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Fairley Question


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What is the likelihood of Nick Fairley being disciplined by the SEC for the hit on Murray's back?  I only ask due to the incident with the MSU player who was disciplined by the league for his unsportsmanlike call and hit.  I know this topic is discussed in other threads, but I have not seen an answer to the question.  Also, people need to quit whining about him driving with his shoulder.  That is LEGAL in the NCAA, it would be illegal in the NFL, but last time I looked he still plays at Auburn.  Thanks for the input. WDE!

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Very slim. He only did 1 illegal play and got a penalty for it. The play where Murray got hurt was not his fault. He would get a warning if anything and we probably wouldn't even know.

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There won't be action taken against him, but he played dirty Sat. and I didn't like it. He took a couple of cheap shots on Murray, and Richt and UGA fans have every right to be upset. I don't think he's a dirty player, and it's laughable that UGA fans think it was a one-sided job. That offensive line was holding him nearly every play and trying to chop block him all night. But Fairley needs to quit taking those shots well after the ball is out of the QB's hand. You have to admit this if you're an AU fan. I don't want his excellent play to be overshadowed of talks that he's dirty.

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Very slim. He only did 1 illegal play and got a penalty for it. The play where Murray got hurt was not his fault. He would get a warning if anything and we probably wouldn't even know.

That shot WAS Fairley's fault but it is hard to prove.  He made a lunge that was out of the realm of where he was falling and what made it worse was his celebration the next play.

Fairley has been getting worse and taking more risks every week, his ego seems to be growing and he needs a reality check whether that be sat for a game or just a ton of laps.

I know that a solid 99% of you guys don't agree with me but if it happened to one of our guys we would be calling for a suspension, no matter what led to it.  Murray is an 18 or 19 year old kid with a bright future and Fairley could have taken the kid out with one of two dirty shots that could have sat the kid for good.

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There won't be action taken against him, but he played dirty Sat. and I didn't like it. He took a couple of cheap shots on Murray, and Richt and UGA fans have every right to be upset. I don't think he's a dirty player, and it's laughable that UGA fans think it was a one-sided job. That offensive line was holding him nearly every play and trying to chop block him all night. But Fairley needs to quit taking those shots well after the ball is out of the QB's hand. You have to admit this if you're an AU fan. I don't want his excellent play to be overshadowed of talks that he's dirty.

I think we are too fast and loose with the word dirty and cheap. While I do not presume to know what is in Nick's head, I do not think he has the intention of hurting the QB. If he did, that would indeed be a cheap shot or a dirty shot. Do I think he is very aggressive? Yep. Do I think that sometimes he is right on the edge, bordering on too aggressive? Yep. Do I think he got frustrated by all the holding and chop blocking -you bet. But I do NOT think he was purposely trying to hurt anyone and as long as that is the case, I will defend him as a player with a non-stop motor who can't be blocked and who plays extremely hard on every play - but NOT dirty!!


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There won't be action taken against him, but he played dirty Sat. and I didn't like it. He took a couple of cheap shots on Murray, and Richt and UGA fans have every right to be upset. I don't think he's a dirty player, and it's laughable that UGA fans think it was a one-sided job. That offensive line was holding him nearly every play and trying to chop block him all night. But Fairley needs to quit taking those shots well after the ball is out of the QB's hand. You have to admit this if you're an AU fan. I don't want his excellent play to be overshadowed of talks that he's dirty.

Anytime a DT hits like Fairley you can almost count on him being called dirty by opposing fans. Dirty play is Brandon Spikes trying to poke Ealey's eyes. Dirty play is not Fairley hitting and punishing like he does. Has he had some late hits? Sure. Happens to most teams in most games though. Its not unique to Fairley in the least bit. He is without a doubt the most feared lineman in the SEC, and I love that about him. Before the game Murray (half) joked that he would ask Nick to please not kill him. He didn't have many tackles or any sacks, but he was dominant in that game even while being held and chop blocked. The coaches will get on him about cutting out the late hits as they should, but no way will they get on him about cutting out the vicious hits. That is football in the trenches. The line is coached by Tracy Rocker. That line wants to be feared.

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Very slim. He only did 1 illegal play and got a penalty for it. The play where Murray got hurt was not his fault. He would get a warning if anything and we probably wouldn't even know.

That shot WAS Fairley's fault but it is hard to prove.  He made a lunge that was out of the realm of where he was falling and what made it worse was his celebration the next play.

Fairley has been getting worse and taking more risks every week, his ego seems to be growing and he needs a reality check whether that be sat for a game or just a ton of laps.

I know that a solid 99% of you guys don't agree with me but if it happened to one of our guys we would be calling for a suspension, no matter what led to it.  Murray is an 18 or 19 year old kid with a bright future and Fairley could have taken the kid out with one of two dirty shots that could have sat the kid for good.

