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Freedom or Tyranny


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This guy said it all for me.


"A peculiar thing happened to me on my road to freedom: I hit a blockade. I realized that we had become an Orwellian society where the sheep are more than happy to give up their rights if Big Brother can guarantee their safety. I could not believe the pathetic declarations that the sheep had now begun to recite:"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." "I am willing to give up some freedom for security." What a pathetic people we have become! We have sacrificed essential freedom for security and we now had neither."

"I now desire to learn to speak with an accent and claim to be from somewhere else, anywhere but here. I am in the process of Country shopping since this one is obviously going to be bombed into oblivion soon. I can’t say that I will even feel remorseful. I look at it as doing the rest of the world a favor. Maybe the rest of the world will learn from our mistakes and grasp the true meaning of Peace, Liberty and Freedom? I am aware that talk like this will label me a terrorist; so be it. I guess in reality I am a terrorist. I support Freedom, Peace and Property, these days those are fighting words. I was once proud to be an American, now I am proud to be an Enemy of the State!"

Join the club. I truly believe there is no country to shop for because the elite control every country by the forces we bought and paid for with the illegal taxation we have been paying form years. It's a Catch 22 with the libertarians. "We are damned if we do and damned if we don't."


The best and cheapest thing to do is to just go ahead and die. It costs about $4,000 to $6,000 to escape this country of tyranny, and is a small price to pay for authority given in heaven to change the course of events that reduce or freedom on earth. I believe the people would have more power to do the right thing in heaven than on earth.


Legitimate and Illegitimate Authority

by Bob Wallace


Unfortunately, many today look to the State for that safety. The problem is that the State, being Satanic, isn't going to bring them safety. Ultimately it will bring them death and destruction. The opposite side of the welfare state at home is the warfare state abroad, in an ultimately hopeless attempt for "homeland security."

The history of the world has not always been a fight between freedom and slavery. It has also been a fight between forced submission to an illegitimate authority, and voluntary submission to legitimate ones.

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He appears to say it all for you a lot. Does he have a compound where all his followers can sit around and worship him, or is this just a personal thing for you?

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More like a follower of liberty, being that liberty is God given and not like freedom which is granted by the state. It's a personal thing I guess. Especially since all of the writing make to the website in Auburn, Alabama. Right by Eagles West apartments.


Ludwig von Mises Institute

518 West Magnolia Avenue

Auburn, Alabama 36832-4528

334.321.2100 · Phone

334.321.2119 · Fax

I just despise big government, that's all.

Oh yeah, and income taxes too.


The Origin of the Income Tax

by Adam Young

[Posted September 7, 2004]

"The freedoms won by Americans in 1776 were lost in the revolution of 1913," wrote Frank Chodorov. Indeed, a man's home used to be his castle. The income tax, however, gave the government the keys to every door and the sole right to change the locks.


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So, ... your choices are to move to another country or just die rather than live in the US under tyranny? Excellent choices, my friend -- I'm sure you'll be happier with either one. And in this instance I will act like all other Libertarians and not lift a finger to stop you or any other tyranny hater from choosing your own way.

It might behoove you to ponder why some Chinese would bother risking suffocation shut up in a shipping container for 2 weeks to escape from the communists just to live under the tyranny here. Similarly, ask yourself why Cubans would rather set out on makeshift vessels (commonly referred to as flimsy rafts by knowlegable sailors) to cross 93 miles of open water to live under oppression instead of under Castro's Workers Paradise. If you're inquisitive at all, you have to ask yourself why Mexicans & other assorted Central Americans would cross our Southwestern deserts on foot just for the chance to live here. Why? Don't they know what you & your butt-buddy know? ... that living in the USA today is Tyranny with a capital T? Another possibility is they probably know something that you can't know -- experiencing real tyranny, first hand. While you & your soul-mate writer 'country shop' for a better deal than the tyrannical US, keep these thoughts in mind. :roll:

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Did you know philosophy is an elected subject for engineer majors?

"But when he has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader."

"Has he not also another object, which is that they may be impoverished by payment of taxes, and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and therefore less likely to conspire against him? Clearly."

"And if any of them are suspected by him of having notions of freedom, and of resistance to his authority, he will have a good pretext for destroying them by placing them at the mercy of the enemy; and for all these reasons the tyrant must be always getting up a war."

You make some good points. the problem is where we are headed. Tyranny begins in the inaction of the citizenry to control their government. When government controls every aspect of the life of it's subject then you have the characteristics of tyranny. A subverted constitution is evident of a trannical society in the beginning stages.

Noun 1. tyranny - a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

Big Government, Big Bully - "If you're not with us, then you are with the terrorists."

2. tyranny - dominance through threat of punishment and violence


And does not tyranny spring from democracy in the same manner as democracy from oligarchy--I mean, after a sort?

Yes, with a will.

And when they have emptied and swept clean the soul of him who is now in their power and who is being initiated by them in great mysteries, the next thing is to bring back to their house insolence and anarchy and waste and impudence in bright array having garlands on their heads, and a great company with them, hymning their praises and calling them by sweet names; insolence they term breeding, and anarchy liberty, and waste magnificence, and impudence courage. And so the young man passes out of his original nature, which was trained in the school of necessity, into the freedom and libertinism of useless and unnecessary pleasures.

