makes us look stupid.

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

the first half of this post is silly, the second half isnt.
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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

I wonder the same thing. I hate Bama way more than the next guy, but fans blaming them for every little thing that goes wrong in the world with absolutely no reasoning other than "they are Bama" just makes us look stupid.

Well said!

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

I wonder the same thing. I hate Bama way more than the next guy, but fans blaming them for every little thing that goes wrong in the world with absolutely no reasoning other than "they are Bama" just makes us look stupid.

Well said!

There's been an ugly battle going on between some of the principal bloggers/members at some of the pay recruiting sites - namely BamaOnLine and InsideTheAuburnTigers.  Stories about Bama's Gadsden pipeline, accusations of AU paying players, etc.  Back and forth.  I don't believe that Alabama has anything to do with this, but it's not a stretch to think that some of this same group pushed some information down to Gainesville.

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

the first half of this post is silly, the second half isnt.

Question here is, does Blakely realize what he has gotten into and come back into the fold? I hope we play UF in the SECCG and Cam goes out of bounds and takes cryer out!

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

I wonder the same thing. I hate Bama way more than the next guy, but fans blaming them for every little thing that goes wrong in the world with absolutely no reasoning other than "they are Bama" just makes us look stupid.

Well said!

There's been an ugly battle going on between some of the principal bloggers/members at some of the pay recruiting sites - namely BamaOnLine and InsideTheAuburnTigers.  Stories about Bama's Gadsden pipeline, accusations of AU paying players, etc.  Back and forth.  I don't believe that Alabama has anything to do with this, but it's not a stretch to think that some of this same group pushed some information down to Gainesville.

My viewpoint is simply that the info wasn't really "pushed" anywhere. This stuff has been floating around for months...the only difference now is bond has come out talking about it. Seeing as how both he and Rogers played at Miss. St., and Mullen used to coach at Florida, when the dots are connected there the line doesnt go through T-town. Based on known info its just a straight line from S-ville to G-ville. Trying to throw Bama into it just makes us sound silly at this point. We would be laughing at bammers doing that if the situation were reversed.

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

As much as I hate Bama, why do we keep trying to drag them into this when none of the "trusted" sources - namely JLee- has mentioned Bama at all.

I wonder the same thing. I hate Bama way more than the next guy, but fans blaming them for every little thing that goes wrong in the world with absolutely no reasoning other than "they are Bama" just makes us look stupid.

Well said!

There's been an ugly battle going on between some of the principal bloggers/members at some of the pay recruiting sites - namely BamaOnLine and InsideTheAuburnTigers.  Stories about Bama's Gadsden pipeline, accusations of AU paying players, etc.  Back and forth.  I don't believe that Alabama has anything to do with this, but it's not a stretch to think that some of this same group pushed some information down to Gainesville.

I think it makes us look much worse than "stupid"!  It makes us look ........."BAMMERISH"!!

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It is absolutely in CUM's (yes, that is intentional) interest for this to come out:

1)  He didn't kick CN off the team, but he sure made that doghouse uncomfortable.  So, in essence, he did get rid of this year's Heisman frontrunner and has been getting hammered over it.  By smearing CN now, he stops that angle from the UF alumni dead cold and the gaytor faithful now will just lump all this into the laptop issue and say CN is a criminal and it was actually a good thing that he was run off.

2)  He is in a serious fight for his program.  He has apparently recruited some very talented, but also very difficult recruits the past few years.  However, AU is doing everything right both on the field and on the recruiting trail.  AU is not only challenging him for the best in Florida now, but we are taking some of them.  He saw Blakely as the last straw, so he went NUCLEAR.  I have absolutely NO doubt that the overnight flip from Blakely being a silent AU commit to being all UF and CUM's Friday night buddy had to do with this specific "information", NO doubt!  And I suspect there will be others that he will either flip or be able to keep from committing in the first place given this latest BS.

That's my take.  WAR EAGLE!!!

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From Jeff Lee. A very well respected and trusted source!

I've spoken to two very trusted sources on the situation, and both said the following are facts:

* Florida coach Urban Meyer, Mississippi State coach Dan Mullen and former Mississippi State quarterback John Bond had a telephone conversation recently to discuss the allegations.

* Meyer had an interest in this story getting out and encouraged Bond to do so.

* Mullen told the two he thought they should move on, let it go, regardless of what was being alleged. Meyer said no, that it needed to get out to the media.

* Kenny Rogers, who is alleged to have sought money, is a desperate individual that was trying to get Cam Newton to go to Mississippi State. Rogers has a checkered past that includes an ongoing investigation by the NFL.

I'll have a story up soon with more information.

This post was edited on 11/5 12:31 AM by Jeffrey Lee



Collaboration http://auburn.247sports.com/Article/Phillips-blog-The-Urban-Meyer-connection-4928

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Urban was approached by a bammer to bring this out to discredit us, and he was

benefiting from Blakely and recruits telling them not to go to AU.

the first half of this post is silly, the second half isnt.

Question here is, does Blakely realize what he has gotten into and come back into the fold? I hope we play UF in the SECCG and Cam goes out of bounds and takes cryer out!

i just said that to someone at work :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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