Every D-Lineman tries to knock players on their butt. And it is just as cheap for Georgia's linemen trying to chop block Fairley every play even before the late hit. They can put him out and mess him up for life by ripping up his knee. He is a big person and they don't recover like slim people do with knee injuries. Georgia was called for late hitting and chop blocking so it ain't one way. You won't find a team anywhere that doesn't do cheap stuff. But all of sudden Auburn and Fairley are the dirties players in the world.

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I think everybody needs to forget that Fairly was being punched, eye gouged, and kicked on nearly every play that he was on the ground. The late hit was absolutely a personal foul. I DVR the game and went back and watched the game. Stopped it on certain plays. All I will say is NF was attacked from beginning to the end. He needs to be talked to but let's hope that he makes legal BONE CRUSHING hits and tackles on uat QBs.

:beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet:

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For the most part he does. People forget that last year he barely played mainly because he wasn't giving enough effort when he was in there. This year he has flipped the switch to "beast mode-ON" and doesnt stop until he hits/tackles somebody. Of the options of lazy or full speed I think we'll all choose full speed.

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I think everybody needs to forget that Fairly was being punched, eye gouged, and kicked on nearly every play that he was on the ground. The late hit was absolutely a personal foul. I DVR the game and went back and watched the game. Stopped it on certain plays. All I will say is NF was attacked from beginning to the end. He needs to be talked to but let's hope that he makes legal BONE CRUSHING hits and tackles on uat QBs.

:beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet:

I just want to see Greg flinging the ball to the ground every other play like a sissy, just like Murray.

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SEC office will do anything they can to help Lil Nicky. I wouldn't be surprised if they got Fairley for a suspension.

I would not expect any help on the bogus ejections or suspension of players.  Referees were clearly biased to UGay.  I counted at least 5 UGay players taking swings or punching at AU players, but NONE of them were ejected.  Also, UGay players left bench to engage our players which is clearly against the rules and they should ALL be suspended.  SEC office should not suspend our two players but Slive is not man enough to do the right thing.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Cam gets a suspension for putting a beat down on the Ugay defense.

WDE and Beat Bama!

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Guys, Saturday was a game to release a lot of pent up anger, frustration, not to mention revenge from 4 straight loses. You younger guys may not realize it, but AU/UGA is just as fierce and nasty a rivally as the Iron Bowl and has been for years.  Nick was cut and Chopped Blocked on every play, he was the one that was the target, and after 3+ quarters of it , the team just got tired of it.

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SEC office will do anything they can to help Lil Nicky. I wouldn't be surprised if they got Fairley for a suspension.

I would not expect any help on the bogus ejections or suspension of players.  Referees were clearly biased to UGay.  I counted at least 5 UGay players taking swings or punching at AU players, but NONE of them were ejected.  Also, UGay players left bench to engage our players which is clearly against the rules and they should ALL be suspended.  SEC office should not suspend our two players but Slive is not man enough to do the right thing.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Cam gets a suspension for putting a beat down on the Ugay defense.

WDE and Beat Bama!

The UGA players started the fight by jumping on Fairley while laying on the field. They had taken at least two shots at Newton that were very late and nothing called. The officials let this get away and Georgia`s staff didn`t help. Richt prancing around waving papers at the officials was ridiculous.

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It's kind of funny to hear all of our opposition scream that Fairly is "dirty", yet they ALL wish he played for their team!.......WDE Fairly!

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Almost zilch.  I would be very surprised.  The MSU player left his feet for a helmet to helmet head plant.  Very stupid. 

I, like many others, are tired of this Fairley beat down.  Fairley has a style that actually keeps from injuring other players.  He's 300+ and very fast, and he tends to wrap you up high and fall on you.  Kind of knock the breath out of you.  If he's going down he stretches with his arms to sweep feet.  His style doesn't include the head-down shoulder to chest plants or the mid-section lift and auger-them-into-the-ground hits that so many of his peers are fond of.  If Fairley did that, he'd end careers.  The arky helmet/helmet and this ga helmet/knee were both situations of bad luck.  He is stout and those hist, which would be unfortunate casual bumps for others, are  actually hurts because of Fairley size. 

You know, what I'd really like to see is his position film for the year.  There is not a running back in the NCAA that has been tackled more than Nick Fairley this year.  I'd like to see the film on him for the year just to see the stuff (insert strong word of choice here) he's had to put up with.  If you want to throw around the dirty - you can use Nick Fairley.  But he's not the one dirty - so many times they come at him dirty.  Well maybe not all dirty, but they sure push the bounds.  Most of the time, Fairley is only out of a play if he's on the ground.  So the double teams go over/under or unbalanced bookend on him.  He's so good it's unfair - it's the only equalizer they have. 

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NF played a great game with the exception of the Personnel Foul which penalized not only the defense but resulted in points which should not be tolerated.  One thing I think the SEC should take into consideration is the playing calling by GA for running a play at NF down by 18 to go after NF; especially the offensive lineman.  UNSAT.

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It should also be noted the Ugay was trying to CUT block our Fairley and our other defensive lineman and were lucky they were only got one 15 yard penalty for that during the game.

WDE and Beat Bama!

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