Yes, he said, the change in him is visible enough.

After this he lives on, spending his money and labour and time on unnecessary pleasures quite as much as on necessary ones; but if he be fortunate, and is not too much disordered in his wits, when years have elapsed, and the heyday of passion is over-- supposing that he then re-admits into the city some part of the exiled virtues, and does not wholly give himself up to their successors--in that case he balances his pleasures and lives in a sort of equilibrium, putting the government of himself into the hands of the one which comes first and wins the turn; and when he has had enough of that, then into the hands of another; he despises none of them but encourages them all equally.

Very true, he said.

Neither does he receive or let pass into the fortress any true word of advice; if any one says to him that some pleasures are the satisfactions of good and noble desires, and others of evil desires, and that he ought to use and honour some and chastise and master the others--whenever this is repeated to him he shakes his head and says that they are all alike, and that one is as good as another.

Yes, he said; that is the way with him.

Yes, I said, he lives from day to day indulging the appetite of the hour; and sometimes he is lapped in drink and strains of the flute; then he becomes a water-drinker, and tries to get thin; then he takes a turn at gymnastics; sometimes idling and neglecting everything, then once more living the life of a philosopher; often he-is busy with politics, and starts to his feet and says and does whatever comes into his head; and, if he is emulous of any one who is a warrior, off he is in that direction, or of men of business, once more in that. Download the easiest screen capture (print screen) program. Free trial His life has neither law nor order; and this distracted existence he terms joy and bliss and freedom; and so he goes on.

Yes, he replied, he is all liberty and equality.

Yes, I said; his life is motley and manifold and an epitome of the lives of many;--he answers to the State which we described as fair and spangled. And many a man and many a woman will take him for their pattern, and many a constitution and many an example of manners is contained in him.

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BF, aren't you missing a Dungeons and Dragons game somewhere?  You must be living in a fantasy world...  :blink:

All his posts should be in Random Ramblings.....

With a huge emphasis on RAMBLING!

Come to think of it, RANDOM is a good term too. :rolleyes:

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BF, aren't you missing a Dungeons and Dragons game somewhere? You must be living in a fantasy world... :blink:
BF, aren't you missing a Dungeons and Dragons game somewhere?  You must be living in a fantasy world...   :blink:

All his posts should be in Random Ramblings.....

With a huge emphasis on RAMBLING!

Come to think of it, RANDOM is a good term too. :rolleyes:

In know yous guys are too busy to read. I know you probably did not take philosophy in school, but it's never too late to learn . Just ask G.W. Bush. :P


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Guys, why do you even respond to his moronic rantings? That is what he wants. BF is either one of two things. (1) He really is not as crazy as he comes across, but is really a level headed guy, but just makes these stupid posts to just get a reaction or (2) he really is a freakin' lunatic. Either way, why waste the time in responding? ;)

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Guys, why do you even respond to his moronic rantings? That is what he wants. BF is either one of two things. (1) He really is not as crazy as he comes across, but is really a level headed guy, but just makes these stupid posts to just get a reaction or (2) he really is a freakin' lunatic. Either way, why waste the time in responding? ;)

STFU Ranger 12! You, and people like you, are part of the problem.

I'm not a lunatic or heavily dependent on responses. I'm just a lover of freedom and sick of big government. BTW, did you get what you voted for in 2000 with Dumbya?

Regardless of who is in office the freaking communist control our government. When will we break from the two party system? Probably never, because American just don't care or even know there is a problem.


"When are you folks going to wake up? The Communist government of the United States has been tearing away at your civil rights slowly, but consistently for decades. Yet, most Americans live under the illusion that they live in the freest country in the world. Laughable"

"Look, you are either 100% dedicated totally and completely to freedom or you are not. There is no in-between. When you start making rules that marginalize habits and rights of people, then you are exhibiting Communist tendencies."

"I am for freedom. I am not for limited freedom. When you start putting limits on freedom, then it is the road to Communism. For me to want any sort of rules made by the government on behavior by people – who do not interfere with others, would be completely hypocritical... Not only hypocritical, it would be a form of Communism. There are no two ways about it. You are either for freedom or you are not."

Entire Article...

It's so secret we can't talk about it.


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Regardless of who is in office the freaking communist control our government.

"When are you folks going to wake up? The Communist government of the United States has been tearing away at your civil rights slowly, but consistently for decades. Yet, most Americans live under the illusion that they live in the freest country in the world. Laughable"

Wow, i used to try to read through BF's posts...but after those two statements, I think I'll pass in the future. I think you just proved Ranger right...

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Regardless of who is in office the freaking communist control our government.

"When are you folks going to wake up? The Communist government of the United States has been tearing away at your civil rights slowly, but consistently for decades. Yet, most Americans live under the illusion that they live in the freest country in the world. Laughable"

Wow, i used to try to read through BF's posts...but after those two statements, I think I'll pass in the future. I think you just proved Ranger right...

That is quite a "Manchurian Canidate" type of statement.

"Ahh! They're all out to get us!"

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