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Colin Cowturd.........................


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Colin took some what of a diffrent stance today, saying he did not wont to get into accusing Cam Newton.

(Leading me to further believe there is nothing there. As if I had a doubt anyway.)

Colin, however did take shots at the South and southern football fans as well as commenting on why would someone come after Auburn, saying we were small time program in comparison to Alabama. >:(

(Butt covering his pals in crime)

Is it just me or does Colin Cowturd look like the satanic love child of the Keebler Elf and Joan Rivers?  ;D

Just a little mood lightener.

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Colin has never liked Auburn. He's always loved Alabama and quite frankly, he knows nothing about SEC football.

I love his radio show "The Herd" because he knows his baseball. But college football isn't his best subject.

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Guest midnight

Colin has never liked Auburn. He's always loved Alabama and quite frankly, he knows nothing about SEC football.

I love his radio show "The Herd" because he knows his baseball. But college football isn't his best subject.

i thought he loved us whe tubbs was our coach
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Colin just wants to entertain people, if you watched his segment yesterday on SportsNation you could see he was a load of crap on the issue. He knows nothing about this and likes Alabama way more than us(ever since Tubs left at least). He's an "okay" dude, but I don't like hearing his opinion on football.

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Isn't he the one who said we were way better than the 8 or 9 wins people were predicting for us before the season?

You are correct sir, but Herby did the same thing. It's like there bandwagon fans that left when we're still winning.

The over/under if i remember correctly was 8.5.  Wish I could go back and put some money on that.  :rolleyes:

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Guest midnight

I wouldn't say he is necessarily an Alabama lover. He's just a big $aban fan. He's also a big USC fan and a Bill Belichick/Tom Brady fan.

i've heard him fall in love with notre dam and nebraska too
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Just sent him an email. Let's see if he has the b@lls to talk about the facts I sent him.

Probably not, his nads are probably the size of 1 bb.

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Maybe its just me but I watch ESPN a pretty good bit, and have noticed that when a story they have reported turns out to be false. All of their anchors will begin to jump to the other side and you won't hear anything else about it on sportscenter. I hope that this is the turning point and maybe we can all get back to just watching Auburn march its way to a NC.

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Just as I thought. He is putting these idiotic fans on there and reading their emails. I'm sure there have been many emails like mine sent to him. He blames Auburn fans for attacking the socalled media. Then he turns right around and attacks the south, Auburn, and southern media.

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He's really not an Alabama lover. He's actually pretty tough on them, before last year he told them to win a big game and you might get some respect.

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Isn't he the one who said we were way better than the 8 or 9 wins people were predicting for us before the season?

Yes he is.

I listen to Cowherd pretty regularly. Here is my take on him. He is very very opinionated, but when it comes to ANY sport, all he does is regurgitate what he hears for one of the ESPN "experts" in that sport.

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You are correct sir, but Herby did the same thing. It's like there bandwagon fans that left when we're still winning.

Herb is just looking at teams that are undefeated.He likes us,but LOVES Boise.The conversation has been talked about alot but I'm just saying....Corso is the only one who loves us. :'( Let's hope he doesn't pick us on GameDay at home.The Corso Curse has been tough on us through the years.He picked us in the Clemson game,and boy,did we have a dandy. :o Now.....LET'S WIN OUT UP TO THE SECCG!   :happydance:

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