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About Hopsing

  • Birthday November 4

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  • Interests
    Auburn Tigers, Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves, BBQ
  • Location
    St. Johns, Fla.
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  1. It’s a shame anyone cares he’s not coming! Yes he would be good to have on board, but he appears to be one of those we ain’t gonna get!
  2. Kind of like OL recruiting.🤷‍♂️
  3. dealers typically put some miles on some so they can be sold as demos, or were in rental fleet.
  4. ^ This. Lived there 45 years, and moved in 2007. Constantly back for work, and family. That assessment is spot on!
  5. Don’t call them THUGA for no reason!
  6. Happy 4th everyone. 😀🎁🥃
  7. In your analysis to humor the misspelling of a key word in a key topic that touches every reader of this forum you made ME laugh!
  8. No way! This is hard to believe! 🤣
  9. My AOL dial up struggles some but gets there after a while! 😄
  10. That’s funny right there,I don’t care who you are!
  11. This is great! I’m reading these responses and laughing out loud. Wife wants to know what’s so funny! She won’t understand.
  12. Well, 1 has sports, and the other enables murder! Wait!
  13. Just from a curious standpoint with no way to honestly know, but I wonder how this would be if he was still coaching at UW, or went anywhere else but Turdistan!
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